Solo mode implementation

I mainly play vermintide and i play it solo, i just like playing at my own pace.
I dropped darktide quickly when i learned solo is not an option.
So, is solo still a promise unfulfilled?
Has there been any news about it?


Only thing said was that it’s not a priority, quite a while ago, so forgot when they’ve said that


Oct '23 was the last “official” correspondence, iirc. They just said, “it’s not a priority” followed by, “why do you even want solo mode?” as if they didn’t say “it’s going to be in the game on release or shortly thereafter” back in 2022 and also ignoring that solo private lobbies are a genre standard.

@FatsharkStrawHat, maybe you can give us a new update since every Fatshark community representative I’ve messaged about this refuses to respond.


It’s one of the older entries in the Book of Grudges. Basically no, despite it being ‘almost finished’ in 2022.


The worst part is, they won’t even tell us “Yeah, we scrapped it, sorry!” because there are a lot of people who would request a refund (I just did through their support page because I’m sick of waiting). It’s just shady as hell to me.

2022: “It’s almost done guys we promise!”

2023: “Umm, they’re starting to notice it’s not in the game yet, what should I tell them? ‘It’s not a priority’? Are you sure? OK, if you say so…”

2024: “radio silence”


I was able to get my refund even after ~40 hours.

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Nothing i want in this game more then a solo mode.


You can mod until they add it.
If the ever will add solo.


I have gotten yelled at for speed blitzing sedation missions for weeklies id love it if i could do weeklies quickly without being toxic to others


I use this to cheese contracts and penances without bothering others: Many More Try at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community

Very much hoping solo mode comes very very soon.


sadly i cant use mods since i stream the game for now

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Exactly what i want to avoid and why I want solo play.

Sometimes I want to stroll around looking at the beautiful map

And sometimes i just want to run ahead and kill anything i see because i’m using the game as a stress ball, like i did with vermintide.

Neither of these are really an option with online only
And I still want to get progress so while modding at least it’s there it’s a bandaid sadly

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I get in different moods like this too. Where i wana stop and poke me head into every weird bit of the map and explore but other times where i just wana get somwthing done.

This game really really needs a solo mode bad



There are so many reasons to just not limit private games to requiring a party of at least two players. In fact it’s not even that solo mode isn’t “finished,” I played a solo game once. Started a mission, and then somehow I assume something bugged and nobody joined. Me and three bots for the whole thing. It was magical.

Of course, it’d be nice if the bots weren’t awful, but even three crappy bots is preferable to some people, especially people with social anxiety. And awful bots is an easy problem to at least slap a bandage on until something more substantive can be done. Like I’ve suggested in other threads about bots, they should just have infinite health. 100% damage reduction and 100% corruption resistance.

They would then be able to reliably distract enemies from you, and they wouldn’t eat all the medicae, but they would still be unable to steal the thunder from human players, because they still wouldn’t complete objectives, would still suck at dealing with specials, especially snipers, could still be incapacitated by disablers or tossed off cliffs, would still only follow the player around, would still be kind of unreliable at reviving, would still have no useful abilities and never use their grenades, and their damage output would still be mediocre. They also wouldn’t serve as infinite revives for the player because the player would still be beholden to the wound system.

But best of all, not that I know how to code at all, but I would imagine that just giving bots 100% damage reduction could be programmed in like fifteen minutes.

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Tbh solo is playable. There is a method on xbox to get a solo lobby every time assuming you have a 2nd xbox handy (i use my wife’s when she is not) its not great but it beats playing with randoms and i do just fine.

Literally the ONLY thing keeping people from being able to play solo is the 2 player requirement…literally nothing else.

The bots arent amazing but they do their job more or less…most of the time and to be honest i 1000% prefer that over getting randoms involved.


Sadly I don’t have an xbox, much less 2
so that won’t be an option, but nice workaround for those who can do it

I suppose the PC option is to mod? I dont know anything about it but i know there are many here that do. It may be usefull to ask around?

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No progression
No Xp
No materials

Not an option


Damn that sucks…the two xbox method gives full progression and rewards…

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I assume you’re using 2 accounts and just running private matches?

If so, someone could do the same with 2 GeForce Now accounts. Or one PC account and one GeForce Now account.

Or, if on PC with mods, Many More Try offers all the normal progression/xp/materials and doesn’t require a second account.