Compromise ideas for crafting

It’s clear that fatshark is content with locks existing, despite player’s dissatisfaction with it. I figured I would shoot some suggestions on things that could be added that would tone down the immense frustration players have with the system.

  1. Ability to upgrade locked perks and blessings to their max tier. In the case of blessings, you would need to have unlocked the next tier of the blessing to upgrade it, but for perks it would simply be the cost to change the perk.

  2. Allow players to reset weapon quality to grey and curio to green. This would allow players who have found a weapon with perfect stats to continue attempting to get the perk and blessing combinations they are looking for without having to discard it entirely when hadron throws stamina and sprint efficiency on your lasgun. It’s ultimately still playing the lottery and a resource sink, but it at least trims down the amount of variables in getting what you’re looking for.

  3. Exchange shop that allows you to use ordo dockets and ingots (weekly currency) to buy crafting materials or to sell crafting materials for either currency. This ensures that all currencies and materials always have value.

It’s not a perfect system, but I do think this would make crafting far less frustrating while achieving the goal that FS seems to have of avoiding Darktide’s crafting system being a clone of Vermintide’s.


Yep, these have been suggested previously. All good ideas. Whether they will do anything… Who knows :stuck_out_tongue:


Kudos for coming up with constructive criticism and a possible solution.

However I see all of the “crafting compromise” ideas as missing the essential issue: we are not hostages at the mercy of Overweight Oarfish, negotiating release and/or lighter terms.
We are karking paying customers, and if they commit a monumental kark-up that NOBODY likes yet still expect us to support the studio and the game, they should just pull their heads from between their buttocks, say “Sorry we messed up but heard you and are now fixing it”, and effing FIX IT. COMPLETELY. RIGHT NOW.

A lot of players are saintly patient, bending themselves backwards trying to come up with a solution that maybe, just maybe won’t hurt poor FS’ feewings too much. I say NAY, YOU DONE GOOFED FATSHARK, FIX IT! REMOVE THE LOCKS!

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Make no mistake: we are hostages. We have two options, one is deal wit hit the other is die (leave).

Can we hope they change crafting for the better sooner rather than later? Yes, but this is fatshark. They took over a year to give us the talent system, something that was (more or less) promised to be a release feature.

You forgot a few other variables, like “we can buy a lot of premium cosmetics or none at all”, or “we can tell our coop-playing friends to either get this game ASAP or stay away from it at all cost”. Reviews and word of mouth are powerful tools when the market is already so saturated with great titles.

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I would be in favor of the 3 propositions… but I fear they won’t go for the 1 and even the 2.

The 3 will surely come… when they will want.

Didn’t stop them when they had hemorrhaged players down to a couple thousand, it ain’t going to stop them now.

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