Shut up, Fatshark

Here is what those bloated lazy ass hypocrites from fatshark call an “announcement”:
They put in forefront a 12 days old video from a third party youtuber (credits to Ryken XIV) who is briefly explaining the few things that was in their microscopic patch that came out last week (or two weeks ago, there is maximum 1 patch a month on this game so it’s easy to track), then have the NERVE to update their launcher shamelessly bragging: “hello, we have finally crossplay available!”

—> Half my friends who bought the game on microsoft store have forgotten the game and the idea of playing with me for long, and the other half have stopped playing long ago because there is no content that is being added to this game, and there is still no true endgame content. CONTENT: yes I have to put it in capitals, I don’t think FS have this word in their vocabulary maybe they should check it out?

7 months = 10 weapons, 2 maps, 1 recycled boss

I don’t know here in france we work 35 hours a week, it seems fatshark has only a few 5 hours/week contractors showing up at the office from time to time to write a couple lines of codes…

Halleluja, we have crossplay now between steam and microsoft store!


You sound like a very pleasant person to talk with.
I’m sure this thread will go over very well with everyone.


Not just that, but they used the vet cosmetics that they have been teasing since the very beginning and has not been released yet, surely it would be immesurably complex to release it.

Plus… I play on SA servers and I still have a problems to find damnation matches.


Lol ive been saying this for a while now. How the hel do you market a game with player characters who wear cosmetics you cant actually obtain in game? That’s some false advertisement. It’s like if you couldnt actually get the NCR veteran armor in New Vegas.


Hey now, Ryken makes good videos and deserves to be featured (even if it is over a week late).

Interesting note, they intentionally linked to a timestamp 9s in that skips his brief comment at the start which could reference FatShark’s slow update schedule.


No shot.

Oh that is brilliant. Don’t make an update vid yourself but cut the part that you don’t like to hear…


They really did cut the beginning “Hello varlets, this is a rather unexpected video since I didn’t think we would be getting the next patch before the end of the month if I’m honest, but hey I ain’t complaining”

Nice find.


Same with my friends…

Yes that is extremely annoying. I really want that outfit too.


Guys please, the overworked Fatshark devs, after so much work and so much content, are on their well deserved vacation.


As a family man myself I hardly can blame anyone taking their time off during summer to spend it with their beloved. They are human beings after all. But I understand that because of what the company did before going on their vacation (or rather didn’t do) there are general feelings of frustration and abandonment.
Let’s just hope that when the staff returns they are relaxed, energetic and can’t wait to deliver the so needed content and improvements! If only their history warranted such hope…


What does this has to do with anything? Did the joke fly over your head or did you experience a sudden and irresistible need to virtue signal how empathetic you are?

Wow we do have a Sherlock Holmes here

Now thats funny lmao


Every company has staff that are entitled to their annual leave allowance. i.e 20, 25, 30 days a year on top of public holidays.

Just unheard of where most take it all at the same time in the same month. Makes sense during Xmas because at that time other businesses do the same so there is less business happening overall.

But middle of the year, summer and most taking their holiday allowance at the same time. Especially when the state of the game is becoming crucial. Don’t know but it seems odd if something at stake, wouldn’t just drop everything and hope for the best after summer.


Sounds kinda nice to me. It’d be like summer holidays at school.

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Swedish Employment law mandates specific time off that must be enforced.

However, with the game having very little new to offer of any real value, even the most die-hard fans of DT in my group are bailing out to play Starship Troopers until we can have a crack at Space Marine 2.

Even if DT does get some massive update I suspect it’ll be the same … erm… success story as Winds of Magic.

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I just find the notion strange that devs on the work level should not be entitled to vacation because the management sucks…
But yeah sure - they should all stop having private lives because we are (rightfully) unhappy with a video game.

There is a lot of justified criticism and constructive ideas on this forum and FS conduct annoys me as much as you. But it’s a good thing FS treats their employees humanely especially since this isn’t a given in games industry.

I get this but not knowing how Sweden or FS are organised this move is hard to judge from the outside.


I don’t think that’s what anyone meant at all, but it can certainly make your virtue signalling more powerful if you frame it that way.

I’d say most people are rightly wondering what the hell is going on over there at Fatshark, because they sure as hell won’t tell us.

The current workflow and output of Fatshark is reminiscent of 10 year old games running on a skeleton crew. Not a pretty picture.


Actually its reminiscent of 1-3 people modder teams on MODDB working in their spare time for free, with the added irony that unlike Fatshark they actually post their roadmaps.


Hey pal, had read some of the replys on ur initial post and damn I really feel sorry for u … So many ppl here on the forum are completely out of touch with their supposedly “sarcastic” behaviour and their general reactions… Some are absolutely over the top imo… There is absolutely no need to be so, but it seems that some of the guys here are to deep into the “FS is utter garbage, useless pile of lazy pigs” spiral… This kind of behaviour are the precursor to death wishes etc (absolute No Go) … As u said, no one denies the fact that FS has to do better (much more better and that asap), but ridicule the vacation topic every singe time… At some point enough is enough… Get over it… Its not funny anymore… But a compliment from me to u that u still try to argue with them on a objective level. Cudos, rly! U have my respect… I like ur posts :+1:


It is amazing how modders can create ovehaul mods that completely change the games.

Good example is Mechwarrior 5. The modders did such a good job it basically meant the developers couldn’t even think about producing something close enough as a real DLC to that level, so they didn’t even try. Modders didn’t even ask for money, donations etc they didn’t want or need it. They did it out of boredom and passion.


yeah we long ago reached a point where people are just furious for the sake of it,
it doesn’t matter what fatshark does or doesn’t do something in the least someone saying:
“would have been great 2 months ago hmpf.”