More rewards for Completionists

As the title says, we need more rewards for those players who go out of their way to acquire everything they can in-game (excluding premium cosmetics), so here are a few ideas of what we could get as prizes.

1: Special weapon skin for when we acquire ALL the blessings available for a specific weapon at Hadron’s shrine.

2: Unique trinkets for acquiring a certain number of tomes and/or grimoires on specific maps (yes this idea is based directly on VT2’s ravaged art system).

3: Unique cosmetics that are awarded just for buying a certain amount of uniforms and/or weapon skins from the commissary (the non-premium cosmetic shop), since after all if you are going to go all that effort to acquire the huge amount of Ordo Dockets required to afford the fancier threads in there, seems only fitting that you get a little extra on the side.

Now these are just a few ideas I have to share, but there is certainly room for more, so feel free to add your own.


All of these are solid.

I would also like there to be additional Penances to accommodate the new Abilities and Blitzes that came with the Class Overhaul.


I think everyone here would like that


Maybe the Promotional Cosmetics? Wink wink nudge nudge :kissing_heart:


Tbh, I have given up this when they made several penances as private.

I did not even complete the special assignment event…

I won’t / can’t make private games… so if I can’t complete several goals, there’s no reason to complete the others. And so, I have given up psykers and ogryn… and lost interest in these classes.
That’s how you can break the immersion in a game, when you decide stupid things (they are really good at this!)


It was definitely better when 90% of your runs would come to a stop when some psyker wanted to brainburts that slug to death?
You can say a lot about penance design but the early penances were absolute shite for just playing the game.

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Ah, yes. The “play worse on purpose” achievements.

They are a plague in every game that has them.


I cannot stress these points enough. Any future Penances should come from supporting your team like the Garbs and Penances ones do, not like most of the Penances that we had on release.


Point is… I don’t care of penances cause of these rewards being behind a wall.

So, the OP ask for more, I respect it. But I ask for no more penance cause it is useless. And I don’t like that problems are not yet solved (Brunt is a problem more important than penances), I would hate to see a patch “yeah we added more penances!”. My reaction would be… “why did you loose time with that?”

About “ruining the fun”
But if you ask me… no run were not ruined. People ruin themselves the runs by not taking care of the team and wanting to run ahead without taking a look at behind. People are really good at ruining their own fun, but want to put the fault on others.
Just an example: yesterday an Ogryn 0% ammo. “I need ammo” “i need ammo” and me tagging an ammo bag, putting a “look here” mark, then tagging, untagging, tagging, untagging and spamming… then saying “here bag”. And still the guy took 1 more minute to come to recover 50% ammos… people don’t even check the chest and wonder why we’re wiped? how many times I saved a mission cause I took a medikit that noone wanting to take and wasted an ammo crate by the same time… cause people were running…,… sure they must all have a rendez-vous just after their game… must be that.
this is a personal opinion and I have understood a long time ago that people don’t care to take plasteel but still complain about what they get by crafting (more tries, more chances to get what you want) and that several think it is cool to rush… and yes not all players are like that, but complainers are often these ones. And yes, there are also incredible players around that can be the best teammates and hopefully, they are not the minority

About penances available before:
I did the brainburst in a mission were someone asked politely if he could do it. We were all agree. When he finished I said, as a joke, “i must do it, now that I see how you can do it” and I did not want to complete it bya DH and an ogryn shield. The guys said “if there’s an other one, you will do it”. And that’s how, without any build to complete it (so no BB feat) I have killed a Nurgle beast alone… and it was fun.

Fact is, people asked before trying to complete penances. There’s still incredibly annoying penances for the team, and more than the ones that have put private, that exists
Ex: the one where you need to not take a single hit is the top of the anti team penance and still public
counter example: the ogryn private could be done in normal game without even a teammate could notice it.

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This is all good and fancy when it works. I can’t even count the amount of brainburst challenges i carried for psykers when the game came out. But there is also the flipside that made these penances go the way they did. You would constantly see psykers yelling “OMG STOP DEEPS BOSS I NEED PENANCE” or some zealot yoloing the map trying to complete his speedrun achievement.
These people did not even mutter a single word, but rather tried to force this onto the party you were playing with.
I saw so many attempts to troll parties just because there were not onboard with something. It was the most toxic thing i have so far seen in this game and them being private is really the least the could do with it.

Honestly what they should have done is made these penances some “feat or strength” type of deal in private lobbies and just throw the cosmetics onto the new penances and no one would of cared.

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Yeah and what we answered then?
Ask before…
I have also jumped in the fight (psyker penance) when the guy was, obviously, close to make the team wipe cause he could not handle the monster…

But, about the Ogryn penance that was made private, I really can’t understand. If you can explain me, I take. And why the veteran penance where you need to not be hit is not private? can’t understand the choices here.
I can be somewhat ok with the psyker and zealot ones. But not the others.

An other one that is a plague and still public… be my friend of Ogryn (the one where you have to stay in coherency the entire mission)

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This one?

Yeah i can, because unironically the easiest way to complete this penance was to charge of the dam map and die.


If I remember well, you need the help of your team, to complete it… so you can run all you want.

I think be a friend (the one where you have to stay always in coherency) more annoying for the team. You have to always look at a teammate and you cannot look around you

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Unless they later fixed it, the only thing you needed was some sufficinelty high spot where you don’t instantly grab a ledge and charge off it. Either way i saw enough ogryns just randomly flying of the map to understand why this is now private.
Funnily enough i do have friends will be friends by just playing the game normally.


Damn, i remember killing boss with psyker was the last one career penance i need. Did in random run with 3 ogryns, while they were bullying plague ogryn.

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Psyker one is actually the only one I’ve completed from the harder redacted ones and even that came due to having to 1 vs the world rather than actually really trying to get it.
Rest are just so troll in the way they are completed that you really can’t get them by accident.

But I’m starting to drift into topic that barely matters. So i guess my point is that if there are cosmetics behind penances, then those penances really should make sense. Even something like 300-400-500 games with class X is at least completable by just playing.
I would definitely love to see some weapon skins akin to v2:s reds, but if i have to do 5 minute speedrun with 1 health as zealot then forget it.

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The strange thing is that those outfits are already completed and can be viewed with the “Check All Cosmetics” mod.

Unfortunately, I won’t be home until tomorrow so I can’t post picturs, but they’re all finished for every class and have titles like “Veteran_Penance_Squad_Leader”.

All completed but not implemented, just like the cosmetics, frames, emotes, backpacks, and stances that are also done.

Everything is already done!


I’d greatly appreciate it if you could reply to me with pictures of those Cosmetics at your earliest convenience! That mod sounds awesome!


I’ll do my best to remember it when I get home tomorrow!

There are a lot of cool stances (match lodout lobby) for the classes.

The Veteran one is gorgeous. It looks similar to the “Wolves” uniform from Ghost Recon: Breakpoint or the Rangers suit from Fallout: New Vegas, but without sleeves.

Edit: Apparently I have previously uploaded this image on Reddit. The upper body (chest) is shown, and there are a few variations with different camo patterns, one of which is black and white.

The image is not the best because I just took it from the front, so you can only see the material hanging from the back on the hips/legs, which look like a torn end of a trenchcoat, but you can kinda get the idea.

Depending on the build, the penance sets also come with a variety of gloves and shoulder armor.

I’ll post better pictures tomorrow:


I can agree about this…
But, just to be sure… You really wait for a cosmetic in the current Fatshark system? I have given up this also… I do not care of recolors… even if they would propose a clown version of any cosmetic.

Classic… this is not content drop, this is content delayed and this since the release of the game…
Off course, everything is delayed, but not all was ready at start.
So I guess that it is related to tests they do…