After the Xbox launch I really dont see a reason why PC players are forced into crossplay

Remove this please. You can not play this game properly with a controler. The people picking this up are not some apex veterans that could pull off the movement and aiming this game requires. And even if they all were, you cant do the same as with kbm. There is a giant influx of ppl with barely over lvl 30 in mealstorm missions that are utterly useless. Yesterday a friend of mine got blown of the map and had the chance to spectate one of these. Its laughable what their player perspective looks like. And then you realize, its someone fumbling about with a thumbstick.

Not to mention several occasions of hotmics over the weekend. I dont see why steam players are forced inton this, and the other side has the option to turn this off. They should be the ones forced into it if anything.


It was pretty much a rerelease of the game. You have new Xbox fanbase and Xbox V2 players coming to the game, as well as PC players who realized Darktide was bad early on and waited for it to improve. Anyone who has been doing Auric runs and is proficient at them is, naturally, suddenly matching with people who NEED practice before they can actually complete a Auric HiSTG.

I used to play V2 on Xbox and started playing DT with the class overhaul. It took some time to adjust to Darktide but I have countless Damnation completions and a dozen or so Auric completions. The runs I fail the most consistently are with Xbox players who didn’t adjust their sensitivity settings and can’t handle melee combat. I get where you’re coming from, but the settings to make this game controller viable are there, just as they were in V2. Hell, I play Veteran in this game and I nearly gave up cause I sucked at aiming so bad. Now I’m wrecking with any gun with ease. I think the main issue is decent players pick up the game on controller and are pretty much nerfed by the horrible, horrible, default controller settings.


Atleast they should display if the person is on steam or console in the prep-phase.

But yeah, being able to deactivate crossplay would be great.


Even if I come off as rude, I fully agree!

So, before the update, when we were down to about 4k players, I could win 9/10 Auric Damnation Hi-STG and most Auric Maelstrom games on all four of my classes.

Recently, I’ve had to work extra hard or be extremely lucky with my randos because two of them typically die at the start and leave. If the two of us who are left manage to go past the beginning and obtain reinforcements, one of us typically drops down about ten times during the run and is completely useless.

The game was much better with 2k-4k concurrent players as their skill level is much higher, they are the “true” playerbase/fanbase, and it’s fun to play with people at your skill level and you can learn some new tricks by watching them.

Sorry for my opinion, but crossplay made the game much worse.

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As far as I know, xbox/gamepass can opt out of crossplay in your Microsoft settings according to the old crossplay FAQ when it first launched back in July, go have a check on it here

Unfortunately for us on steam, we can’t opt out, all my games so far have been going fine on Damnation+ I don’t think “bullying” helps anyone


Cry me a river baby
So funny how you are always crying about Xbox players. A steam player could also be using a controller and you wouldn’t even notice
I also used a controller on pc and especially for melee it makes much more fun. And damnation was no problem now with the patch it’s even easier.
And the players who f**k up most of the time by attacking demon hosts or running around alone or by shooting bombers while they are in melee range are mostly steam players.
So stop crying and just improve your own skills and gameplay, sounds like it could use some improvement.


i relate to your anger, but they need more players or the game would feel empty, anyways, bots are better, if you have at least 1 friend, play with those

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DUde NO, i’ve met one in the past, i’ve noticed him i’ll tell you, we have all noticed him, he was a vet with lasgun, never equipped his melee and when i was dead, i was spectating him, it was moving his sight as if his mouse was dipped in honey

So you were dead ? Sounds like you messed up ….


SO what, what if someone messes up, are you perfect?, doesn’t change the fact that he was a heavy burden to the team, its like playing with a bot that can’t defend himself against melee attacks

standing back and leaving all the players die, of course i was too taken by surviving that i didn’t notice before, but then a dog caught me, i was sure and safe because he was right beside me, he wasn’t moving, he wasn’t dodging anything, he could have just hit him once with his melee and i would have carried the rest of the game for him, but no, the dog was too far from the way he was aiming with his rifle, i couldn’t bother changing weapon or god forbid aiming down to hit the dog, i stood there for 10 seconds at less than 2 meters from him, he was in melee range while all this unfolded

i’ll never forget that game, it was many months ago, it was in power matrix map, on the footbridge between the two upstairs paths in the big room

then of course me and the rest of the dead team started looking at him, and we all noticed somthing was off, the his camera was moving in a honey jar and all the rest


no I already messed up myself. But look, a new PC gamer knows nothing about adjusting his mouse or make new keybinds. He has to learn that. If his DPI is to low you can have exactly the same result as with a controller and Standart settings. Also I met a lot of steam players who never used their melee weapon and died because of that, so it happens on all platforms. So it’s more about bad players and not the controller or platform they are playing on. So just help them or give them tips or simply block them… problem solved. Be happy for every new player after this catastrophic game launch


Many months ago ? So he was a PC player… great so you have no idea if he really used a controller or if he had connection problems or just his first shooter game ever ? Or it was a steam player with a controller. So an option for you to not crossplay with Xbox wouldn’t change anything right ? Because you will still meet bad players on steam… great :+1:

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the map was damnation difficulty, it was already his fault for clicking on it in the first place, anyways i agree on crossplay, this game was dying, and without customizable bots like vermintide it just cannot afford low population

plus i don’t care about the challenge, and i’ve always been the type that knows that he has to be ready to play the map by himself to complete the mission

but nothing change the fact that i understand OP’s rage better than most


we were 100% sure he was using a controller on a PC, he also admitted it so


Okay but that also shows again that the main problem is not the platform or the crossplay.

  1. Controller settings are pretty bad and were even worse at the beginning.
    Auto-aim is terrible in this game and I turned it off and I get much better results. I adjusted every single setting for controller. So fatshark should maybe do something about the controller settings.
  2. in the last days I had so many games with lvl 25 characters joining damnation, that’s another problem. Every noob is now running damnation and still most of the games i run are with steam players.

So let’s be honest it’s not a crossplay problem, it’s a matchmaking problem, a controller settings problem, new player can very easily and quickly play damnation games problem

And in your case it was a bad pc gamer who wanted to use a controller and joins damnation before he was even able to use that damn controller. So just block him and you will never meet him again


I don’t care to play with GP player on PC, however I have a problem with console players. I precise, I have a console but would never play something with an FPS interface on this device.

The problem is 100% crossplay.
The game was way more fun before the console release because you had players playing at your level, as others said. Now it’s mostly damnation console tourists barely able to stay alive. Yes there are PC players returning but they at least manage to adjust after a few games.

You can literally tell when a player is using a controller because of their trash movement and inability to quickly turn around and take snipes. It’s especially noticeable with the influx of bad veteran players unable to snipe a single special or disabler before an Ogryn or Zealot can get them, despite also fending off a horde simultaneously.

The game just became really tiresome when playing pub games because 9/10 times you have to carry half a team and it’s just draining. Especially when a lvl 31 or 37 guy joines AND plays on controller.

None of this would be an issue if steam players could opt out of crossplay. There’s a reason I play on PC.


Truer words were never spoken! :100:


The things you mention, that define skill to you, makes it seem as if you have a very limited understanding of gameplay mechanics. You are literally unable to perform the required inputs with enough apm on a controller. Its not even a comparrison. Even if youre using pedals and rings and are very skilled with a controller, like 99% of the console players are not, you will still just be able to make up for the severe limitations of the input device. Then youre on the level of an average kbm user while being in the top 1 percentile of controller user.

I’ve spectated enough console players to see than any kind of reasonably precise shooting with a controller is next to impossible in DT.
Sure, they kinda can do melee fine, but that’s about all.

More than one console player in a team usually spells defeat unless it’s a difficulty where remaining non-console players can simply carry the game on their own, with practically no help from console players.

thats fascinating. Most of the time i play with 3 random steam players, you are making it sound like there are only Xbox players left…so who would care for 2000 steamplayers anyway?
The Skilltree patch made a huge balance change and thats the main reason why everyone is running damnation now, the new xbox players are just on top.
Most of the fails during matches are bad positioning or bad teamplay or not beeing able to use their abilities, mainly steamplayer who think they are ready for damnation.
Maybe if you struggle so much with your games and your gameplay then maybe i should help you and carry you ?

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