86.94% of player base want Scoreboard in the game

playing the victim still? amazing.

try making a single argument, in stead of just posting delusional lies over and over, then playing the victim when you get destroyed with logic.

the people against this thread are a joke, and have been debunked over and over.

everything they say is a fallacy it self, all strawman’s.

Almost no one in this community is toxic, I’ve seen 3 people mention scores in V2 in like 7000 hours.

im not a minority, im me.

i never lied consciously in any of my posts ever. and why would anyone ever do that except for trolling?

i belive generalizing groups is the root cause of evil in every society, dictatorships, and religious fanatic groups, so i very strongly avoid generalizing folks.

there are extreme people anywhere

uno reverse card?

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You’re being kinda toxic rn tbh

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Get well soon :smiley:

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I’d agree with this, at least for my own region. I’m about 300hrs in and I’ve experienced precisely one toxic player. 1200+hrs in V2 and I could count them on one hand.


I have yet to encounter someone like that. I have 300 hours on DT and 220 on VT2. I’ve never encountered a toxic person. I play on heresey. Even on the one mission I tried on Damnation we failed, but the only response we got was “Throneside tests the best of us.” Idk where people are finding these “toxic” tide players.

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you don’t argue in good faith, you do this out of context obnoxious multi quote thing that is the opposite of attractive and honest.

im not going to respond top these insane lies and dishonest manipulations, so you think you are winning, but you only make your self look like an unreasonable, manipulative, cowardly person.

this is a sad game you few people like to play.

you call everyone in the game toxic, and then cry about it when people tell you that they have 7k hours and have seen 3 toxic people, and they point out the community run tournaments, the streamers who play with anyone, the YouTube and reddit communities that help new players.

“saying this community is not toxic, is toxic, because I said the community was toxic with no evidence at all.”

ah yes im insane because i respond to things adressed to me,

ahh you never cease to amaze me.

keep on trolling

The idea that reddit represents more than like 15% of the playerbase is kinda silly. Those guys don’t know how to play the game anyways, it’s why they stay on reddit and enjoy their echo chamber. All the more reason not to let them have a mod that’ll make them angry about people not pursuing the same stats they are.

They did say they would implement a scoreboard and i want one but there are bigger issues with this game currently. Frankly i thought they would have had a more informative scoreboard than the one in vermintide.

I don’t mind scoreboard and used it for a while with mod but since it became available i noticed that i myself and many other players just play selfishly and chase kills. It would get even worse if they introduced it in the main game

Had a hi damnation recently where everyone absolutely brainlessly rushed to get the most kills (myself included) and i wouldn’t like majority of games to be like that.

I really would want a statistic board.
the best idea I’ve seen here is a board with 2 parts: one about the mission (number of horde enemies killed, number of special killed, elite etc.) and one about your statistics (accuracy, damages dione by melee, damage by ranged, kills you did etc…).
Also, they need to remove the XP window when we are at level 30…

no…you are insane for calling the nicest community in online games toxic, and then crying about it when people correct you with facts.

any sane person would not spread lies about this community then play the victim when they get called out.

projection and victimhood are not good skills to master.

Maybe you could:
a.) ignore each others (BEST CHOICE)
b.) manage that in private messages (In my opinion… waste of time)

Cause I don’t see where you want to go with these messages… It has nothing worth for the topic here.
You know that people can disagree… and that’s fine.

I have met several players toxics… I have seen people using words like “noob” “child” etc.
I have seen people that think they are better than they are in reality.
People that had the greatest score and that were really bad (cause they were using a bolter with full auto and stealing all ammo).
I have seen a guy that what thinking I should never come back to damnation cause we died at the final on an high intensity map… worst is that I revived him on this map, I did not fall until the end and I was a zealot, he was a veteran and needed help with every sniper on the map… we had same weapon… a bolter.
I have seen guys that wanted to kick a player he did not like and nearly killed me with his pop up…
I have met guys that insult, wonder why you took this garbage weapon (yeah… and why did you took this OP weapon?)…
There are toxic players…

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People will do this even without a scoreboard and have been doing it. A scoreboard hurts no one.
And if it really rankles people why not just make them personal scorecards that show only to that person at the end of a match?

See scoreboard crowd majority gets what they want. Minority doesn’t have to see the fellow players scoreboards problem solved.

the only constant in all these long list of problems is you. How come I’ve never had any of these problems.

“using bolter and taking all the ammo” you are really complaining that the bolter guy gets ammo priority?

Toxic players are so rare in this game, you are sus.

The people calling everyone toxic, used multiple accounts to flag my posts in this thread, and the staff restored them.

I guess when you lost the argument you tried to censor me? amazingly toxic behavior from the people making up lies about how toxic our community is. not surprised one bit.