Why the current Veteran skill tree is bad

Irrelevant cause, I suppose, you won’t even try to loot. Cause if you loot, as players tend to always rush forward, you need to go ALONE. And then, this talent is relevant.

Again… we disagree. You want to get too much. If you want all toughness regen, you can. You just have to spend points. And that’s make things “balanced”.
You have to have great destruction power and great toughness regen. Basically you ask devs to make this class totally OP.

You are wrong. He is an uprising player.


Irrelevant because if you try to loot alone then you are more likely to have 1 enemy who is constantly stopping that regen from happening. It also presumes you go into looting with next to no toughness to begin with.
No to mention your scenario is oddly specific to sacrifice 1 talent point.
In combat where you actually need that regen the most its probably never going to be in use unless you are ducking out with only ranged enemies.

You confirm me that you don’t try to loot.

What you said is totally wrong.

Nice talk

Noooo, theres no way I should have to spend points to get Iron Will and Confirmed Kill, just to feel like I can stand a chance of surviving. Exe stance should either have some toughness regen mechanic cooked in (for example, merging Exhilarating Takedown into it, maybe as a sidegrade for it?) or something of that ilk.

I don’t like feeling like the left tree is hot garbage, because thats supposed to be shooty vet.

I also, don’t want to have to spec into middle tree to add some survivability. The ability to survive should not be tree specific! All three should be able to comfortably survive on various difficulties, else they designed it wrong!

Its all tax tax tax. Taxed for toughness, taxed to get back into my lane, taxed to get my grenades if I want them.

Please stop acting like I’m trying to make a super-vet. I’m not, I want several different viable builds for my veteran. Not 2 and a half.

Are you serious??? a chance to survive???

If you play with headshots, I would advice you to take exhilarating takedown.
But the 3 top branches have a toughness regen talent.
Iron will is one of the things I take every time, especially cause I never play with keystones (and so I get the better of all 3 bottom branches).
But still, there are lot of things to refresh your toughness.

This is not tax. This is balancing by not allowing you to have all best talents easily taken.

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Wow yeah, thanks.

At least now we know how you actually play the class. You don’t, you just picked some strong talents and gave up trying to make builds.

Fantastic, I’m sure you represent the vast majority of players and thus your opinion is far more valid /s

Dude, I want my class fixed. You don’t.

Lets end this back and forth now.

Adding this to the Book.


I use full sharpshooter line (like 80% of it (with the keystone i might add)) and play on auric/maelstrom using helbore and im doing just fine.
Also i never play in a team, always with randoms.
And im not even some super skilled player, just an average one with only 300h.
The vet tree absolutely needs more work, there are still completely useless perks and illogical “must gets” before you can continue down a line.
But i wouldnt say any of the 3 lines is unusable or weak.

Hey I too have taken all three lines into maelstrom. I’ll be real though, even with with good skill, awareness and a laser focus on headshots, you’re still kinda wasting the points in Marksman’s Focus. Just using math, or taking average combat scenarios, you begin to see so many holes in the left tree. Its poorly designed, heck, a lot of the tree is.

vet thougness related perks are pretty garbage, they give you much on paper, but since they are mostly kill / headshot related you are coaxed into opting for a main ability that gives you thougness back, Voice of Command wouldn’t be so strong if his thougness related talents worked like Ogryns and Psyker ones

besides all that thougness itself as a stat is criminally Overrated, the only thing that matters when you play the game is the ability to fill your bar back, and Vet so happens to be the most inefficent at that

Vet just have too many stupid gymnastic minigames

the requirements to get a stack of anything and get any value off it is as long as the list of buffs other classes have for free

i mean just look at Scryer gaze psyker and all the synergy that ability has with his talents and keystones and compare it with the whole vet tree, as a gun psyker all you need to do is to press one button and play the game, he is the magic guy, he is the one supposed to have the minigames to get his buffs, not the Grunt Vet, even the concept of the whole deal is deeply wrong

when the game released they gave 200 base toughness to vet, so i don’t buy that they always meant for it to be the class with toughness deficiencies


Thing about marksman’s focus is that i like to be able to 1 headshot every enemy in the game (except ogryns and carapace) and then search for the next target (and its kind of a must have for helbore imo)
Without marksman focus i need to 2 shot dreg gunners and 2-3 shot ragers in the head before they go down. But with marksman’s focus on full stacks its 1 headshot and move on (which btw full stack isnt that hard to get to or keep up (also note i NEVER pay attention to not moving, im always on the move, dodging, running, charging at the enemy with the bayonet etc. Dont really feel like the movement penalty is as bad as people make it out to be)

Pretty much in agreement with everything else you said.
Also note i do like the marksman’s focus but i would love to see other possibilities for that keystone. I am certain there are better options for it.

I just dont really like people saying the left side and the keystone is completely useless and unplayable when im been playing it 70% of the times and have a very good time with it (on auric).

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Actually I use builds…
But I do not use keystones cause they suck at playing with their bad triggers
I do not want to not move or deal with the marksman keystone, I do not want to spam tag, I do not want to switch constantly my weapon…
And sorry, I do not want that Fatshark messes AGAIN a class that I play 40% of the time.
Two times they change things for the worse. The first was when they introduced the bad keystones. Considering the number of veteran players that don’t use them (scoreboard + one other mod you can see that), I am far from the only one… And I don’t see this situation with the other classes.
The second time was cause of a similar thread. At this time I decided to not post in the thread. Then they pushed bad changes that impacted me again and badly.
Tbh, the veteran tree from patch 13 was perfect… keystones were not needed, nor the other changes they did.

I want also that they fix veteran class. This is just that what I see as a problem is different from you. My main problem is the triggers of the keystones.

Sorry, not related to the topic but… You should be doing that regardless of your build or class. It helps the whole team.

I tag to warn my team about a mutant I could not kill, about a crusher patrol. I do not tag everything… in fact, people that tag everything annoys me… I have even left one mission cause of this.
But yes I tag… but, again, not everything.

On this I agree. Especially talents like:

  • agile engagement
  • all keystones

Other need changes:

  • covering fire (too bad, the descriptiuon show that it is only for allies)
  • twinned blast (rng talent)
  • competitive urge (rng talent)
  • demolition team (rng talent and worse than demolition stockpile)
  • grenade tinkerer with krak grenade. I don’t understand how the +50% damages can be useful except against monstrosities
  • field improvisation (need a fix to remove the bug that makes medikits wasted quickly)

Sorry, I don’t play this class… and this also explain why I do not want that veteran tree is messed again… I play zealot 50%,m veteran 40% and ogryn 10%. In other words, I play zealot / veteran. If veteran tree is too much messed, then it would remain me only one class. Let’s say it would be better stopping the game.

Tried a 100% toughness veteran. It works. This is not the best, but you can stay at full health lot of the time. But when you’re wounded… it hurts


Yeah totally fair. I really loved the idea of MF and Exe stance as my core way of playing. I wish it was worth it for me.

I kinda see the Veteran “tree” as more like this:


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sry i don’t get this part, by 100% you mean with all thougness curios or with base thougness? I usually play with base thougness and 3 health curios

i saw many people playing with the other way around, bunch of thougness curios, the extra wound, and stamina curios with 150 or 158 hp in total, but 90% of the times they don’t make it trough the whole mission, even if i cuddle them with VoC

3 toughness curios +17% and 3x +5% toughness.
So a +66% toughness

that never worked for me and my playstyle, i find value off tanking fire damage and pox bursters to get what i want, maybe i’ve just spoiled myself but the game never punished me for that so far

i even go as far as having 30 - 45% corruption resitence to be able to tank that extra pox burster , since it scale well with a high health build