Is solo ever gonna be a thing at this point?

Fatshark promised solo play before release, which is a fairly sure sign that it will never happen. They say a lot of things, before release, in order to inflate sales.


unlikely at the snail’s pace this game is updated even less so with actual content. a single player mode would be a massive investment of time and resources its probably just going to be another one of the promise’s that fatshark made but no longer plan to keep.

I don’t know what the heck is going on but fatshark should be ashamed and embarrassed helldivers has way fewer devs and resources fatshark has at their disposal and they’re rolling out patches multiple times a week sometimes and new content on a fairly regular basis not to mention an alive and dynamic game with their war and liberation system and game DM darktide just feels stale and static at this point I love 40k but I’m disappointed in the game now that the honey moon period wore off months ago for me.

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Also you can play HD2 solo

That’s just really unfortunate. I really, really wanted there to be a solo mode for this game.

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I would honestly be surprised if Solo mode isn’t planned or being worked on. I’ve watched fatshark line up and fulfil request after request after request after request that people were requesting around this games launch. The latest fulfilled launch request being the ability to change height/voice/gender of your character. People requested that at launch and we got it 1 and a half years later, so, yaknow, its a long pipeline, but it happens. :woman_shrugging:

its not a true solo unless you have a full party and the other 3 players die on spawn

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