Is it just me or is the randomness of getting an item with good base stats meaninglessly tedious?
Is it possible to have an option in the crafting to upgrade the base item? My reasoning is that it takes time and random chance to get;
The base stats
The perks you want
The blessings you want (though admittedly this is coming to crafting)
Being able to customize the Perks/Blessings of an item is all well and good, but eventually you’re going to get an item with “slightly better” stats, and then you have to start the crafting process all over again.
Not to mention that only ONE perk can be changed, meaning that you might be stuck with good base stats, but 2/3 terrible perks until you get lucky enough to get another item with better base stats.
We are campaigning for that for weeks now. The whole gear progression with layers ontop of layers of RNG and removed player agency, no crafting or actually stat manipulation, 380-base item crafting, or upgrading items (actually upgrade, not gamble if they get better and then throw them away), but FS simply ignores it or spouts some nonsense about design intent, when hordes of people tell them, in clear words, with facts and logic, that this is not fun at the moment, ruins the endgame, has nothing to do with why people play the Tide games and smells BADLY of asia grinder corpo BS.
But alas, people are ignored, and what I find really despicable is, that they seemingly just put Aqshy and Hedge on the front lines, having to sift through justified but 100% avoidable ire, while the people actually responsible sit back and shut the community feedback out or outright ignore it.
Look at vermintide, you play donjon untill you get a vet weapon, how is this different ?
You play untill you get good roll on the shop.
Hell you can even afk and still get good stuff !
The blessing gonna come out soon.
Any perk (beside stamina) isnt that bad
I love this gun even tho his perk and blessing is rather useless. you got the base its a GOOD WEAPON
stop looking for perfection or be prepared to grind.
You do not seem to understand that there is no grind in this game.
There is no similarity between itemization in vermintide and darktide.
The only way to get a great item in darktide is to wait for the store to reset and bless you with good rng.
It does not matter what difficulty you play, how many missions you play or what bonus objectives you complete.
Actually, you do not need to play at all, aside from like 10 missions so you have some gold.
Then you just wait for about 5 years and hope that the right item shows up with good stats on the store.
You grind the componen to give a “try” to roll the good perk or blessing
Heck they gonna make the blessing easier soon enought
On the last gear type (like veteran weapon in v2) they will probably give the choice to modify all perk.
I agree its a gamble but that is “the grind” you roll good base weapon/curio and pray the emperor you not gonna find the good stuff in shop only its top blue you need to grind the comp.
I personaly grind every weapon to top tier on my zealot
I still didnt made a top curio
In reality, it’s much worse than that.
You see, for example, in a typical MMO, there is a chance for some boss to drop an item you want and you might even have to roll the dice on it when it does. Now, this can be called a grind and it can be called gambling, but the big difference is that you are playing the actual game while “grinding” for an item.
In DT, you are literally pecking some button like a pigeon in some psych experiment every hour to see what comes out. It’s the exact dopamine system abuse we see with slot machines where even on a miss you get rewarded by your brain chemistry, and yes it is addictive.
It’s not that the “great drops are too rare”, it’s that you are not even playing the game to get those drops (or currency to buy the top-tier loot - as in some games).
Not to mention how current itemization system disincentivizes experimenting with different builds with different items that have different blessings and perks, which is one of the most potentially fun aspects of the game once you are at lvl 30.
As someone who doesn’t have time (nor wants) to log in every hour, I would literally prefer a P2W system where you can just buy the weapon you want with premium currency to what we have now with the slot machines RNG, and I hate P2W.
We are still in dire need of account wide currency, crafting mats, weekly quests.
The crafting system is another big worry that will come, the rebless and being able to use weapons with blessings and upgrading blessings since they are going to be tiered is another layer of crappy rng grind into the game that will only further stop people from sinking in more hours as it will most likely not be account wide.
Right now for myself I am finding it hard to move away from the psyker simply cause I know I will have to farm every thing again as x class instead of just playing the game and using those hours I’ve put in to easily transition to a new class to keep the game feeling ‘fresher’ due to the different play styles
the fact is and everyone knows already because they said so, they gonna change it or “working on it” you know, like political.
so i would say be patient. i would assume they will make something to tweek with the modifier and obviously the blessing.
Cuz they are not gonna change their system on the shop thats obvious.
Not gonna throws tonnes of their work cuz poeple think its a bad idea.
The game is clearly under development they needed money for chrismas.
and cherry on top ! Those stat most of the time dosnt even matter !
You can settle for i dunno 70% damage heck 60%
Group of mobs or single you not gonna feel the differance.
Good synergie with perk and blessing totaly but other than that their system works !.
It make us mad to not have the perfect gear and its intended !
So go kill some heretics like god intended and pray.
I think the most reasonable explanation for the itemization in Darktide is:
FS make money by selling skins.
cash store skins carry no prestige and are worn because the owner thinks it looks cool (while skins with prestige can also be worn to be seen by others, in order to show off)
if YOU are going to buy a skin for YOU to look at it, the time during which YOU can see the skin (on yourself) has to be maximized to increase the incentive to buy it
you can see yourself fully:
A) for a few sec during char selection
B) for a few sec during a ca 30min mission
C) constantly, when in the hub (only way to actually see your character move)
following from 2. and 3., the time spent in the hub has to be maximized
a system that makes you spend time in the hub, must be created
the system must be unavoidable and stay relevant no matter how much time you have spent in the game or on what difficultty you play
place the NPC to interact with that system convenienty close to the cash store
Gear system with
so many layers of RNG that any single player will statistically never obtain a high end item
minimal player agency
time spent in missions (as well as difficulty played) being largely irrelevant
the relevant NPC being placed far away from the spawnpoint (further increasing the time during which you can actually see your own character) and right next to the cash store
Pretty sad, because they could have made a great game instead.
No. Stop strawmaning. I blame FS for purposely designing an anti player system. They could still be selling skins, without the entire system about item acquisition being a garbage RNG fest, tailered to remove as much player agency as possible.
No idea what you are trying to say.
Correct. It is not hard. Because there is absolutely nothing you have to do to get good items. Because there is nothing you can do.
It just requires luck with the store and you got lucky. The argument you make here is like someone who won the lottery saying „i got rich by doing nothing. It aint that hard.“.
This is literally the skill level of the people claiming current itemization is fine. Like, you don’t even need to engage with it any more than highlighting this magnum opus of player inability and moving on.
difficulty give you more comp. having to “elaborate” is telling me you dont know that mutch of the game.
And no the thing we got to do is getting the component for the weapon.
Doing this for eatch type of every weapon gonna get you a while trust me.
Still not done with my Zealot
-About the mirror thing i was just answering what you said :
you can see yourself fully:
A) for a few sec during char selection
B) for a few sec during a ca 30min mission
We dont need to see ourselve all the time, you just like third person view
what we have is plenty beginning and end game.
Ill say one last thing, dev know better than us, their system is not that bad its incomplete
witch things we can understand when we still see this.
Thank you for confirming what i thought you would say.
Turns out that it is not me who was missing something, but it is you who has no idea what they are talking about.
Crafting resources are almost exclusively needed to upgrade the quality of an item (past which, fatshark only allow us to reroll one of the perks on an item, which costs almost nothing).
The „grind“ for crafting resources is miniscule to the degree that it is almost irrelevant when compared to the time it takes for a weapon with good base stats to show up in the ingame store in the first place (which depends 100% on random luck, with no player agency, grind or any gameplay at all being involved).
Are you trolling? Try to re-read what i said until you actually understand it.
There is no endgame at all (unless you want to include the 3 heresy penances per class and the single damnation penance per account). If you actually want to play the game, that is. If you like to look at the store every hour, there is plenty of „content“ for you.
In regard to some things, certainly. In regard to other things, certainly not.
Also, in case you didn‘t notice: in many (probably most) cases, developers do not try to make the best game they can. They try to make a game that makes as much money as possible (which often means involving systems that are designed to be awful for player experience, in order to maximize playtime).
It is both : incredibly bad and incomplete. And it will still be really bad when the missing functions you posted are implemented.
Because the biggest problem with the item system in darktide is, getting an item with good basestats in the first place (as apparently almost the entire playerbase agrees).
You appear to be one of the few players who are either insanely lucky with the rng part of the system (which is almost the entire system), or you are simply incapable of seeing the issues with the current system.
I will not engage into any further discourse with you, since you have shown to be missing almost every point made.
On top of the Gacha game criticism above, It’s important to recognize what this system does to weapon identity. I just picked up my first 250 power thunderhammer and it had 14% first target damage, and it is a wiffle ball bat that can’t one shot hordes with an overhead strike.
When I picked this up, I was excited to have found a weapon basically from vermintide, but had to discover disappointingly it was a rng statstick all along.
I also have three identical looking lasguns that function completely differently.
There are too many bells and whistles here for consistent weapon identities or expectations. I am no longer sure that this team knows what they are doing and am no longer the person who suggests we play Darktide in the discord, after having preordered the game from just this confident understanding.
It wouldn’t be so bad if we could take out ALL the Blessings/Perks that we wanted and put them into the new item, but because we are locked to only changing 1 Perk, we not only have to roll good Stats on the item, but ALSO have to get lucky on the Perk RNG.
We will soon have the option to freely pick and choose what Blessings an item has, but if we then roll another item with better Stats/Perks we then can only take 1 of the Blessings from the first item, and have to RNG for the other Blessings we want.
My issue isn’t with RNG in general, it’s with the LAYERS of RNG in this crafting system.
It’s fine if everything is parallel, but currently the Stats and the Perks are stacked.