Add more penances for cosmetic unlocks and make it so you only need like 2/3

We hate these dumb penances. Some of them are frustratingly difficult without a 4 man premade.

Why not add more penances that are either easier to achieve, or achieved eventually (such as a large kill count for elites, ranged enemies, or something), and make it so that you don’t need all penances to get cosmetics?

It’s not fun trying to get these achievements. Like, have you played your own game and tried to get these? A heresy game with no ammo remaining and 100% accuracy as veteran? A heresy game where you damage 90% of a monstrosity’s health as psyker?

I just want to play the game normally and eventually get cosmetics, or is it all intentional so we’re more incentivized to buy from the store?

The penances were so much worse (and in some cases, impossible) last patch. For example, the psyker had to BB the monstrosity down by themselves, dealing 100% of the damage, and the ogryn had to charge 100 meters even though it was literally impossible since due to some changes in talents.

Let’s hope these get toned down some more, especially the ones that weren’t touched at all like Veteran’s no-miss-no-ammo Make Every Shot Count penance you mentioned.

“Going Out With A Bang” is literally encouraging psykers to throw

What i find REALLY annoying is how EVERY headwear is locked behind “finish all thes epenances”…