Scoreboard needs to be Added

Scoreboard needs to be added.


This discussion exhausted itself, like twelve time by now


Just use the mod. The devs have already stated that they’re not going to do it because the mod exists.


Really?, that’s so dumb, it makes the game too mod dependent.


I do agree, although the devs have implemented certain mods as official features in the past. We’ll just have to wait and see which ones are added this year.

Darktide is completely fine without any mod do so it is not mod dependent.

I play unmodded since the last patch and don’t miss much.

There is no NEED for a scoreboard - those who wish one can use the mod.

I don’t see the problem.


good for u if can play without mods, but for sure they are really usefull if not dependent, what about chatblock?, or bettermelk? so i don’t need to go through every shop with every character to activate contracts (really really annoying), what about lessannoyingping? soo my brain doesn’t explode cause someone is trolling or other player don’t know how to use focus target and use it every 0.01s

scoreboard is good cause i know how good or bad a build or a weapon is working, and what if i want to know my real level or see my insignia.

change the fov of the weapon cause i want to see more the cool skin i bought

See?, is not that i can’t play with them, but make the overall experience much much better

I don’t contradict - mods are cool and there are good reasons to use them.
FS userfriendly attitude towards this is one of the most likeable aspects of that company.

All I disagreed with is that they are needed and a good experience is dependent on their usage :slight_smile:

That sucks, I remember last year they did a comm link promising the implementation of a scoreboard in like January. It just is dishonesty from FS.

Me and my friends have been waiting on it so we don’t have to go through the hastle of updating mods every game update just to see how good we did with our builds.


that’s sad but there is some mods that rarely u need to update, like scoreboard

anyway in the process of updating u just need to delete the file of the mod u want to uptade and install the new version, is not that time taking u could do it in 1 min.

I don’t remember such a promise - link?

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I swear at this stage anyone starting a thread on a scoreboard, crafting changes, or nerfs to the veteran class is just doing it to farm forum badges.

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They posted this after people complained about no scoreboard way back in the beta, so it’s even older than I remembered.


So it‘s like SP an early promise of which FS now has no intention of keeping anymore?

I see why that sucks.

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The post where I found the screenshot is extremely sad in hindsight.


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