Why the current Veteran skill tree is bad

Probably a good thing that you can’t take all of them

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Totally agree

Right lane is kinda fine, although infiltrate could use a bump. It’s just every single thing on the left side being horrible bad. Frags are bad, takedown is bad, catch a breath is useless and so is killzone, opening salvo, Executioner Stance is by far the worst Ult in the whole game that doesn’t serve any purpose, and of course to top it all off we have a keystone at the end for autoguns doing headshots for some dumb reason.

To add to this they nerfed survivalist without any recompense to Vet ranged build and “ranged gameplay” is still non-existent and not required apart from quick-drawing a revolver to cull specials. So going for a more melee focused build (eg: with VoC) is always better.


Surprised nobody mentioned pure RNG skills like Twinned Blast or Competetive Spirit.

This crap should go on the curios, it has no business being an actual skill costing a precious proint.


these rng talents should be replaced by something else

Oh man yeah. Twin Blast is one of those things that really shows how badly the design was thought out and based in tabletop mechanics.

Im a turn based game, twin blast could be a workable skill. With defined encounters, clear positions/squares/hexes for things to inhabit, distinct turns, etc, double grenades could be very powerful if highly random.

In a dynamic real time shooter where everything is moving about quickly, it’s basically noise and often even when proc’d is completely pointless when the second grenade goes off into empty space.


lol, Thanks for Clarification

I meant VoC Keystone.
going to fix!

Another questionable skill I’d like to point out at is Serrated Blade.

When class rework came out everyone, including me, liked this skill. But now it seems like nobody cares about it and it is actually a noob trap?

The only reason to use this is probably with the knife (Mercy Kill blessing), but other than it’s a pointless IMO.

Well on patch 13 release dots stacked onslaught, and serrated blade wasn’t too far out of your way from memory, so I’m not surprised peoples’ opinions of it have gone down since then.

1 stack of bleed per hit just isn’t very impressive without further synergies to play off.

My biggest reason not to take it currently is probably location, between smokes and close and kill is a hard sell to begin with. But yeah I’d say it’s under tuned as well. Would be curious if anyone’s found a good use for in the current Vet tree layout. Even if I wanted to commit to a right tree build for theming I’m taking agile engagement to move down the tree and ignoring serrated 100% of the time as things stand.

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I use it for the knife…

As I said… the “simplified” veteran tree is a plague… but was asked by players.
Before that, it was well placed.

I hope for new blessings on other weapons. I hope for something like that for tactical axe (a weapon that really something done).

True. I pick it often cause I do not want to deal with the constant switch between melee and ranged weapon. Sure, I don’t use the keystones.

2 reasons (daggers on my veteran)

Other than this… I don’t see.

Also, I have finally recovered the old veteran talent tree of the patch 13. Here the image:

When I watch it, I see why the changes that have been made (keystone and “simplified” tree) have removed so many gameplays for me…
This talent tree was really much better. In fact you had a better ability bonus (end of the tree) and the talents placement had a logic behind.
I really miss this tree.

Never forgret, what they took from you.


I agree, we need even the older survivalist the 1.5%.

sharpshooter tree needs some serious defensive traits agains melees without going into middle tree

No it don’t…that’s the whole point. get better at spotting when to focus on ranged and clearing your six before focusing.

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like getting 60% thougness back whenever you get in Exe stance maybe? :wink:

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have you even tried going full sharpshooter tree ? auric maelstrom with randoms? your dead meat because nobody can hold front line

I think really, they gotta look at how other classes regen their toughness. How much they get per engagement etc. Then make sure Vet in exe stance can keep up in those terms.

I dislike the only left tree regen perk being exhilarating takedown.


HUH? Clearing your six? what of the pack of maulers in the airvent above you about to drop when you turn back and activate Exe stance?

Give it up man, that or go play on sedition as usual. You act like you have any control over the space around you. You don’t on Auric Damnation. The poxwalker waves are endless, the elites nonstop. You have to constantly trade, chip damage exists.

Henceforth, I’ll have to assume you’re a sedition player.

My god… Veteran has enough regen toughness talents. You have even a loner talent, or sort of.
Just take them… Sure you will loose power of destruction, but having both would makes this class even more powerful. And this class has several builds totally OP.

Yeah, but the point here is where they are located, the expense of reaching those, and whether or not the left tree has any real value beyond the reload talent at the top.

I agree, middle tree has loads! But we weren’t talking about that. Also, can you quit it with the “OP builds” rubbish please? I don’t know what you are measuring it against, or what threshold for you quantifies “Over Powered” but can we perhaps use less… charged expressions?

“The Veteran has several strong builds” for example, wouldn’t give the wrong impression about this class.

If you mean catch a breath ( Replenish toughness when no enemies within 8 meters) then that is pretty much irrelevant talent the higher you go in difficulty.

I do agree that vets toughness regen isn’t the worst but the talent in particularly is just bad.