Disabling Crossplay

We need an option to opt-out of crossplay. The PC and console communities are like oil and water and do not mix well.


….But have you seen my video?

Let’s talk about that

Your personal performance is offtopic.


That’s a cute anecdote but it’s off topic.


They can suck, they can be awesome, it’s irrelevant: We should be able to opt-out of crossplay.


Hopefully they add it soon! I’m turning that stuff off as soon as I see it. Can’t stand em personally

I have to ask though…are you a console player?

While I think being able to disable crossplay should be an options if Xbox players get it, it makes me sad seeing the players rip each other apart. It’s not neccassary or warranted. And it hurts the game more than it helps, even if there are new console players who think they can jump from Heresy to Auric Damnation.


You’d be surprised how many games I finish and am surprised its a console player who did well and a PC player who was trash.

I think its fine but would like an opt out to see what the next excuse will be.

eats popcorns

The game is 1 month old for new console players, I’m sure you were not the CHAD 1 month into the tide experience.

*(2 months old on console)


There’s no way to differentiate them from PC players using the microsoft store. But it doesn’t really matter. Players should have the option to opt out of crossplay.

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Let’s not go down this road again :sob:

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Agree with your statement but isn’t it 2 months old now? (It took longer than that for me to get good at the game).

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When I thought about the cross play feature I realized the core issue is in the difficulty progression. The game allows new players to jump into diff5. The issue has nothing to do with crossplay and everything to do with the learning curve and the games ability to teach the curve at an appropriate rate.

Again, I support your OP idea of having this option be opt-able, but do not think its the issue. Plus, the question then becomes (for me) how many players would like queue times to be longer if the base is split? Which leads me down another road to lobby timers and other topics we have been peeling back with no reply for months now.

I highly encourage everyone to check topics already posted before throwing up the same topic over and over.

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Realistically, I’d imagine less than 1% of the player base would turn cross play off. I think it’d affect their playtime more than anyone else…but I’m basing that off really nothing lol

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Yup, which is why I don’t care if its implemented. it’s not the issue (from my persepective) and will wait to hear what the next problem that is ruining and causing uninstalls to happen (never to return!, end of days!) will be.

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Yes, the visual clutter is kind of absurd.

Also mind the players that bind Tag to Left Click!

Omg now ya got me going!

What a lazy way of subconsciously acknowledging bad game design🤪

I think queue times wouldn’t be significantly impacted, unless the Steam player base did a mass exodus to opt out. I know there’s a vocal cohort (and I suspect there would be more in addition to those people), but I feel like a majority of Steam players would need to opt out to negatively affect the crossplay matchmaking pool.

Following the discussion from the previous thread, it’s likely that each platform would get it’s own crossplay-off matchmaker, so you wouldn’t even have access to the entirety of your platform’s player base.

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