There is.
Now in game:
Out of the game:
Bro playing in the AMs wondering why theres nothing popping.
Thats toxic.
Thanks! This was well before patch #53; the game had just launched. I must have missed that they changed that. Good on them!
Well, I didn’t want to say “she’s pretty,” because that felt even worse. So, “least-ugly I could manage” was my compromise. Sorry it didn’t land.
even adam smasher wouldn´t smash their
and that says something
Worst Experience in Darktide?
Probably Havoc. The party finder, the meta builds, the overtuned gunners. Burns me out pretty quick.
That loon hitting on a game character has to be the craziest one I’ve heard about here.
reading the whole thing with even the austrian painter having a guest appearance, all i can imagine is
now the important question is, where was FEGELEIN
What @OggyLover said; selfish players. We had one Zealot just running past every enemy for the entire game, gets jumped by a dog at the end, calls us all kinds of names and ragequits. Then we had to deal with all the enemies he triggered and were coming towards us.
I hate it when there are players who want to speed through the location. At the same time, without helping the laggards or collecting resources
And I also hate players who make their character look like a pervert follower of chaos. It’s unpleasant to look at such people
I don’t know, but I shudder at the thought someone could do this to my ogryn
I’ve seen that too. Was it on the Archive map (EU server)? I also asked why is the Ogryn standing in the back all the time and he said something like “because you steal all the ammo” lol
Edit: never mind, my case was on Auric T5. But people on Heresy seem to intentionally grief/troll, I’ve seen that too when I played with a friend.
True level offers some of the most useful feedback in the game. It’s not a failsafe but there’s clearly different competencies at various benchmarks, 75, 250, 500, 750, 1000. Sure there’s some knobs with bloated true levels but they aren’t common. It’s pretty tough to suck once you’ve put the time in to get to over 500.
Still the biggest issue with the game imo and fatshark seems to be fine with it. The game was never meant to be cheesed in this way. It should require teamwork
Agree with the “game should require teamwork” part but disagree that this is the biggest issue standing in the way of it. You come across a situation like this like, once every 100 games. The more pressing anti-teamwork issue in this game is how almost everything (including mobiltiy) is severely OP to the point of rendering a full team pointless. Suffice to say i’ve never come across anyone even trying this in my Havoc games, people stick together the moment the game actually needs them to (Aurics dont)
There was a weird phenomenon that made it harder to get an accurate True Level reading, it seemed like a fair amount players (mostly consolers) plateau’d and since they got so much XP from Aurics, they kept levelling up.
That 250 mark might be 300-350 a month later and so on, confusing the hel out of me.
Still, overall it’s a very useful metric.
P.S. Some mofos actually ran 3x +10XP % on their curios ! An alarming number of players also didn’t do anything with their curios (including greens/blues!) knowing other players couldn’t see them, by default.
I’ve had bad teammates from all sorts of levels. I’ve said it before, just copy pasting stuff I’ve said before because I frankly am tired of this and it’s an attitude I see across a lot of games, people have been fishing for various metrics to preemptively judge people for years and years now.
"I will continue to stand behind relying on true level being a silly expectation.
Generally my worst experiences have been with the triple digit players. Bad players be bad.
watches the entire team leap into the finale and instantly die while not using a single medicae charge after I had to save them for the third or fourth time that map
internal screaming"
This is not an unusual experience. Two of them in that match were triple digit, the other was level 83 or something. I only even have true level turned on in the social menu to avoid even subconsciously making judgements in game. I check it solely out of curiosity when someone is being a crappy teammate/doing stuff like that clip. There’s a pretty even spread of players, and generally the ones making the absolute most egregious team wiping mistakes are the highest levels, whether it’s due to apathy, overconfidence, whatever. I only even installed it exclusively because of posts like this because of the confirmation bias that seems to be happening from people who display it at all times.
The fact that it only even displays a single character level alone makes it a pretty terrible metric. The dude playing his +20 Veteran rather than his +735 psyker is going to get judged for his level over the level 94 who only has one character.
This is the standard for 80% of players…
They don’t even take the time to check chest in front of them… they rarely go backward to take an ammo bag or… even a crate.
This is terrible for a cooperation game.