Its ALSO an example of why the melee weapon Nerfs ONLY hurt WHC and Zealot… ie… the ones that never needed any Nerfing.
The Falchion nerf was a good example. That ONLY affects Zealot and WHC… becuase the Bounty Hunter Kills Elites with Ranged combat… so in essence ALL they did with any melee weapon nerf was make the Bounty Hunter STRONGER… and the other two Weaker.
Sometimes the decisions that are made have me wondering if Fat Shark is smoking Crack.
The Nerf to the Ult for WHC was one of those… the same HP as Bounty Hunter is another. The Rapier Alt-Fire Nerf was another since this was supposed to be the Signature Weapon of the WHC. The Accidental Nerf of the Axe’s cleave in 1.05 hurt both Zealot and WHC…
The Weapon nerfs need to be reversed… As does a the Ult Nerf, and lower health.
If Fat Shark needs to Nerf any given Saltzpyre job… then those need to be pointed a the Bounty Hunter… not WHC OR Zealot.
Because neither the Zealot NOR WHC are overpowererd in any way shape or form. If anything its the opposite.
I don’t know who up there is making the decisions about the Saltzpyre jobs… but whoever they are… They’re not very good at it.