I’ve heard someone say that you can manually push enemies off and that counts as long as it’s within 2 seconds of using the ult.
Don’t mind me i’m just piling on to say penances are beyond insulting
I mean, sure, but the real question is how do you get 20 guys to even stand near a lethal drop? Like, even if we had a full blown Fus Roh Dah that can blast enemies clear across a field simply lining up the shot is incredibly unlikely unless all the stars align.
I’ve heard people use the Vigil Tower final event bridges, but I haven’t seen that map for 2 days now.
Yea, a bunch of the maps seem to have disappeared from rotation.
And yea, that bridge is a good candidate for making it happen, but honestly, that doesn’t make it a good achievement, because the mere fact that people are discussing the best place in the game to attempt it means it’s incredibly unlikely to ever happen naturally.
Yeah, I agree. I heard that the penance may have been designed for the original spec of the psyker (which is the one we mostly got in the last beta) but since the nerfs and other changes to the psyker, like the reduced pushing power of the ult, it’s very difficult at best and almost impossible at worst. I hope that it wasn’t a bug where there’s a global % variable in the ult and they set that to 50%, and it affects both the warp reduction and push power.
I got long bomb today. All you need to do is get familiar with the distance the nade covers before detonating. There’s actually a ton of places you can get this one without having to do anything silly.
Long Bomb could have been a way to get people to learn about to grenade cooking mechanic… if there was a grenade cooking mechanic.
I disagree on cosmetics being locked behind such things personally. I dont care about trophies, i just want high-grade cosmetic options to choose from.
Of course, it’s the internet so jumping to conclusions based on nothing but first impressions is almost de rigueur, but perhaps a little more consideration and critically, a little more experience would lead to a more considered response.
Long Bomb is actually pretty easy, there are several locations already identified as easy places for this, such as the end of the raid mission, when you stand near the Valkyrie and lob a grenade at the door you came through after you disabled the skyfire defences. Hordes often spawn through this door at the end of the mission and the distance is such that it’s fairly easy to get an airburst.
With this example of an allegedly ‘impossible’ penance actually being entirely doable, I’d strongly suggests people should give it some time before they start declaring penances ‘impossible’ when they still have very little experience with the game. Though I accept that Fatshark have done a poor job of explaining some of the penance’s requirements, which does not help.
I agree that some of the others mentioned here seem pretty impossible, but we lack the experience to know for sure at this time. We aren’t even a week into the pre-launch beta, and people are bitching that penances are too difficult? Give it some time! They are clearly not intended to all be done in week one, and expecting to be able to is so ridiculous and conceited as to not be worth a response.
As to the them promoting non-cooperative play, that is clearer, and a significant argument against them, if indeed they do, because it is not always as clear as some people make it out to be.
On first sight, or when considering it from a viewpoint of trying to cheese the penance, ‘Make every shot count’ sounds almost impossible and potentially contrary to intended behaviour, but if you instead consider it from the point of view that this is a game that the developers intend people to be playing for years, and people can learn the game and hone their skills to build up to a point where they are good enough to play a mission on Heresy and get 100% accuracy. Then it is more realistic.
If that is too long a timeline for you, then fine. But the developers are obviously going to want to include some achievements that require true dedication and commitment to achieve, to reward those who put in the time. Expecting to get everything right away is, while symptomatic of our times and the instant gratification culture we endure, quite ridiculous. Additionally, the rewards are cosmetic. They have zero impact on the gameplay, it will not affect you in any way if you don’t get them. To those who want cosmetics to choose from, again, give it some time. I’m sure there will be cosmetics available for both in game and premium currency fairly soon.
This is obviously just my opinion, and you are free to disagree, but I felt a counterpoint to the circlejerk that penances are too hard was in order.
If some of the cosmetics and challenges are intended to be behind years worth of needlessly specific skill building, then there better be a hell of a lot more cosmetics for all of the players that can’t or won’t do those challenges.
I’d prefer it to be something more linearly related to playtime, like kill 50,000 enemies. Incredibly boring game design, but it’s achievable without making the game painful to play (psyker boss brain burst challenge, vet 100% accuracy etc.)
For many of these really whacky outlier challenges, I’d prefer it if they were based on repeated good performance instead of a one time crazy thing.
For example, instead of complete a mission with 100% accuracy and 0 ammo remaining on the Sharpshooter, have it be something like complete 5 missions with 90% accuracy and at least X number of shots fired.
Similarly, instead of take no damage, make it take only a little bit of damage several times.
It is possible with a pre-made, you go to one of the interrogation missions. At the end you’re in a square room with two thin bridges, have an ogryn shield hunker down whilst you let enemies stack and then ult them all off, took 2 tries and done.
I understand it’s only a quick idea, but just to highlight how good sentiment can turn into a huge mistake, this is just as bad as the current penances
For a frame of reference, in competitive FPS games, pro gramer who are paid literal hundreds of thousands of dollars a year hover around 75% accuracy with ~30% headshots
And that’s against players, not jittery AI which, as good as its animations are, sometimes just spazzes out, glitches in the clutter, or decides it’s gonna instantly crouch dodge your shot
So with a challenge like that, what you’d end up with is simply more cheese
I used the Flamethrower the whole mission and got this Penance!
No-one’s bothered about that, what’s getting people unhappy is ones that are stupidly difficult (don’t take melee damage? Good luck, when melee ignores toughness to hurt your health), very niche to the point of luck (shove 20 enemies off a drop in 2 seconds), or require more luck than skill (shove 10 ogryn enemies over with your charge) or outright ‘toxic’ to use the buzzword, like “kill yourself and make things harder for you and the team/force your team to let you solo a boss on high difficulty”.
Surely penances should reinforce good gameplay, not encourage… that.
How did you do this (Enemy Type)
What was your Character Lvl?
I’m fine with there being special challenges that may require the whole team to work together for that purpose.
Maybe add the requisition: “Must be in premade Strike” team to discourage solo players from attempting them?
But then you’d get complaints from solo players because they can never achieve these penances.
Honestly, I don’t think this is worth worrying about. Fatshark, just give us plebs more penances and cool stuff to unlock and we’ll be fine.
While i totally agree that cosmetics challenges are stupid and counterproductive, i have to admit that not having to finish the mission after you achieve a tough one, is a nice feature and a clear upgrade to Vermintide.
Without a challenge behind acquiring the cosmetic to me the cosmetic is pointless. Personal expression does not grant me any fun or sense of my own skill level.
But cosmetics being tied behind things that show commitment and time is great.