86.94% of player base want Scoreboard in the game

Do you have two accounts? I’m literally not reading any of that cross examination lol.

Dude go read a book and only come back when you hopefully aquired the ability to comprehend more then just buzz words.

Sir you are doing god’s work. Truly thank you.


What I’m comprehending is a bunch of pretentious bluster attached to “but my opinion, boo hoo”. Go download a mod if its worth arguing over.

I have and I’ll tell you all about it should we meet in game. See ya.

Add me on steam, brother.

How does one come in making an outrageous argument, then when confronted about just how outrageous it is resort to baseless ad-hominem and dismissal?

You’re weird, bro. You received several well thought out responses to your outlandish claims, and you don’t have any responses. You and everyone else arguing against a scoreboard are weird. The scoreboard isn’t the source of toxicity, sure it might aid in it, but hiding that information is not a good way to curb that toxicity. People like you need to understand that toxic players will be toxic no matter WHAT information they have. (or in this case don’t)

Wait, what claim?

This guy doesn’t even know what he’s doing right now - but he can predict what other people will do in the future. It’s remarkable.


Nah, I’ll 100% level with you here. Ive been being difficult because I was making a throw away comment that got a super high effort and antagonistic tryhard response in a scoreboard thread, and you have to admit there is a deep irony in that. Of course, that one guy is right and people play to win first so its not going to harm the integrity of the game adding stats like kills and damage to the post game review. That said, I really didnt mean to imply I was speaking categorically about some pernicious influence on the game that scoreboards would have. I mean, there’s no scoreboard for being unproductive online… just look at us go haha.

entire premise is flawed, scoreboards are not toxic at all, neither is this community.

The entire talking point of toxicity in this game is a lie, and ironically a toxic attack against a good community.

A small minority of players who have the following traits are pushing this agenda, and some of the people at fat shark too:

  1. they are toxic.
  2. they can not appreciate other players doing a good job.
  3. they can not play to the level they feel they are at and scoreboards break the illusion.
  4. they have narcissistic grandiosity and take it as a personal attack that they were not first on the score board.
  5. they have a covert brand of narcissism, so they pretend to be the good guy, and say that everyone who likes scoreboards is evil, and they are just the victim. Victims have the moral high ground, so this plays into the illusion of grandiosity.
  6. they enjoy virtue signaling: “hey guys look at how moral i am because I don’t like evil scoreboards, and i’m a good person for saying you are all toxic.”

this really is a case of people with actual mental illness that makes them hate people who are good at the video game, or at least score better then they do, and its very confusing how they can get away with calling one of the nicest communities in the game “toxic.”

There is zero evidence that this community is toxic. this community has thousands of examples of evidence that it is not toxic: helping new players, building community tournaments, streamers, you tube guides, forums, discords all devoted to helping build a safe and fun community for everyone.

Our community is diverse and strong and brave, and very inclusive… if you call us toxic you hate all of that, you are a nazi and a bigot.

period. there is no place for hate here, you need to leave, and let us have our scoreboards in peace.

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Thank you.


lol. Is this how you show fat shark and the people talking with you here that you are not a toxic person?

i hit to close to the mark, and now you are playing the victim.

you accuse everyone of being toxic, but you are just projecting.

Its toxic to call a whole player base toxic, when it’s one of the best communities in online games.

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You know every time you post you make it less likely a scoreboard will be added to the game. If that’s truly what you want the best thing you could do is shut up.


There are people who want it and make a decent argument for it being included the the game. People who can make a coherent argument and converse like an adult… and then there is you. You are undermining everything they are trying to achieve.

In a conversation about a scoreboard in a video game lol…

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Sheeit. I’ll go ahead and be the jerk. I want a scoreboard because I want you to know I kicked your ass in the last mission. I want you to know you suck. I want you to feel like garbage because you didn’t do as well as me in a videogame that means absolutely nothing. And I’ll use that to make myself feel better all day long. And, if by chance you do better than me, then clearly you’re a cheater and I’ll report you and block you and cry about it to my momma. Cuz she says I’m the most handsome, smartest, and bestest in the whole world!




Irony is a concept whose true power can only be unraveled by senate.


nothing i said is ironic at all.

you are a vocal minority who have lied and accused the whole community of being toxic when this community is very chill.

making up lies about people, calling nice people toxic is very toxic of you. its just facts. you are projecting.