Why i dont use the Scoreboard anymore

I used it a while and several variations of it.
It gives some data - true!

  • But i dont play for highscores!
  • I play Roleplay builds rather than any meta loadouts.
  • my Rig is 5 years old, i’m happy i have constant 30frames, what i dont have.

The Scoreboard in the end only shows me how mediocre i am and on top how inconsistent my playstyle is, because i do changes in the skilltree, switch weapons etc.

While using the scoreboard i recognized i became more eager and sometimes frustrated when i felt i did a good job to then read it overall was bad.
Was it all bad really?
No it was not!
The Damage numbers were lower than of the others, but overall i did good, killed lots of specialists and disablers, did most or at least good damage to Montrosity…
Still the overall damage was worst of match.

Somehow it affects me!
I fully understand it shouldn’t or need not hurt me, but it does and the info it provides is somewhat helpfull if you min max or if you play for highscores, but like i said i dont.

If FS implements it, i want the ability to turn it off, because without it i play much more relaxed and for fun again.

I was against a scoreboard, but since there is a mod there were nobody toxic about my scores or when i failed.
I fully understand people want a scoreboard and i’d grant them that, but please make it optional then, because it affects me negatively playing the game.


I only want the scoreboard to compare my own builds. I don’t use it to compare myself to others.


Better to use to gauge how effective the role is for “certain” stats. Rather than just “total damage”.

i.e. if you’re running Plasma Vet. Are you wiping out ranged elites more. Forget about horde kills, not the role. Don’t waste ammo on easy 1-2 mobs. If mobs are funnelled into an area then through damage does make difference.

i.e. if you’re running Ogryn with Butcher 3. Are you getting high kill count of hordes, clearing out mobs and holding line for ranged team mate to prioritise elites, disablers etc at longer range to make space for others.

Current state of the game is that hordes pose little threat. I see alot more single target damage builds than before.

How effective is your build for the role you choose is the self question and not comparing total damage. Is your build purpose suited for certain enemies and meeting that expectation.

Easiest way for FS to implement scoreboard. Only show it once mission ends and lobby disbanded so cannot communicate with randoms via VoIP/Chat anymore.


would be nice if we could have a mod that only show our own scores and not the others scores.
I maybe would install it again to just see what my scores are with different builds and classes.
If i see others score i compare myself no matter how rational i look on it, it affects me.
Call it emotional or weak it doesnt matter.

Is there a scoreboard mod that shows only your scores?

This is something that the scoreboard often cannot reflect.

Horde is what mostly kills me, it’s for sure because of loadout and build, but like i said, its a RP build and chip damage sometimes just kills me.
If i would choose another weapon or play another class with good orde clear it’s like you said the least problem.
But all these meta builds and top weapons bore me.

No mod option or different mod I can see to show only player stats I can find.

Maybe in Nexusmod you can make post request for this to modder.

Or join Darktide discord and ask what lines in .lua files to edit in mod folder. Maybe someone will know straight away.

thanks for tips, but neither use DC nor want to make an nexus account, it’s not important.

If could give me link to this scoreboard mod you’re using. I’ll post request on your behalf and will revert if they respond.

i used this link Easy 3-step SCOREBOARD Mod :: Warhammer 40,000: Darktide The Mourningstar - General Discussions

But that sounds like a user problem.
So if you change your builds often, then you probably have different intentions with them, don’t you? Then it goes without saying that the damage caused alone does not provide any information about your playstyle or the quality of your build.
The scoreboard only provides you with some data. It only helps you to assess how well your build is working, and only if your personal assessment is positive, i.e. your feeling of how good or bad your performance was. It’s also worth taking a look at other stats, people you’ve picked up, specials you’ve killed, enemies you’ve staggered, and so on. It only helps if you also look at the stats that are actually important for the core of your build.

Simply looking at the damage is too simple and usually doesn’t provide a particularly comprehensive statement about the quality of a player. The comparison with other players only makes sense if they have the same role as you. Communication, team play etc. are not tracked at all. There are more important criteria that make a good player, the scoreboard is just a tool for evaluating your own performance and, as with any tool, you have to know how to use it.

To be honest, I don’t care whether FatShark implements a scoreboard themselves. It’s only problematic if some bonobos use it to denounce other players and fortunately that rarely happens to me. And if it happens: Block them and move on. :slightly_smiling_face:

OK looks like that person downloaded from nexusmod and created his own zip package. Dated 18th Sep

Better to get mods directly from Nexusmod as latest scoreboard version is 26th October.

Means as the Darktide game version is updated over time, modders would update their mods directly on Nexusmod to be compatible.

I’ve made this request on this mod’s nexus page for you.

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Yee I find the effect of scoreboards really interesting. Ages ago ofc they were everywhere and it was hard to even imagine anything else, but for so many years now it’s been obvious esp. in PvP games how they contribute to toxicity. It’s like with statistics in general, there’s so much information they don’t show at all, and they expose none of the many nuances, synergies and complexities behind even the few things they do show. Yet many people are bad with that stuff, they don’t criticize or question, but take the easy way out and rely on the scoreboard to tell them what they need to know.

Over time it becomes an excuse for toxicity and starts a vicious cycle where the game’s entire culture revolves around performance as measured by the scoreboard. So people start playing the scoreboard rather than the game, either to use it as a tool against others or even just to defend themselves against unjust criticism. The 99% of all the important things that don’t even show up on it are increasingly ignored and at the end of it all that scoreboard makes people play worse, while seeming to play better, and everyone just has a bad time.

I’ve played DT on T5+ since release and only got into modding about a month ago. So ofc I got the scoreboard too, knowing I can handle it and see its faults for what they are. To my surprise I was basically always topping the dmg, least dmg taken, and most resources gathered on pub games. It took me barely a week to notice that I was changing the way I played, ever so slightly. I started prioritizing those kills, sometimes leaving others to deal with rezzing since clearly I was most valuable just dealing with the enemy. I started to feel more annoyed at seeing how frequently I gathered as much or more resources than the rest of the team put together. It was slowly affecting my state of mind, and changing how I played into something less team oriented.

That’s not at all the kind of person or teammate I want to be.

Sure it offers a lot of useful stuff too. Like being able to see just how strong Purge can be against bosses, and adding some data beyond your own gameplay experience on how new builds are performing etc. But even then I know its misgivings, I’ve been actively against them not for my sake but for the community’s for years now, and deliberately pick them apart and remind myself of their flaws. Yet despite all that, it’s obviously switching my focus from what matters into what doesn’t.

I wasn’t prepared for that. I can only imagine the effect it has on those less mindful. Ofc after becoming aware of its effects on me, I’ve been able to tune those things down and focus on what really matters again. But it’s always there, lurking. I have a feeling once I get the things I need from the scoreboard and get used to my random new builds etc, I’ll disable it too.

So, good topic and good call OP. :sweat_smile:

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for sure and my beliefs are that almost every gamer problem is a user/ luxury “problem”.
Grown ups are responsible for their actions and this is freetime videogaming.
so if something doesnt please me or affects me negatively in my freetime i just change what i’m doing - easy :wink:

I’d maybe use it again if i can only have my numbers and then compare these.
Best would be if it is possible to compare the actual mission with my last scores on that map on same difficulty.
This way i could see if i get better, if the build is better etc.

Like it was mentioned comparing a Sniper with a Brawler or the frontliner with the support guy is in no way helpfull and tells me nothing worthwhile.

I have to say that i tried to tweak it and oly show what i was interested in:
Ressouces picked, downs, deaths, help ups, revives, specialists killed total, disablers killed, bosses/ monstrosities killed, ranged and melee damage and thats it.
But i couldnt get it the way i wanted and the comparison to others made me exactly changing my playstyle like @Elodie described.
Going for more kills here or a rescue there, starting to compete over grabbing ressources, to collect more than others etc.
Not really fundamental, but slightly and getting different priorities here and there.
Maybe sometimes for good also for the team, but i cannot get rid of the feeling it was more often bad for myself and the team when you look at the big picture.
A personal scoreboard just for myself would maybe have a similar effect, because i then want the higher numbers on the criterias i want to be measured.

It was disabled by the latest patch and i know i only need to run the batch again.
I said to me, later… tomorrow… later maybe and realized i dont miss it, i rather welcome it to not have it.
And i thought why not share it as it is still a hot topic in the community.

At least i’ not against a scoreboard and tracking specific data etc.
And i dont see it makes people more toxic.
What i think is that others and also me before and maybe still a little it does is that it evokes feelings when you get valued.

I’m not a person who values often or plays for values, min-maxing etc.
I play for almost 40 years now (1984/85 i got my CPC 464) and i was allways someone who played more for fun and immersion than anything else.

Online gaming is kind of place need to have thick skin.

When a person insults someone else about their in game skills. They should remember that the people they are insulting might have better skills in more meaningful things in real life than them.

You don’t need validation from others.

There is a different perspective not many talk about when it comes to Coop games in general with the effect it has. This is what I feel when I play it.


I used the scoreboard mod last spring when I was playing after launch. When I came back to the game in October I installed mods but didn’t bother with the scoreboard this time around. Couldn’t exactly tell you why but I have to say ignorance is bliss.

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I’m too nervous to install mods :crazy_face: but my brother plays with it. I enjoy just knowing how I am doing, in general. It’s just a game though and just playing a fun damnation game with friends is where Darktide shines


and in turn made the right choice by giving them breathing room and successful outcome when likely the other way around they would have faltered, you swarmed and everyone downed.

happens all the time.

maybe not, but the mate that is needed in that moment.

when i can choose teammates between nice and efficient, guess what i would pick?

niceness doesnt win matches and thats the goal we spend 30 minutes towards together, isn’t it.

not only does it show those unaware what efficiency looks like, whats possible in terms of mechanics, it pushes those capable to keep up and give their best.

those are the auric maelstrom done in 25 minutes or less with no one on the ground cause theres hardly a cluster of enemies left that leads to a wipe situation.

and those are the matches i enjoy the most and learn the most from myself, seeing others performing art in motion blazing through seemingly effortlessly.

if i manage to meet worthy companions and top off the board afterwards in every aspect i do feel rewarded for all the effort put into my performance, and i’m not ashamed to admit it, quite the contrary.

plus most of the time i put those who struggle back on their feet at the scruff of the neck while doing so, so no it’s not mandatory to sacrifice kills for beeing “frontfeuerwehr”

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TLDR I think scoreboard can help improve build efficiency/players, a toggle would be nice.

I do agree that reviewing scoreboards can make you feel a certain way, sometimes negative.

I posted an alternative to end of match scoreboard solution if you want to read more. End of mission summary (in hub) - Warhammer 40,000: Darktide / Gameplay Feedback - Fatshark Forums (fatsharkgames.com)

Every match has a flow with players, and after time the scoreboards don’t matter as much. Good Players are able to identify who is performing well, and who is struggling, what player is focusing specials/elites/boss/etc. I think in the long run the majority of players who play Darktide on a regular basis would like a more in depth summary. It helps identify weaknesses in your build and also identify other players builds to maybe try.

Long story short, I agree that it should be a toggle option. Something along the lines of “skip end of match summary and go straight to hub”. I might even choose that considering some of the loading times currently.

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Enemies, pickups, objectives, and everything the scoreboard tracks are what game theory calls rivalrous entities. Meaning that there is a fixed amount of them and can only be attributed to one player.

If you have a higher score, it’s because another player has a lower score. Therefore the scoreboard cannot tell you if you are good or bad, nor if you are improving or getting worse.

On the other hand, it can serve as proof that you did better than someone else in a particular game, and can be used as a basis for bullying.

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so being better is a bad thing nowadays?

right now i see prof farnsworth:“i dont want to live on this planet anymore”

being “better” is what everyone should strife for in all endeavors and actually being better deserves respect rather than envy.

you’d think people would be motivated at the gym by the poster of an average joe or arnold triumphant at the olympia?

problem is those being “worse” lack the balls nowadays to accept their shortcomings, clench their rear cheeks and get better, its easier to point fingers and try to pull others down.

and as for the “one match” argument: i’ve seen the usual suspects, some from the very beginning now in their 3-400s level.
they do not improve, not one inch.

still failing at the same stuff only at higher difficulties for reasons i cant fathom other than “i’ve put so many hours in that game, i deserve maelstrom” delusion.

so even if i’d play 50 matches with exactly these people, the outcome would still be the same.
the difference of either putting your utmost best into the match or lollygag along hoping for a smooth ride.

had a sad reminder recorded the other day, you wouldnt survive a drinking game based on the times the dude hit the floor.

obvious without scoreboard? obvious to stevie wonder even. sadly this is the clientel that would need a check with reality based on facts instead of wasting 30 minutes of three other players.

remember varlets : strife for efficiency in all things.

No. Who said that?