Worst Experience in Darktide?

I think my new worst experience in Darktide is seeing those zealot shorts :laughing:



i know, i met some of them in the mourningstar and inspected them out of curiosity, and there were indeed specimen with triple xp because, dunno, having a huge true level is fun.


I’ve to say that sound horrible familiar…

Just came across a team where someone kept apologising. Actually he seemed nervous and constantly worried over VoIP, always apologising all the time and sounded really down. I think he must of had a really bad experience someone abusing him or something.

Kind of made me feel awkward.

Kind of funny I still see people alt+f4 in Maelstrom to join a different session probably for Auric Survivor badge. They don’t realise FS did an update that counts it as a loss unless you rejoin same session. Probably few players out there grinding away not realising.

zombies gonna zombie

as for the other guy, his day might have been the equivalent of


To be completely honest, the worst experience in Darktide is when the smaller stuff starts adding up.

Let’s say you have a pretty meh day at work, get back home and shower. You decide to relax by playing some Darktide. BAM! You get five matches in a row with some of the worst teammates you’ve EVER played with.

It’s not overtly common, but it’s fairly soul-crushing when the stars do align that way.


I think the worst experience was when I was leveling my Vet for the first time after leveling Zealot and Psyker. It was before the class rework and damnation was the hardest difficulty. Was probably a few 100 hours in. Anyway, I was a low level Vet who was comfortable enough in my ability to play on heresy. But, two Ogryn players that I assumed were party leveling together started to verbally berate me, then proceeded to kick me during a mission. I was carrying my weight, and I never complained when they got in the way of my line of fire, which was at the time not pass through fire. It was the only time I’ve ever been kicked in this game. I don’t think I’ve encountered that kind of hostility over text chat either since.


Stealth zealots in general, they go stealth, everyone targets me or other players, while they run away and die somewhere ahead.


It is the little things:

  • Like when you open the box first they zoom by and grab it.
  • Topping up health repeated from medstation several times when they still have 50%
  • Pretending to be dealing with tiny horde and leave monstrosity to someone else. Classic priority understanding.

People simply don’t understand the concept of sharing. Probably better to have individual medkits and ammo kit allocation to use so you’re responsible for your own usage. This is why I never run any class builds that are heavily ammo dependent i.e. Heavy bolter will ONLY be used for monstrosities, nothing else and go pure melee zealot for everything else.


Urgh this grinds my gears. And the people who do it KEEP doing it over and over, every single box.

And they’re usually terrible players too.


and the worst about this: to counter this, you have to grab everything first, so you become like them.

normally we just let bad players go down and pick them up later, simply because wasting resources doesn’t pay off and can start the chain of lemmings coming to the rescue.

iirc one of the few guys we kicked was one who wouldn’t drop his ammo pack although everyone was red and asking for ammo.


Hot mic’s who have left click as tag. They really need a hug.


Or a swift kick in the teeth…


There was this one specific time on Chasm Station where this happened to me.

Turns out the guy just completely forgot that he had the Ammo Crate and we had to DIRECTLY name him in chat before he went “Ohhh!” and dropped it for us. I guess that everybody else saying “I need Ammo!” in chat for the last few minutes didn’t jog his memory quite enough.

I guess you could call that the “Good Ending”?

lol i had that as a beginner too, i was so caught up in the action that i forgot about what i was carrying and about my ult. so i placed a slip of paper next to my monitor that said AMMO / ULT . it looked dumb, but it worked, so it wasn’t dumb. and i kept it for nostalgia reasons.

but that particular guy knew and just didn’t want to drop the ammo because we wasted it in his view, and only he could put it to good use.

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I was the only one alive and saved 3 noob russian guy with my psyker, and at near the end event they kicked me, because i forgot to drop them the ammo box, they dont even told me to drop the ammo box. Never gonna play with russians again.

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Something similar happened to me once long ago. 3 guys I was also carrying kicked me nearing the end out of nowhere. Either it was out of jealousy because I was more skilled or they were just a trio-trolling gang. It made literally no sense at all. Carried them the entire game with all 3 guys going down more than 3 times each at least. During the match I had to clutch very heavy to save all of them at a player spawn pick-up point. Just blew my mind. Out loud nearing the end of the game… I was like; “WHAT!?.” I strongly feel that at the last section of the map or the big finale you shouldn’t be able to kick at all past a certain point. Like maybe the very last 10-15mins or so… At least not when you’re doing the big event. That moment honestly left me entirely speechless. Yet another million & 1 reasons never to play pubs lol.

Filthy heretics!

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I totally agree with this.
Past a point, there should be no kick allowed and no player should be able to join the mission.
Also, they need to stop to throw us on the end screen. I know that several leave when everybody die (why is the mystery, anyways the mission is failed), and this is how a player comes just for the end screen. This has to be fixed, especially considering the bugs related to the time needed to load levels. Sometimes it takes less than 1 minutes, sometimes you need 10 minutes and have the time to go cooking before returning to Morningstar.


I don’t mind, it’s free Ordos :wink: