Add solo mode already!

i would at least like it if they filled the roles we didn’t have, for instance, we have an ogryn, the bots would go for the other classes and actually try to be good at what they do by using their abilities, weapon speciels, and grenades and not just their weapons. however, if you had two ogryns, the bots would also go ogryn so that the team is better balanced.

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And yet with all those drawbacks and restrictions they are still better than most of the randoms the game sticks you with. Thats the reason Winds of Magic Weave mode failed. You HAVE to play that with other people.

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Weave mode failed because it’s boring & tedious as f*ck, having to play w/ other people just made it worse.

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We were promised Darktide would include solo mode, 2 years later and it’s still not even been announced. Instead, they’re just actively ignoring us.

I would rather be able to solo than do whatever this havoc mode is, I’m sure I’m not alone.


the arguments of those who want a solo mode are completely valid, and I understand how you feel.
however, in my personal opinion, as long as there’s a solo mod, there is no need to implement a solo mode in the game itself. If a solo mod didn’t exist, I’d agree that implementing it would be fine.
but look at this. fatshark is notorious for its slow development pace. It took them a full two years to implement a proper crafting system.
of course, developing a solo mode is likely simpler than that, but there are still countless other things that should be added to this game instead. new maps (including entirely new biomes), weapons, enemy factions, bosses, classes (archetypes), skill tree expansions, game modes, appearance customization (new hairstyles, faces, cosmetics), and so on - the list goes on and on.
the majority of players would prefer the devs to focus on creating more content rather than a solo mode. unfortunately, the priority for a solo mode is very low.
for two years, development resources were dedicated to porting the game to xbox and PS5. Now that the release on PS5 has finally been completed, I expect the team can fully focus on content development. that’s why I’m against the implementation of a solo mode.
as for the penances that can only be achieved in private sessions, they need to be adjusted.

Explain us how a console player uses this mod. Please tell us step by step how to install mods on console.

Second point. Solo mod does not permit you to get any progression. So you’re forced to play with others.

Third point, to correct this, you can use many more try. However, this mod relies on something that could disappear in a patch if Fatshark decides to change how missions are generated.

Fourth… solo can be easily implemented. It does not require more than 5 minutes.

  • New Maps: Developed by a different team than the one who works on Solo Mode and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • Weapons: Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • Enemy Factions: Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and can be enjoyed by solo players like in VT2.
  • Bosses: Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode
  • Classes (Archetypes): Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • Skill Tree Expansions: Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • Game Modes: Can all be designed to work with Solo Mode (Like Weaves eventually was…) and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • Appearance and Customization: Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and can be used by solo players like in VT2.
  • And so on…: Likely… Developed by a different team that the one who works on Solo Mode and not mutually exclusive with solo mode as solo mode can likely benefit from all of these things.

This I can understand, of course people who wouldn’t use solo mode would prefer other things to be worked on first, but the thing is… very few things that were promised pre-launch remain aside from solo mode. Some other things, like map select w/ modifiers or new archetypes would be nice to have and even I want them as a solo-player, but they weren’t promised (Technically, archetypes were promised in the “new class every quarter”, but then they scrapped that for the skill-tree update)

Now that PS5 has finally been completed it’s the perfect time to implement solo mode. As Ralendil pointed out, solo mods are incompatible for console players and I’ve already seen multiple new players in these solo threads express the feelings of “I looked to see if solo mode was in the game and saw it was promised over 2 years ago and still isn’t in the game, it’s not worth buying if I can’t play solo”. Fatshark would a) bring players who stopped playing due to not fulfilling this promise (like me) back, b) bring in new players who would prefer to play solo and may dabble in quick play once they get a feel for the game (I know many players who don’t like to play online until they’ve gotten a feel for the game solo), c) bring in new players who only want to play solo. It’s a win, win, win for Fatshark.


and yet they refuse to change a number to 1, because they’re greedy and only see fully public as the only thing that will make good money.


They’ll add it once the playerbase starts hitting a critical stage.

I don’t expect it them to add it otherwise. I have lost hope. It’s been two years. It’s not like we’re asking for the world here. They already have the template for it from Vermintide 2.

They’ve got no excuse for it. Well. Besides apathy and pure laziness. Can’t invest a few of those coins you earned from your FOMO store?

Mhmm. If you say so. It’s just pathetic. There’s no other description for it.


Can anyone enlight me why solo mode is needed in coop game?

Solo play has facilitated a lot in the previous Tide games. For one it makes the game actually playable for people in remote locations or with otherwise poor connections.

It allows people to play the levels on their own terms, take in the scenery, move at the pace they want etc without being a bother to others.

Allows you to try out meme builds or generally setups that seem fun but you know will probably be weak, again without being a bother to others.

It keeps the game playable for people in lower player count regions later in the game’s life when teams may be difficult to come by.

It just facilitates more people to have more fun with the game on their own terms. Not having it is a significant backwards step for this series.


I’m not sure it would help. As of right now, I believe the missions are not hosted locally (p2p) anyway.

Much better solution is to find one or more friends.

You don’t have to self impose such a stupid rules. Just try it out. Or try it on lower difficulty where people use unfinished builds anyway.

I don’t think that is the aim right now. :slight_smile:

Honestly, I can see why the priority is rather low.

This is such an odd response. How hard is it for them to change minimum players for private mission from 2 → 1? There’s never been a social requirement to enjoy their games in past, so twist it however you want it’s an odd downgrade. I don’t like series regressing personally. Some have lower standards I guess :person_shrugging:

I don’t think it’s your place to tell people how comfortable they should feel doing that. Other people also degrade the testing environment. You wanna know how your setup performs, hard to do if you jump into games with people running OP setups.

Again for now making private games allow a single person would go a long way. If they could improve bots and otherwise make it more enjoyable at some point later down the track that would be nice. How many resources would it really take to allow solo private games with no further changes? I struggle to believe it would take more than one person more than an hour.

They don’t want to do that because they know it would be a suboptimal experience currently, so want to hold off till they can polish bots etc. By this point though most people who want solo mode would be happy enough with it.


I genuinely think it would be more fun. You should try it.

Sounds like we need improved Psykanium.

Who knows. I guess it would probably have some impact on servers as well since there would be more running mission instances. I mean sure, it would be nice to have. It would certainly make some penances easier to complete. But personally I don’t see that as crucial as e.g. completely reworking smokes. :slight_smile:

Not quite sure what you’re referring to here, I guess this?

I have two friends I play with. Also though we’re all older now with limited game time that doesn’t always line up. It’d be really nice if in my shorter snippets of down time I could jump in and mess around with some different setups without my experience being reliant on randos. Y’know, how I could in both the previous Tide games I bought. This issue isn’t one that hugely affects me though since I generally don’t mind PUGing and do have people to play with.

I have gotten good value out of solo over the years though so I’m sympathetic to people saying “hey you promised this what the hell”.

That would also be nice but it would never replicate an actual mission. Seems like setting private games to be available to single players would be a lot less resources for them to spend here.

I guarantee you fixing smokes is orders is magnitude more work than allowing solo private games. Again this ask is a negligible amount of resources for FS to spend.


Actually… 15 minutes. The time to remember where is this line of code…

I think this is (maybe) this part of code:
from mission_board_view.lua

		is_locked = true
	elseif self._private_match then
		if self._party_manager:num_other_members() < 1 then
			self:_set_info_text("warning", Localize("loc_mission_board_cannot_private_match"))

What is interesting, however (but here for several game updates) is that we can find solo in the code:

from story_mission_play_view.lua

self:_set_play_button_game_mode_text(self._solo_play, self._private_match)
StoryMissionPlayView._set_play_button_game_mode_text = function (self, is_solo_play, is_private_match)
	local play_button_legend_content = self._widgets_by_name.play_button_legend.content

	if not is_solo_play and not is_private_match then
		play_button_legend_content.text = Utf8.upper(Localize("loc_mission_board_play_public"))
	elseif is_solo_play then
		play_button_legend_content.text = Utf8.upper(Localize("loc_mission_board_toggle_solo_play"))
		play_button_legend_content.text = Utf8.upper(Localize("loc_mission_board_play_private"))

from mission_board_view_settings

	game_settings = {
			description = "loc_mission_board_toggle_solo_play_description",
			display_name = "loc_mission_board_toggle_solo_play",
			setting_name = "solo_play",
			value_get = function ()
				return true
			description = "loc_mission_board_disable_bots_description",
			display_name = "loc_mission_board_disable_bots",
			setting_name = "solo_play_disable_bots",
			value_get = function ()
				return true

Just two examples. We can find “solo” references in several files.


Money. They make money from the online aspect of the game and they can’t let you play by yourself. You need to be in a touching distance of their shop and you need to be envious of other players’ skins.


They make money by selling you cosmetics… if you don’t play, they don’t get any money.

Solo would permit players to do penances, test things etc… without having to get in a team with rushers(s), or people that complain about their performance or complain about anything else.
What is good while you have bots, is that they don’t run away of you. So, they usually revive you. Something rushers never do.

Then explain me why all similar games have this option
And also, take time to explain me why they promised it.

Take your time…


This! If I was able to take my spare characters as bots I‘d have a much higher incentive to get them shiny clothing.


That is complete non-sense. We’re talking solo mode, not offline mode. You need to log into the game anyway and mission instances are served remotely anyway.

My guess is that it might increase burden on servers, e.g. 2.5x increase in active mission instances. Changing the game so that the solo game is hosted locally would be completely different scope of work.
Also I can undestand it might go against their design philosophy. If players are frustrated when playing with other people in multiplayer co-op game, I would first try to improve the situation instead of introducing a backup solution.