After the crafting Update, Good Enough?

To assist @FatsharkCatfish and fatshark in general, we need to provide them with some numbers. Patch #12 introduced shared currencies and some changes to crafting. Instead of only being able to change one perk and one blessing, you can now change both perks (locking both blessings) or both blessings (locking both perks).

Is this enough of a change for you to consider that the crafting issues presented by people are resolved for you?

  • I never had an issue with crafting
  • Yes, the changes in patch 12 have resolved all of my issues
  • Patch 12 has solved most/enough of my issues I am “content” with the changes and find them tolerable.
  • No patch 12 has not solved my issues, it is better, but still not enough.
  • Patch 12 barely changed anything. Crafting is still a major issue/deterrent for me.
0 voters

More of an additional thing here:

What would it take for you to be content, at a minimum with the crafting system in the game?

  • Red weapons that have no locks
  • You can upgrade the tiers but not the types, of locked blessings/perks.
  • You can upgrade all base items to “max” which is 380 (The “flawless” method.) Potentially remove allocated points and place them elsewhere
  • Give some way of acquiring max curios and weapons, maybe change melks random rolls to guarantee specific weapons but at max value with base modifiers. Brunt’s stays for ordos and blessing farming, melks for good base items.
  • Make it so that what you change is what gets locked. This means you can change all perks and blessings, but only once.
  • Just remove the locks. Or have a cost to remove them until you change something again.
  • I don’t want a crafting system at all, I just want weapons with the same stats
  • Passive XP/Farming or challenges to spend that XP into upgrades into weapons or to remove locks.
  • I am fine with crafting as is before or after patch 12 and I am already content with it.
0 voters

We were promised an improvement upon the V2 system (which allows every single item to be made perfect, has no locks and enables players to change the equivalent of perks and blessings as many times as they want) with more player agency and better progression.
The system was supposed to avoid randomization and repetitive actions.

This is what is needed to give us what was promised, and to solve the issues with gear acquisition and ressource imbalances:

  • add option to buy blessings of choice for diamantine
    (circumvents bad rng with blessing acquisition)
  • add option to permanently remove locks for diamantine
    (prevents “bricking” of items, allows to freely swap between builds and reduces inventory clutter)
  • add option to gradually upgrade all modifiers to 100 for diamantine
    (circumvents bad rng with brunt, adds progression and reduces inventory clutter)
  • remove diamantine cost from consecration
    (consecration is an rng system and should not cost any diamantine)

I would certainely not say that the crafting system has no flaw… however, none of the point you have put are things I think is needed.

I want that they correct the main flaw of crafting system, how to obtain a good base weapon (aka Brunt’s problem). I would like also that crafting needs less resources.
So I would summarize my proposition by: “I want crafting to be easier to craft more”

I would not be against red weapons, but not with a no lock system (as I don’t think it would happen).

Re: The passive XP farming option that you mentioned on the poll. Darktide should give players something for amassing XP after reaching level 30. The Vermintide equivalent of this is the commendation chest you get every levelup, but the Darktide version could be the same emperor gift you get after a mission.

This would also serve as a consolation prize because this way you can amass XP and still get loot roles even if you ultimately fail a mission. The same way most melk contracts track progress from losing missions.

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My biggest issue with the crafting system, isn’t anything you describe, tho it emerges from these issues…

its time waste, i don’t want to sit around and waste a hour to get a weapon that’s barely any better,
with resources i already spend hours upon hours collecting.
i don’t really care how they solve this, as long as crafting becomes a 5minute deal im sanguine


I did put that as two options. Either upgrading bases after acquiring them or melks as an equivalent to brunts but with melk bucks and the weapons are always max base.


I want to be able to modify the stats.

Maybe with points shifting around or something like that.

Depending on the weapon, there are some with high mobility, where I rather would have high stability and such…


Gives us the Aethanor system, in wich we can freely choose whatever we want, but based on how much it differs to the base gun it gets more expensive.

double down on this with moddable attachments


My main issue is that the next update they are gonna give us giant talent trees, with infinite respecs so we can do the actual fun stuff in the tide games which is playing, getting better, and experimenting with many builds. However, those will surely require matching weapons and with the current system that’s not fun to grind.

If you spend enough money and time on a weapon, you should be able to change them unlimited times too, just like the system they had for the weaves in Vermintide 2. And for long term, maybe add xp bonus or challenges to increase a small % of the stats as some type of weapon expertise or veterancy. This game doesn’t need a million RNG systems to keep players engaged, it already has the best hybrid melee gameplay in any FPS game ever!

The crafting is better now than the awful thing we had at launch, but it still doesn’t belong in the game because so many good alternatives could replace it. It’s such a shame that it’s still dragging the game down after a year. I’ve recently installed the weapon customization mod and those things could be integrated into the new system too, it probably was part of it during the game’s development but had to be rushed.


Good poll. The suggested improvements didn’t really cover what I’d personally like to see so I’ll elaborate on them here.

  1. More currency, mostly plasteel, other currencies seem to come fast enough. On a similar note boost Heresy materials drops to match Damnation, so as to not force people into Damnation for farming.

  2. An actual use for diamante. Conversion to plasteel would suffice.

  3. RNG protection when building blessing library. Trying to make a decent club recently and in my pursuit for haymaker 4 I saw T4 confident strike 5 times before seeing any level of haymaker. That sucks, please increase likelihood of getting blessings you don’t already have in your sticker book.

  4. Less garbage blues in the armory. Pretty self explanatory. They should have higher tiers of blessing and perk on average.

Those would basically do it for me.


Is it possible to insert blessings from other weapons if both perks are chosen (changed, whatever)?

Currently? No. If both perks are changed both blessings are locked.

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Finish the item system and we can make a judgment call on it. You still can’t make curios, there’s no agency for simply obtaining blessings or quality weapons at any time; the Brunt’s Armory is an absolutely offensive inclusion in the game because of how ridiculous the Gaussian curve is on it. The item modifier stats belie absolutely nothing for actual variety, only disqualifying more gear. The majority of blessings are clearly unfinished. There are 80% useless perks, even without a ‘meta’ analysis of the game. If you made something like ‘weakspot damage’ add like 1-2 points of damage, you didn’t even make a real perk or interesting choice. You seriously need to finish this, if you want me to do something other than tear it apart for being woefully unfinished.


It’s absolutely pointless to have a crafting system to begin with.

It fills no function and doesn’t make the game any better or incentivize me to play Darktide more.

The reason I play Darktide constantly and have over 1000s hours is because I am addicted to the gameplay.

My proposal is as always; weapons should have locked stats. So a Revolver for example that i play always have the same stats.

We the players, should be able to change the Blessings whenever we want because the Blessings is the only part of a weaponthat actually matters and is interesting.

Perks and % stats are throway properties that are both uninteresting and pointless outside of baiting people into believing that they matter, have any real impact.


My actual issue is that i cannot acquire blessings i want. I have to gamble to get them. If i want a specific blessing for a specific weapon i am just playing the hope game.

I can deal with not always getting 380s and i can even live with the occasional brick (though this feels silly to me to even worry about since i just wana play the game).


I got most of mine due to the bug making it a lot easier.

Every single thing that we can spend diamantine on, also costs plasteel.
Your suggestion is basically equivalent to simply removing diamantine from existence.

That’s why I said would “suffice”. At least it wouldn’t just be stockpiling with no use. I was listing what would make me “content” after all. Obviously you could find better uses for it than just conversion.

I want changing any of the two blessings or perks each time to require spending rarely dropped crafting materials. That frontloads the RNG into the actual gameplay instead of backloading it into the slot machine shops and gives full control over the weapon build you want to try while still having a cost.

Honestly it’s just really weird that the crafting is isolated from the actual gameloop the way it is. Who wants to sit in a shop pulling an RNG lever? The best way to do crafting is with drops from dopamine inducing victories over difficult challenges in the actual game. “YOU DEFEATED THIS REALLY HARD BOSS HERE IS YOUR SPECIAL RARE REWARD!” etc etc. Like, that feels good, whereas shop lever pulling does not.


agree, i don’t mind semi random loot in hack and slash games…