Is solo ever gonna be a thing at this point?

Hey. I play on console, and picked the game up when it released a while ago. 6 months? Some similar timeframe, I didn’t count. But I’m the only one left in my group with any interest in the game unfortunately. I’ve tried public, and I just can’t enjoy it playing with strangers, no offense to anybody I just don’t have fun. I would much prefer bots even if they’re bad.

I put a lot of time into Vermintide 2 because of its solo play. That was a fun game, maxed out three characters and close on a fourth, I still have it installed and play chaos wastes sometimes. But it just ain’t the same as Darktide.

Can’t download the solo mod, because console. Is solo mode ever actually going to be a thing in Darktide?


Not in the foreseeable future unfortunately.


Ignore that first response. (This was rude, I regret including it.)

Literally all we know is that it is not (as of the last communication about it in October, I believe but don’t have a link handy) a priority.

I think that’s a big miscalculation, personally, and it could theoretically change at any time. But only a CM could give you more definitive info.


But we literally said exactly the same thing…?


No, you said “not in the foreseeable future” like you have some more information than anyone else, when you don’t.

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How is “we’ve been told it’s not a priority” and “there’s no other available info” meaningfully different from “not in the foreseeable future”?


The uhhh timeframe you seem to believe you can extrapolate from what we’ve explicitly been told.

I mean, “foreseeable future” is whatever you want to make of it, you’re really going out of your way to find something objectionable there for its own sake.

It’s a feature that was mentioned a long time ago and never implemented, last mentioned as “not a priority” months ago, and that we’ve heard absolutely nothing on since then. Absent any other information to imply progress, the only info we have implies very little or no progress, therefore as far as we can foresee, “not any time soon” feels like an appropriate quick and immediate response to the query.


I was wondering why you were talking alone then I realized the pedant is in the thread.

You’re response of “Not in the foreseeable future” is correct. If I remember correctly, CatFish confirmed at some point that solo is not a priority at this time.


I am providing the material facts about what we know. You are editorializing.

Although I hate it and am not defending it, we don’t get info out of FS until stuff is basically ready to drop. Like - and please correct me if I’m wrong - how we didn’t hear a peep about the Auric board (despite major angst around that) and other improvements until a couple/few weeks before Patch 12 dropped. And how we didn’t hear anything about the “1 class a quarter” until Patch 13 dropped with the equivalent of 10 8 new classes.

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So. “Not for the forseeable future” is correct then. You just want to shut people up or what’s your game here?


I’ve provided my reasoning above for saying what I’ve said. No one can see a minute into the future, so yea. :man_shrugging:

Maybe if Badwin says ‘ackshually’ hard enough Fatshark will give him a job. Not for the foreseeable future, in my opinion.


No, you applied circumstantial evidence (which in any case is also incorrect, 1 class a quarter was heard long before that patch) to get to a conclussion that doesn’t take into account ALL the other circumstantial evidence that points to Fatshark sitting on their asses doing very little. It is just bs. But I think I know were you are coming from. I am out of this stupidity.


Who knows. I’m not sure if even fatshark knows if/when it’s going to be a thing.

Is it weird that, even for all it’s many problems, even Payday 3 lets you play solo?

they’re not working on that anymore. if you don’t wanna play without solo, you should just stop playing for now, there’ll be an announcement when it’s ready.

and then you can listen to all the problems the PC players have to deal with while they playtest it for you to get the bugs out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Audible kek. He’s trying so hard lol


I also wish solo would come, just like they promised at launch as is pretty much industry standard for these kind of games - but only if I can bring my spare characters as bots. What I’d love even more if they allowed these solo matches to be locally hosted like in VT2 - with the possibility to play any map with any modifier.

And all claiming this wasn’t possible: There is a mod doing exactly this - “all” they needed to do is enable progression. Although I have honestly no idea how much work this enabling would actually be. But it is certainly possible - if FS wished to do it.


Its reached the level of vermintide 2s dedicated servers (those never happened in the end), so its probably good idea to stop hoping for solo to happen anytime soon, or potentially ever.
I would guess fatshark has more pressing matters to focus on.

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