What is wrong with the community here

A couple times i have been screamed at…literally cussed out for absolute nonsence.

I as a general rule try to look what blitz and weapons the team is using just to try to have a better grip on everything and ive grabbed an ammo too many as much as they next guy but something is deeply wrong with the darktide community.

Not too long ago i was in a team with 2 rock ogryn, and a throwing knife zealot. The zealot noticed i was not “sharing the grenades” and one of the ogryn joined in. Near the end zealot refused to finish the mission until the “grenade hoarder” was kicked.

2nd story.

Me and an irl friend on party chat are going through public matched. We get matched with 2 pskers, both using staff of some kind. “Well more assail then staff but the point is they didnt have guns. I was sure of this” i talked with my buddy on party (an ogryn) to make sure he got the ammo he needed but he was a melee boy so i got most of it and he was cool with it. As far as im aware i didnt friendly fire them or do anything disruptive but halfway through one psyker goes keyboard warrior for the ogryn about how im not sharing enough ammo with the ogryn. Me and the ogryn (my irl friend on party chat telling me to pick up said ammo i may remind) ignore them and just keep playing and the 2nd psyker joins in. At this point my buddy tells me they are gonna leave the party to go into ingame chat to tell them he dosent need the ammo its fine he is bashing in heads. Long story short he derps up leaving the party and leaves the game idk…but the second the ogryn leaves im vote kicked for being an ammo hoarder.

I have tons more stories of people like this making NO sence. This never happened on vermintide ever on pc or xbox. What happened to is on Darktide here?


OP discovers A holes on the internet.


Normally its not an issue but fatshark removed bot matches for no reason…

What difficulty do you play? What region are you in? What time of day?

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Between 4 and 5 depending. Dont play 3 with randoms anymore.

Us East

Time will vary WILDLY by when im free

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I ran into my first psycho player last night - dude was completely unhinged, screaming over comms. my first experience with this in DT.

may be worth it to you to take note of these players names & accounts and drop FS a message about it (obviously, if you feel their behavior is so toxic it’s warranted).


First time playing online games?


Sounds fun
I wish I got schizophrenics rather than people who don’t talk.


People sometimes get confused, and can rage over a perceived slight, real or imagined. It’s not acceptable, but it happens.

I can’t attest to your situation - I wasn’t there, I don’t know what did or didn’t happen, but I can give examples of behaviors I typically see players getting called out for:

1. Not paying attention to the HUD: Before picking up ammo, grenades or using the med station, look at the rest of your team’s status in your HUD. If someone has Red or Orange ammo or grenades, maybe let them have it first.

2. Picking up health packs and ammo crates, then never using them: Some players just pick up everything, but don’t seem to know how or when to deploy health packs and ammo crates, often finishing the mission with them in their inventory…

Some even start shouting “I NEED AMMO!” but don’t bother deploying the ammo crate in their inventory, or worse yet, don’t deploy it when others need it.

3. Picking up health packs and ammo crates, and not using them appropriately: This is the converse of the previous item, such as deploying a health pack right before a guaranteed-full med station, or deploying an ammo pack before a drop off point, or when no one needs it.

4. Not communicating: All of the above is compounded further when you are not responding to in-game voice/chat.

What I’ve found is that most players are MUCH more forgiving of a player if they have voice coms, and attempt to be responsive. Maybe start there.


You appear to have the wrong game mate.


Sorry for your experience, but heresy has always been and now normal damnation too is a very toxic difficulty. Not an everyday experience, as I have heard, but most of the toxic events go down in there. Maybe some auric heresy? Might be more chill there.

Thank you for pointing this out. I did mean darktide i just typed vermintide :laughing: :laughing:

I always read these stories and just wonder how on earth you find these sort of people. Not trying to say that these sort of things can’t happen, but its wild how much it differs from my experience with the game.
Sure there are always those odd balls where I go “wtf is he doing”, but actively stopping runs from finishing and kicking? Yeah maybe once in a 800 hours.

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It’s almost certainly the region. I’m on the Asia servers and it’s very rare for anything negative/toxic to happen.

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So much this, i mostly have to entertain myself with my beloved in voice chat.

Overall I’ve not had any issues with toxicity since getting back in October other than maybe one I instigated, but it was very brief.

A fellow who was also leveling psyker blew themselves up around 8 times in a single match when I told them “R quells peril”, and they promptly told me to do something with my mouth.

They then blew themselves up for the 9th time.

This is the only instance of “toxicity” I’ve run into in the 200 or so hours I’ve logged since my return. I believe a poster above (Smilingbob) has made some good points so I’ll add an addendum, or simply reiterate:

  • As a hungry hungry ammo vet I always make sure I thank people for marking ammo for me, and early on in any match I always try to skip ammo packs I might need just to mark it for anyone who needs it to set the proper tone, and let them know that I am a team player.

  • Thanking people for any dog removed, trap unsnared, or mutant stopped. Positive reinforcement.

  • I skip medicae pips if needed, and I’m never stingy with medipacks.

  • I stick with the team as closely as possible, and back up any stragglers. I think this is usually appreciated. Consciously, or not. Simply acknowledging there are other people in the match with you seems to make a big difference in attitude.

  • I mark where we need to go next if people are unaware of a door opening as an easy example, or a good place to hold.

Assuming you are on PC I recommend getting Numeric UI. It helps keep track of how people are doing ammo wise. The color coding alone really doesn’t cut it.

One bonus point: Nod at people in elevators. Might just be a me thing, but it always gets me to smile whenever someone nods back. Something about the silly movement in FPS games I will always find humorous.


Hit enter. Type “Ogryn and I are in a party together; it’s fine”. Hit enter.
Drama avoided. :slight_smile:

But yes, I agree with you OP, you shouldn’t need to. The whole ammo-police thing started here on the forums from frustrated T5Auric Veterans. Come to think of it, a lot of aggro in general comes from T5 Auric veterans. Hmmm. Maybe it comes with the class? Anyway; if you’re following the simple colour coding mechanism for team ammo you can’t go far wrong imho. If someone is worse off than you leave it for them.

On the occasions I’ve run dry (pistol zealot) my teammates have generally always been quite kind and highlighted a box or two to get me going again. Can’t say I’ve ever been kicked, but maybe that’s just statistics and I’m due one soon.

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Man I encountered such a weird party last night, it was obviously a group of friends on Heresty, i decided to do my last monster contract on heresy, would be my last mission of the night so I wanted something abit slower than Damnation. so i signed up for a assassination mission, and got paired up with a Ogryn, Psyker and a Vet.

Vet managed to jump down a ledge and die in the first 5 minutes, Ogryn pulled a DH, and Psyker blew up. i mean sure, thats fine you know, sh*t happens.

We jump down into the the chasm station terminus part where you need to climb up to get towards the check point right before the market stall hacking.

There where a lot of gunners, and 2 bombers, so ofc we tried to duck into cover, meanwhile ogryn and vet died, and i tried to flank with the Psyker. Karnak twin showed up, Psyker got shot to pieces, and I barely managed to kill the karnak twin. than flanked the upstairs gunners and rescued the downed peeps. who than proceeded to rush their way towards the check point. (vet dying again) to which i asked them to stop rushing, and that they where leaving behind a Ammo crate and Stimms.

I than got shouted at and insulted by all three of them, and got kicked from the game. I mean…just wtf.

Sometimes the players you get paired up with are just a bunch of *sshats. luckly there is a option to ban people tho :wink:

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Problem with default ammo indication is that it only kicks in very late.

You can easily have everyone sitting just on the edge before the indicator changes color.

So you run around, picking all the ammo you can find, because everyone is „full“, then a few seconds later everyone is „low“.

Numeric ui should really be part of the default interface.


Totally agree on Numeric UI.
FS should just make it available as an option to avoid cluttering the UI so it’s a user’s choice.

Also sorry for OP, but don’t generalize : with over 700 hours of DT I barely encountered a handful of annoying/lost/toxic/or just not the brightest people :smile:. Otherwise it’s always been great overall - and this is playing 99% Quickplay in Heresy/Damnation (Asia servers, occasionally EU w/ friends).
Sometimes people are just a bit jumpy so communicating even in text chat might smooth things out quick. And just leave the game if it looks like it’s going to be a bad time.