Worst Experience in Darktide?

I’m just curious… What’s your worst encounter with another player in-game? It can be anything. What annoyed you the most or even a pet-peeve of yours? Idk why, I just like reading these stories.

I’ll start… I had a guy literally shoot every Poxbuster there is in people’s faces after we said please stop. He acknowledged it & apologized, but kept on doing it probably either griefing or trolling. Another guy & myself tried to kick him, but the third guy would not couldn’t understand why… Maybe his buddy or something. Probably my most frustrating game of all-time. I just left mid-game & blocked. Why play with people like this, eh? On top of which screaming into the mic for no apparent reason half the match… & yes, this was a console player. It’s wild… My worst encounters are always with console players for some odd reason. As some said before-hand, we should get the option to not cross-play if we don’t feel the need to.


My worst was on a Hab-Dreyko run doing a Maelstorm. We were just finishing up doing the tree puzzle. Everybody was super low on HP and one guy had a Med-Crate. I think you can see where this is going… WE wiped because he would not drop it at all, we were all begging him for it like little dehydrated puppies asking for water. He was a Martyrdom Zealot, but STILL he could’ve just dropped it for us. Incredibly selfish, honestly. I think that’s my pet-peeve in this game, selfish players! F-them up the arse!


Played an Excise Vault (or whatever Steal Stinky is) that was fine literally all the way up until the exit elevator. Ogryn player decided to actually roleplay and screwed around barely outside of it until the entire team wiped because poxburster.


Party Finder into Havoc so far. I’ve been declined from every party tonight.


I’m just curious… What class are you playing like builds, true level, title, insignias, etc? Because a lot of people actually do judge by this, sadly.


Man, my worst experience was from other players.

Joined up with a random group of 3 zealots via the discord - they saw my bling and figured I could hang I guess - all 3 seemed to be pretty young players, none of their levels were impressive. I don’t talk much, but they were pretty intent on asking me some way inappropriate questions.

we queue up and to my surprise all 3 are combat knife loner zealots, all 3 instantly sprint away and leave me in the dust. “okay, fine, i’ll just do my best to keep up”

It was the throneside map, they weren’t killing anything. It was like some kind of weird pacifist run. I was trying to keep up my I was having to cleave my way through everything to do so. Eventually they get to the bridge and have to deal with the monster and hundreds of enemies they’d avoided. Then quickly, 2/3 of them die. I’m left fighting for my life, against literally everything, the surviving backstab zealot is good, but isn’t a team player - he is keeping his shroudfield refreshed pretty well and it’s basically me vs an auric maelstrom. Eventually I die, overwhelmed while trying to do the objective.

Stealthy man talks trash, resses me, says something like “wow, never would have thought someone who is your level would be such $hit”, shroud fields all the enemies on me and I get overwhelmed again. I watch him as a spectator while he’s talking trash… Then realize, he hasn’t killed almost ANYTHING. I look at the scoreboard, his score is basically reflective of someone who is swinging only to refresh shroudfield, his friends are at like 10k damage each. He resses me again, I die to a beast of nurgle being instantly on top of me.

It was about then it dawned on me that this game wasn’t a game intended for me to be a player in. I was there for the sole purpose of dying. The zealot never tried to res his friends, it was always me, and he always do it with a horde right ontop of me then shroudfield away…

I finally decide that I’ve had enough being trolled, blocked the guy and left.


That’s kinda fk’ed up actually. I’ve had something somewhat similar to this happen. But only 1 guy would just bolt a head with Zealot. He would just run to the next set of doors or elevator which ever is may be. All three of us left fighting… In chat I just say kick them… & vote kick. Most of the time it works the kicking part, sometimes 1 dumb-a.s.s. doesn’t understand why we need to kick. Luckily, this is extremely rare… The block list should be a lot longer… There’s so many people I would have no interest in playing with ever again.


Yeah, it was a first for me. It was the first time I ran into someone in this game whose only purpose in playing the game was to troll. Although I’ve heard tales of people who purposefully would kill people with barrels for their “barrel compilation video”. Never ran into any of them though.


Gun Lugger Ogryn used up two entire Ammo Crates to himself and then got REALLY mad at the rest of us when a Veteran “stole” a small ammo pickup.

“I’m a Gun Lugger Ogryn, I needed that ammo!” followed by a storm of insults and slurs.

Like, as if no one else needs ammo…

NOW, I’ve definitely had worse experiences than that one… but that’s the one that I like to laugh about the most.


You’re going to be at a huge stand-off here. If Ogryn sits on Vet, he wins.

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HA! You read my Reddit post did you? I was one of the victims.
I ran into the barrel trolls 1.5 years later (it will be 2 years in Jan) after that, a few months ago, and recognized them.
I called them out, they said something snarky, and I left. Sure glad the default block does nothing for preventing that.
That’s in my top 10 now that you reminded me of that incident.
Here’s the troll flaming the barrel that knocked me off for the last time, he had just finished downing bron and got each of us at least once or twice by now.

Bron was the other victim of the griefing.

P.S. They also wouldn’t drop either of the 2 medcrates when the Bron dude repeatedly asked, only to deploy one at the end Valk.


LOL… Uhh, Made me actually laugh out loud.


Vet Boltgun/Chainsword with Shout/Frags/Focus Target. Pretty versatile and generally broken build (I like FT even though anyone else would say to put the points elsewhere). I could have changed some things for Havoc specifically but I don’t have much experience with it right now because of work keeping me busy.

I eventually got into one but it’s just such an unnecessary system. Losing rank on failure, relying on premades/party finder, instead of just designing it around quickplay instead of pretending this is more nuanced than any ranked mode in any other game is such a failure of an implementation.

All this practical experience and analytical data with VT2 Deeds and Weaves and they still make the same mistakes.

As far as like showing I’m a skilled player I have Secret Karnak Diff Insignia/don’t care about title (Reject)/level 300+ on every operative.


Yeah, literally Weaves all over again almost. I always wanted a public option for Havoc so you can get games faster & more consistently. You’re able to see builds or leave if you don’t like the other players. However, there is a mod that allows you to see people’s builds now. Luckily, I have a decent pre-made that I beat it with that I know IRL. I feel that Havoc seems to be dying off a lot more now just like Twins Hard Mode did after a month of release. Sure, you can still get the odd game of Havoc, but it seems further, few & in-between now. I feel there were more people playing Havoc within the first 2-weeks. All the try-hards are probably done with it because they got all the goodies like, titles, insignias, cosmetics, etc. Yeah, your stuff seems decent enough. I wouldn’t sweat it… I mean, I’m a level 1140 Ogryn with Hardmode Insignia, True Survivor, etc… & I still got rejected lol. Even beat rank 40 about 4 times with just Ogryn & a lot more with the others.


steam forums top everything I witnessed ingame

in fact, ingame I got more very positive encounters I remember than bad ones


yeah… i don’t use any. just simple frames. if i play well, people notice, if i don’t, i look like a fool with medals. if that makes some people decline, they’re probably not the best team mates anyway.


Playing havocs above 10 in pubs

So many players with horrendous builds and awful skill that go down 12+ times during the game that spend most of the match captured.

It’s incredibly jarring getting player after player attempting the hardest challenge in the game while having no idea how to handle regular damnation let alone auric.


I feel bad for ogyrns

Joined a havoc 22 and watched as the host rejected 4 ogyrns back to back who had completed 20 and above.

Like I’ve personally seen orgyns perform at 35 and above and they’re absolutely nuts but I’ve seen my fair share of I’ve never done auric but I can handle this and instantly get downed to death within 5 minutes.


Yeah, I see this way too much in pubs, that’s why I quit playing with randoms. I only do pre-mades now because of the frustration I endured. Literally, people with even the A.S.S. title go down to the simplest of Trappers. I’m like… Okay you TOTALLY cheesed that title bud.


It is pretty wild… I’d take a mechanically freakish Ogryn over a Chorus Zealot that isn’t doing much damage any day of the week. I could only really get games with certain Meta-like builds which I get they want to be safe, but it’s still sad af. I had to be Zealot with Chorus or Vet with VoC & Bubble Psyker to get picked at all. Now, lately I hardly see any games. Could be because of Xmas too. I think that Havoc is starting to fizzle out just like Twins Mode very soon.