Has anyone mentioned Score screens recently?

In-between discussing the crafting and discussing the discussions about the crafting, we completely forgot that Darktide STILL lacks a scoreboard.

Sorely so, if I may say so.


found this file while looking something else: hook_stats.lua
Looks like some stats…

And I have seen also that the game calculate lot of things (like the accuracy)

I believe they have already the datas and could do it when they want…

However, the scoreboard mod is very modular and allow lot of things.
I wish I would have dodge count / accuracy / fire shots to complete mine… but other than that, little by little, I am building the scoreboard I want…
No I don’t know lua… but I have worked to build mods for various games on several languages, so I can understand what I read in the code.

Back on topic, a sort of official scoreboard would be good… especially for console players…

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Untill Techpriests assinged to FatShark will rediscover STC with so called “scoreboard” I’m afraid we do not have much choice…


After playing a lot of VT2 and seeing to what end modded scoreboards are being used on these forums, I switched sides and now agree that they foster bad behaviour and shouldn’t be implemented in DT.

I’d be ok with a personal scoreboard displayed to you only, comparing your personal performance over latest match/weekly average/career average. That’d be neat to see if you are progressing as a player.


I think everyone who cares already uses mods for that.
I do not, because while it’d be nice to see if I took too much damage or my weakspot hit rate was way below my usual average, I’m not interested in what the others did. Did we win? Then fine. No? I usually know where it went wrong. That said, you won’t find me complaining if Fatshark implements a score board. I just assume the topic’s gone quiet because there’s options now.

Worthless. The context of the score varies so much from mission to mission.

You need to see your other teammates performance for any really actionable data points.

The people that are going to be toxic are going to be toxic regardless. I’ve yet to see a high scoring person do that anyways. Good players tend to be focused on the game, and generally ok with mediocre teammates since its an opportunity to practice clutching.


Problem is that it would have been sufficient before…

Now a lot of players use scoreboard and we clearly understand that stats of the other teammates show you what happened in a mission and can help to explain your numbers.



Problem is that it would have been sufficient before…

Now a lot of players use scoreboard and we clearly understand that stats of the other teammates show you what happened in a mission and can help to explain your numbers.

^things bad players say to cover that they’ve been chasing circles over playing well

  1. quote=“Ralendil, post:7, topic:87908, full:true” ↩︎

The best use for a scoreboard, and what I use the mod for, is to figure out how my new builds are actually performing, especially when it comes to boss damage. That being said, I don’t really hate it being absent, but seeing as it is, I just wish the end of game screen didn’t take so dang long. Maybe cut it out entirely and display the mission results in a pop up when you return to the hub.


People who don’t like objective data are silly and should not have their opinions taken seriously. For it is clear they have exposed their deeper nature in that they are biased against reality and rigerous observation of it. Thus their opinions on scoreboards themselves should not be taken seriously.


I have 3 words for you: context, interpretation, bias.
I’ve seen enough green circle chasers who were at the same time terrible team mates to be VERY fed up with those numbers.
Kudos for the style, though. Very sublime.

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That’s why the context is important
And this is here that the stats of the others players are important.
You can get highest damage and still be terrible…

But I agree with Reginald about objectives data. They give you informations.

Tbh scoreboard does not permit to judge a player. But it shows when someone underperform a lot. It can also show you, when you start to accumulate scoreboards, if a build is good… Or no.


Green circle chasers exists only in people’s heads. There is no way to say if player chase green circles or just playing bad, other than ask and hope for an honest answer.


It’s also kinda fun to see when one teammate has 70K monster damage and know he had your back.


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