Are you kidding me fatshark all of this waiting for only to be completed in less then a month

we need bigger updates
also buff veteran

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I mean, not everyone plays the game like it’s a job…

Calm down though my friend I’m sure more penances are on their way!

With the “view all cosmetics” mod you can see there are fully helmeted versions of the ogryns current penance helmet and the implementation of hestia prine seems to be done in such a way that easily allows them future expansion.


jesus christ, i play alot and im still 1.5k points away from finishing. relaxxxx…


This is a feature that should have been in at launch, being released almost 2 years late. It’s playing catch-up. If you’ve been playing the game this whole time, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise if you’ve already blown through all the content as it’s crediting you for all that play.

What is a surprise is that this (and variant-bomber guy) are the only content updates Fatshark has managed for nearly half a year now.

Meanwhile people across the river a short walk away from Fatshark’s front door (making another 4 person cooper shooter on the same base engine) are putting out new weapons, new enemies, new features, and new cosmetics, every couple of weeks.


wait, i never bothered to math it out, do you need ALL the penances to finish the track? because i don’t feel like people should be pushed into playing every class and use every skill for this stuff, especially since most people have classes they hate to play.

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You don’t need to complete ALL the achievements, since there are 4855 points available, but I guesstimate at least 90% of them. Only hardcore players are gonna be able to hit 4500, since you’ll likely need a bunch of Auric completions, and at least two classes. Maelstroms I don’t think are required.


I have news for you. Players always consume content quicker than it can be created.

Also :rofl:


You don’t need to complete every one, but you need to complete most. Max is 4855.

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Not only classes, but specializations as well

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Some quick maths:

24 days since the update went life.

Let’s assume that you had all penances before the update.


The above penance exists for every one of the 6 biomes.
So in order to complete all new penances, you have to play at least 300 missions (6 x 50).

At least 250 of these 300 have to be on the auric playlist (for the penance that requires you to complete 250 auric missions).

With a decent group, missions take around 25 min to complete.
Maybe you are a bit faster on average.
So let’s say 25 min per mission completion, including loading times and time spent in failed missions.

300+ missions played at 25 min each, that is 7500 min or 125 hours.
**7500 min of playtime across 24 days **

312.5 min = 5 hrs and 12.5 min per day.

I don’t know man.
I think most people don’t play that much every day.
Most people probably play half that much or even less. And then they probably do not play this
game every single day.
More than 2 months worth of content for most players does not seem too bad.

So… FS. Why not bring back a few long term stat tracker penances like 1mil kills and 1.5k missions played?
Except you add higher tiers with higher numbers, instead of lowering the numbers.

No harm in providing some of those penances for people who play your game a lot.


You actually commented this on a post that includes a screenshot with this information:



Mfer beat me to it. I wanted to do the exact same thing


well not everyone has all the time to play darktide so i dont think its a big issue lol

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