In concept it’s fine. But when the toughest penances are just play 50x missions here 6 different times I think there’s a problem.
I was responding to flawless who responded to you. It was his point and i was reinforcing it. The fact that they take a lot of time is fine. It means they’re for people who play a lot. I have 1400 hours in darktide. I haven’t seriously played in a few months but once we get real content i’m sure i’ll be back. Its fine if some penances are rare by virtue of being time consuming to get, as long as thats not all of them.
Then dont do it. Considering the average auric maelstrom horde contains 100 enemies this should be trivial to get.
We already have to but frankly any single auric run would suffice due to enemy spawn rates. Any player who has played a lot will have literally no issue wasting one grenade in a mission to get this penance. This particular penance is a poor exemplar of your broader point precisely because it is actually completely trivial to accomplish if you aren’t playing in malice or lower. It should take one game.
Those would be EXTREMELY reasonable if not for the RNG Mission Board.
It’s definitely a shockingly low amount of content with some embarrassingly bad QC for…5 months of development work.
Particularly when the studio a 20 minute walk away from Fatshark’s offices using the same core game engine for their 4-person coop shooter is delivering more content every couple of weeks, and is getting an order of magnitude more players online at any one time as a result.
Yes that is a good thing, but what does that have to do with some penances being very easy, but teaching a bad behavior?
Like throwing smoke grenades into hordes.
Unless there is something else going on, a simple horde of trash is not a real danger.
Nobody said that no ressources at all should be spent on hordes, or that big bombs should never be used against mixed groups of enemies. Or in a high pressure situation.
But the penance clearly teaches to throw the grenade into hordes of trashmobs.
That is not where its strength lies.
Just like the smoke bomb penance teaches to throw it into hordes.
I just went down to Malice to do that one because it was less likely to significantly bother the other players. Malice was easy enough that it didn’t really matter
I recreated the vent purge modifier for my auric teammates.
Warren is already full of smoke anyway.
I found Smoke nades to be a useful support tool, might be even better than Psyker’s Shield.
You just throw them at choke points and stand there with your team killing everything that comes right to you, nobody even tries to attack you until point blank (shooters/bombers/trappers - no threat).
Or you can literary create a safe passage for ~30 seconds, every ~60 seconds.
I know! The Penance is more about saturating large swaths of enemies for it, though. It’s a bit weird, but at least it was pretty easy to achieve.
You’ve had me until the last part. I obtained my Auric Exemplar without cheese, thank you very much! After 4th attempt. Twice I’ve had 9/10 on the penance progress…
(traumatized sob, followed by angry noises)
Folks like you deserve to have them.
I’ve tried twice now, first time reached seven, second time reached five. I’m taking a little break.
Hats off to you though Davin doff
It’s a vicious circle though because the way other people quit makes it harder to complete if you’re doing it ‘legit’.
So you’re trying to do it at double the normal difficulty of auric damnation because of flakers.
A positive thing I’ll say about the penances is that they’ve forced me to try loads of builds I’d never have tried before… And have ended up really enjoying them.
well, there’s my problem - I only play 2 of them.
No way in f am I grinding up items for two more classes that won’t share items.
If you choose not to engage with one half of the content that the game offers, you should not expect to get all of the penance rewards.
Yeah I feel you.
Its actually funny at times, you just know someone is going to do it, so its like a bingo card. Who first? lol
Again though, how did the designers not see it? Or was it a case of them not having a clear solution and accepting that the Title was essentially a freebie for most people? Its definitely no badge of pride now. Which is a real pity for the folks doing it legit.
It isn’t even that bad of an idea. I even throw it behind where I’m fighting.
Team won’t get shot, it breaks LoS for flamers and trappers too so you can just chew 'em up with the horde when they walk up.
Best place where I can think about for doing that is Archives end event where you fight on the ledge at the end till the servo skull finishes work. Even the shotgunners just walk aimlessly into melee range.
IDK if it’s just luck or the difficulty just dropped a ton, but I got Auric Storm for my first 5 Maelstrom runs. I don’t even remember losing one since.
While you are right with this specific penance - the other new class specific veteran penances seem mostly fine.
The keystone penances encourage me to fool around with the keystone that I usually ignore in my vet builds - that’s exactly their purpose. The two new ult penances also teach you sensible usage.
Only the two grenade penances suck as they actually teach you wrong usage - smoke bases schould rather be 750 ranged enemies and krak grenades should be 150 Crusher/Mauler/Minstrosities instead of armoured enemies wich encourages wasting them on flak armored scabs.
Yes i agree. Most of them are good.
Only ~4 overall are a bit dumb.
- big ogryn bomb → teaches to throw at trash horde (Why not elite groups?)
- smoke grenade → teaches to throw at trash horde (Why not ranged units?)
- loner aura → requires ranged unit backstab kills (Why backstab? That is not how you usually fight ranged units in melee. We already have backstabs with Shroudfield, where it makes sense.
The time it takes to finish the penance is fine. It would just make more sense to increase the number and remove the backstab requirement.) - weapon specialist keystone → requires critical headshot kills (Why headshot? A lot of the value from the guaranteed crits comes from not necessarily needing to headshot.)
True this one could be changed as well.
Maybe it should ask to kill maulers, crushers and bulwarks (or just “enemies wearing carapace armor”) by sticking the bomb to them, because those are the enemies that have carapace armor on them, which is what the krak grenade homes in on.
This update added very little to the game at all.
But it sorted out a thing that need sorting out. IT doesn’t mean that they are not working to fix the other things that need fixing.
On one hand, it shows they are still are invested in developing the game.
On the other, meh who knows, it all depends on how they address the crafting system, how they take the game going forward.