Patience in your review of the the "complete game"

With the announcement of the crafting system being implemented and other changes and additions coming next patch, I am hopeful that the game is moving in the right direction. However, there are still MANY things that are still not addressed, at least directly in the post.

-Imbalance/low material given permission
-Imbalance in crafting material cost
-Locks on 1 perk and now blessing (Really fatshark? Is it not obvious we don’t want that)
-numerous clearly inferior or useless perk/blessing (especially on Curios)
-Inability to upgrade a blessing or perk already on a weapon
-Inability to upgrade the base stat of a weapon
-Still high amount of RNG needed to craft your preferred weapon

These are all things that can be easily fixed or tweaked in various ways that can be super simple or become very complex to impact player feeling of progress and RNG.

One thing that I am cautiously looking forward to is the armoury. It’s a good thing that a player can now go and get any weapon they want from the shop. This will solve the problem of player not being able to get a certain weapon because it just never appeared.

HOWEVER IT MUST BE NOTED that it has the potential to be a slot machine. It adds another form of RNG, it’s a grey item, even more resources are need to upgraded it and 1 perks and bless still become locked so there is still a potential of you wasting time only to get bad blessing.

It was stated that the weapons base stat will be based " according to their character’s current level" Currently at level 30 the spread of base stat is between 290-380.

At this point in time on my lvl 30s I DO NOT by weapons below base stat 360, Even if I don’t have that weapon, because if it is not at least that, I already have a weapon that is just better and will be detrimental to my team if I take it.

What is an “appropriate” base stat based on level. To me at lvl 30 it’s 360-380.
Even than you have 1 in 20 chance to get a max base state. If grey weapons cost 7000, that is up to 140,000 dockets I need to spend for to likey get a 380 and that is assuming the chances are truly random. And that amount can go up Dramatically if the ranges are wider.

All told I will not view a 40K slot machine positively if It mean spending hours of play time to afford to pull a weapon with stat that are relevant to me. SO please fatshark, think VERY VERY carefully what is an appropriate level range because if you don’t. It will become another pointless addition to the game.

I am withholding judgement until the the full release. Who knows perhaps they will find a balance that has all satasfied. Maybe with the new changes to the emperor gift we will be so inundated with new weapons that we dont care if about the RNG anymore. Maybe they are planning to change things for the better without telling us yet, only sticking to the main points in the latest announcement.

I know a lot of people are looking to changing their review or finally reviewing the game after the implementation of the crafting system. I am all for giving fatshark a chance but I also believe that you should give what review YOU feel this game deserve for whatever reason you feel.

I simply recommend that once the patch hits, Do not give or change your reviews immediately. The next patch will have ALOT of changes that may take days or even weeks for full understanding to develop.

I sincerely hope that my nervousness will not be justifed next patch but I am remain hopeful

Thanks for reading

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Wait, wait, wait. That’s the only mode the shop will have? My understanding is that it’ll accompany the old mode as a sort of Special Order type deal.

If it becomes the ONLY way to purchase weapons, I agree that’s not good but going back and reading it again, I’m pretty sure it’s a supplementary store mode. It kinda has to be as there’s no apparent way to buy curios in that mode.

Ok, sorry, my misunderstanding. It seem like they will be adding a slot machine instead.

Either way they need to CAREFULLY consider the range that you can get from it. If it remains at 290-380 for a level 30, I will not view it positively.

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Edit your post if you admit you’re wrong. Stop spreading misinformation.

But If I change it, than you accusing me of spreading misinformation becomes you spreading malformation because I’m not longer spreading misinformation and that would be unfortunate for you.

JK, just got back to my computer which would make editing larger amounts of words easier.

Either way I’m cautiously optimistic.

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