I kinda don't like the new update

Don’t get me wrong, some new content is always (not really) good, buuuuuuuut…

1) The grind, oh the grind
Why do you force me to complete almost every god emperor damn penance to obtain moebian armor? Why Fatshark? You do understand, most of the players are never gonna get them? Or even see on other players? Why do you have to rework something no one asked to rework?
Feels like I got another job.

2) Some penances are extra bad
Like kill 25 enemies with ogryns big grenade. Ogryn get only one such grenade and it is not that simple to find another one especially if other players are need them too. So, grenades are rare and you want me to waste them on a groups of poxhobos instead of I dunno group of shotgunners. Or mutants. Or any other special/elite enemies. This is just wrong.

3) New cosmetic’s poor quality
Is anyone suprised at this point?

Veteran’s sentry uniform

Lugger’s bootiful armor

Same with Brogg Rockgut’s armor

And why them have to be asymmetric? No, really, I don’t get it. Only one shoulder pad doesn’t looks good


You can skip a lot of penances.
There are around 4900 penance points available.
You need 4500 for the last penance point reward.

I looked through the penances before and if you play around 75 missions on each of the 4 classes (on a fresh account), you should be pretty close to 4500 points.

Multiple people have asked to get some use for penance points.
Now we got it in form of the penance point reward track.
Things like these are not meant to be fully completed by most players.

Yes some are kinda dumb.
The one you named is dumb specifically, because it teaches people to throw those bombs into hordes, which is an absolute waste.
This penance should be “kill x elites” instead of “kill 25 enemies of any type”.

The smoke bomb penance also teaches people to spam them into hordes, when the penance should instead have said to hit shooters with smokebombs.


Only ~92% of the total penance points required :sweat_smile:


Maybe around 92% of the points, but far less than 92% (probably less than half) of the time and effort that it would take to get all points.

For example, before the update, getting 90% of the penance points would have taken probably around 10% of the time it would have taken to get all of them.
A lot of new penances got added, with all of them being relatively easy to get.
On top of that, every single one of the penances that used to take a long time, is now much easier to get.

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The grind is the whole point. They’re meant to encourage you to play the game more, not to give you the things you want easily. Wait until you come up against one that it’s actually impossible for you to get, then you’ll feel true frustration.


I’m loving the “grind” tbh, as I’m getting drip fed bonus dopamine rewards for playing a game I’d have been playing anyway.

I’m not convinced on the tox gas elements yet but reserving judgment for a patch or 2 first.

If one thing needs to be ejected from the game it’s that damn lights out special condition. I can handle the fog but the zero lights is just ridiculous. Give all players a torch if there are no lights. Easy fix that would make it a billion times more fun and spooky (and actually playable).


I don’t care… Their system is bad and doesn’t push you to play with it.
When they will add weapon customization and for the drip, I will pay attention to it… before that, I don’t care of it. So, tbh penance system annoys me cause I always see this blue notification in morningstar that asks me to take my rewards or that I completed a new penance. But, how I can tell the game that I don’t care and that the rewards are so bad that it could keep them?

Just don’t play with it. I haven’t even looked at the penances.

Final word… it was surely good for several players here, but I don’t play DT to make penances that really looks like that… penances so just an annoying thing.
and again, the cosmetic system / weapon customization one is too bad to please me. So I don’t care to complete penances to get reward I won’t use and are just recolors.


But I like lights out


I guess you’re a vet with a torch then? :joy:

I’m sure it’s loads of fun with a torch but without one it’s just throwing swings in the dark (literally). Being blind isn’t exactly a fun challenge imo. This is fairly off topic so maybe I’ll create a new topic so we don’t derail this one lol


This guy gets it! Fix your darned cosmetics system Fatshark!


Affecting gameplay badly is the biggest issue with the penances. Some of them straight up encourage you to use the tools wrong. The smite penances encourage you to randomly smite horde waves, the gunlugger lucky shot penance is tuned so high that you’ll be tempted to just waste all of your ammo, the smoke grenade one tells people to throw it at enemies whe nthey’re far more effective when engulfing yourself (and team) in it, etc…
Then there’s the “winstreak” penances which are cheesable by leaving games so now everyone just leaves when they go down, which kinda degrades gameplay and turns it into an arcade shooter where if one teammate goes out he’s instantly replaced by another one.

It’s funny because I remember specifically they made some old penances private-only because they acknowledged these penances were affecting gameplay badly. Now they make a penance update and they just introduce the same issue again


Almost as if the creative mind behind the changes is poor. Seems to be a consistent issue with this game, some okay ideas implemented terribly by someone who seems better suited to mobile gameplay loops.


You’re really complaining about this one out of all the other ones? If you play auric damnation and just lop it into a mixed horde you’ll get it easily…to make your job even easier you can even use the “bigger boom” talent on the talent tree if you have a hard time aiming the grenade with 16m blast radius. Bad example

This is the one I have an issue with the most. The rewards you get most of the time are just filler that nobody reasonable would use. Alot of them are just placeholder rewards to make it feel like you “earned” something when in reality it’s just another eyesore that clogs the cosmetic inventory.



A logical solution is to make cosmetics earned via hard penances be unique styles that embody the type of gameplay they required. A vague attempt at this is made with the “infiltrator” outfit for Veteran, however its just another recolour with one pauldron, but the idea was there.

  1. I don’t see a problem. As you said not all penances are designed to be completed by all people and that’s a good thing.
  2. Sometimes blasting a dense mass of enemies including a horde with mixed elited is exactly the best thing to do with a big boom. I dunno why we’re still insisting resources should never be spent on hordes. Hordes chew time, reduce mobility and create pressure. Eliminating them quickly is sometimes exactly the right play.
  3. There are available maelstrom modifiers that provide players with 3 big bombs and you recover 3 each grenade pickup. In such a mode this is a non-issue.

That would be great, but let’s be honest: even MTX cosmetics are mostly reskins/recolors.

Fatshark won’t try harder for “free” stuff.

Yeah, without a drastic shift in Fatshark’s priorities (to game quality and player satisfaction, leading to player loyalty), we’re stuck with what we’ve got.

I’ve seen game studios perform such feats, but my gut tells be Martin Wahlund and his associates aren’t the type.

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Where did you read that? My point was not many people a gonna get it because they will stop playing before completing half of penances. They are not hard, just take a lot of time

Just like this penance. It is a big waste of time and grenades.

There are available maelstrom modifiers that provide players with 3 big bombs

Ah yes let’s rely on random mission generation to provide


Yup, I agree.

Can I just add, regarding the penances:

Auric Exemplar and Auric Storm Survivor titles should be removed. They mean nothing at all. Likely 90% of people who have them literally cheesed the game to get them.

On top of that, the fact that the designers couldn’t forsee the blatantly obvious cheese method of obtaining them, is laughable.

The only thing those Titles tell me about someone, is that they are a coward.