XBOX got 14.000 aquilas - Steam got nothing (Fatshark responded 23/01/2024)

Good point about the thread, it’s still visible. Alright, let’s see:

Your first comment already demonstrates your tone as too combative. You get a laugh? Why even post that? Just laugh.

The next page containing your posts shows you and “Calv” piling on. You got mad that someone resented this kind of commenting? Surprise that.

Lastly, the crescendo - ad hominem, name-calling and blatant disregard for any purpose of a forum.

The search function on Steam Forums is a bit obtuse, did I get that right?

I tried to change the subject, yes. Several people had already made excellent counterpoints to what you presented. I felt it necessary because -

If you respect my stance on the matter, and also have to call me a troll, consider that maybe your views on the subject are communicated and spent?

And again - If I wanted to connect to people personally and engage with their character, I wouldn’t be in an online forum. OP’s, yours, or anyone’s character behind the screen are (well, should be) irrelevant. That’s why pointing out that you’re banned on Steam Forums is irrelevant next to the fact that you’re willing to derail a conversation because someone disagreed with your disagreement…

If you have to separate your personal peeve with OP from the topic, here: I am here for my Aquilas - #12 by FASAStampede

…this thread has none of OPs manipulations, and you can clearly see the same points being made. This also took a brief search, and you can check the rest of the topics about the matter.