I Really Think Cosmetic Penances Need A Rework

First off let me state that I love Darktide, the soundtrack, weapons, maps etc. Are all fantastic and the 40K universe has been done a great service.

However the biggest glaring issue for me right now are the Cosmetic penances. For a game that is pushing the teamwork aspect sooo hard (Which I appreciate by the way) these cosmetic penances either:

A: Require you to Grief your team in Public Matches over and over to get


B: Require you to have 3 friends that will help you get them (The psykers brain burst boss challenge is literally impossible without this method)

It’s ridiculous and goes against the very teamwork aspect you are trying to implement in the game. I have had Psykers join my matches and blow themselves up repeatedly to try and get the elite killer challenge.

Veterans join and don’t fire a shot of their weapon because they’re trying to get 100% accuracy and don’t want to risk missing.

This just causes frustration and is quite frankly tedious, both for the person trying to get the challenge and the people who’s match is ruined because of it.

Please, Please change these challenges. Make them promote teamwork, make them achievable solo in Public Matches, and consider making the conditions slightly less difficult. Most of them are a chore to get and not fun at all.

Thank you


Yeah, these aren’t particularly imaginative or some are not build around what passes as good play for a given class.

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