Yeah that seems really bizare change. Might as well give every weapon active quelling method at this point.
Personally i only run force sword so this won’t effect me this much, but changing something for sake of change or consistency makes no sense in this case.
Team in charge of Psyker is disgrace for industry. Rotate them to “Coffee duty” and never let them touch the game. Put the team in charge of Veteran class to Psyker fixing.
First they came for ogryn’s superfast toughness regen. Second they came for psykers perils quell. Third they came for the veteran’s power sword and Preacher’s flamer…hahah I’m just kidding that would actually mean Fatshark game designers play their games
It would actually kill the freedom of choice, which would last in even less variety than the game already offers.
And for the staves… there are ways to play around peril.
Go for the 15% cdr for the ultimate on elite kill or 4% chance to gain warpcharges + the 12,5% cdr per warpcharge while using the ultimate.
Both ways will do a lot to keep the ultimate up and to use it frequently to get ride of peril. On top may pick the 6% less peril per warpcharge + 6 warpcharges and the BB ultimate if you want aswell. It´ll do a lot to the peril-management and the warpcharges are easy to gain and maintain with less cd on BB. On top you could get the quell-blessing.
Also there is a trait that lets you move normally while quelling. Yes hot take, because you miss the option to block or to recieve less, i know… but it´s there and it´ll do a lot for a fluid gameplay on staves.
For example running something like 3-2-2-3-1-3 would be played like:
Use staff until you´ve high peril → use the ultimate for cc and a lower BB cd → use BB to get ride of elites and to get cdr on your ultimate back, meanwhile gaining warpcharges → use the staff with way less heat management → repeat using your ultimate + BB if needed, otherwise quell without movement-issues.
I actually dunno what´s so hard to adapt in some ways. Especially the trauma-staff offers a lot of time to peril and reposition due to its high stagger potential. We already saw in V2 how a staff like this can solo-carry a game due to permaspam. There is nothing wrong with a drawback that force the players either into a better peril-management, a build that is not just flat damage or melee combat.
That talent still does nothing for staves quelling movement speed. It only works for when you are doing brainbursts. Its literally the same dodge distance if you have it or not.
It does. Quelling on staves just don´t have that huge movement-punishment as doing on BB so, but there is a difference. It´s only like 20% instead of 80% so…
Depends on your preference and playstyle i guess? I pretty much dislike any movement-penalties since they interrupt the fluid gameplay.
It´ll help to move more fast-paced and to stay with the team for sure and it can make a difference while fighting, even if that´s just more a rare case since dodging is not effected anyway.
If this the game actually had some sienna levels of slowdown from peril effect then yeah sure i could see the point for this.
But when the talent actively does nothing for you when you are incombat quelling (mostly dodging/dodge slides), i just do not see the value to recommend it.
I already tought it was highly overrated talent even when it was exclusively run on launch day.
Look we can talk infinitely about the ways we can and cannot adapt to the change. That’s getting ahead of ourselves though. The first question should be whether or not the change was reasonable or called for. Should we have to adapt to it? It’s pointless to discuss how to adapt unless that initial question is answered thoroughly.
Was the previous iteration unbalanced? If you think so please give your reasons why. Is the current iteration balanced or does balance lie somewhere in between the previous speed and what it is now?
The first question is “Was it intended how it worked?”, and it was obviously not as rezzing while having infinite block wasn´t.
I srsly don´t have the data to judge about it, but do see the issues it caused like making some traits and blessings irrelevant.
Right now you either go for high damage output and have to live with a bit of drawbacks in kind of quelling or you choose the comfortable way and skill around it.
In the worst case you could always use forcesword with exorcist so…
I mean you´re other options are blocking or getting less damage on range hits. Now what if you don´t block often or have enough stamina anyway?
The range-defense is always nice to have, but so can be a better movement if you quell more than once per run. As i´ve said… it´s some kind of personal preference i guess.
Peril Blocking is at least legimitely good with low stamina weapon / force sword with deflection. Even in the nerfed state.
Ranged defense is always on and happens to be the enemy type that causes most problems in this game (Damnation and heresy+).
Going slightly faster when quelling? And i want to emphasize when quelling.
Eh i’m not going to debate on peoples personal preferences, but i do think there is something slightly odd if anyone really thinks this is legimitely a good talent atm.
I agree so, but i can also see (away from personal preference) how the movement-difference can effect the game especially while going for the toughness on quell feat.
Might need some little buff like 5% more quellspeed on top or so, dunno.
I mean, i run the range defense by myself on my mainbuild, but tbh i don´t have much issues with range-enemies on Psyker anyway. I either spam BB or my gun on them or just hold my ultimate on cd to interrupt them.
Once a gunner / reaper got me… the 10% feels pretty irrelevant.
But of course it might be a different especially having like 33% while running high peril staff-builds.
I don’t really agree that’s as pertinent a question. Many things over the course of the Tide franchise went from bug to feature over the course of their respective games. I’m gonna go back to my favourite example from VT1 where blocking while reviving started as unintended but the game just played worse without it and FS came around and made it a feature. To the point that later in VT2 they even made it automatic when you’re reviving (you previously had to hold block before and during the revive). There are other examples too but that one stands out as the best exemplary of my point here. FS might be the final authority on what is intended but they’re certainly not always the best judge of what is best for the game and they sometimes can be persuaded to change their mind.
Can you be more specific here? I’m struggling to see what was made irrelevant by it previously. The full speed movement on venting was and still is a trap as long as dodge slides exist.
Kinda irrelevant since we’re talking about something that was changed exclusively for non force sword melee and guns. I don’t enjoy force sword and that hasn’t changed. I simply enjoy chainsword and DS less on Psyker now. To my knowledge Purg + FS has been one of the most generally preferred Psyker loadouts for a good while now, so that doesn’t suggest to me that the previous iteration was overtuned, or at very least not nearly enough to warrant as large a quell speed nerf as it practically received.
Yes bugs can become features and also yes, we´ve examples across the tide-series.
But it always depends. In this case the class can use exclusive weapons and skills without the need of ammunition and the only drawback is peril, which is pretty much irrelevant when the passive quelling on melee weapons is as fast as a low rated active quelling staff.
It just outweights the design choice of the class itself and also makes traits and blessings around peril-management worse, which is pretty much the answer to:
What´s the point to pick something for peril-management or an ultimate cd, when the passive quell is so strong that it would be a wasted slot?
I mean, they could make it quell passively fast and rework everything. Or they could stick to their core-design and stay with different traits / blessings and builds that assist the peril-management and even work around it like the toughness on quell.
(And dunno if dodgeslide is intended or a bug, but it should probably get fixed, maybe atleast with a cd on it. I still see the movement while quelling as QoL anyway, but told that already above.)
Not really irrelevant, because we´re still talking about options.
Of course if you don´t enjoy forcesword, then you´re effected by this fix more than others. But since the quelling was way faster than on force-weapons, it should´ve been clear it´s more a bug than a feature.
As i´ve said above aswell, they could come with a bit of quellspeed on the movement-feat aswell, might help out. Otherwise there are other options to adapt to the circumstances you´re in right now and i gave some examples above too.
It´s more or less “hold your ultimate on cd” in the worst case. Dunno about your current build, but i don´t believe that using the cdr per warpcharges on the ultimate would effect it in a bad way. The 2 feats to gain warpcharges will do a lot to it aswell.
Haven´t played it so and i highly doubt that the most poeple run exorcist for different reasons. The core-reason a lot used forcesword was and still is probably the deflector-shield. I personally run it to get ride of elites and while it has a good flow in melee-combat, i don´t use the block so.
Besides this… we still talk about a bug, not if something is overtuned or not. But even then, looking at it from the core-design, then it was clearly overtuned.
In my experience you were still getting noticeably more uptime on staff and BB by actively quelling than by swapping to melee and waiting. Accordingly I can’t reasonably agree with either of the above statements. I was still actively quelling with my staff regularly on my DS/Chainsword + Trauma build. I can concede the rate might have been a bit higher than it needed to be, but it has most certainly been brought down far beyond that to the point that active quelling is less a tactical choice and now just something that you basically always do (still talking about the same loadout so not including exorcist FS in that statement).
It wasn’t clear at all to me. I thought it was an intentional design choice to differentiate force and non force weapons and especially to act as a bit of a carrot to use guns wherein otherwise very little of your kit has any noticeable synergy with that choice. I’m definitely not alone in this thought process.
Let’s list the things that match this description and go through them one by one. Please do point out if I miss any.
Quicken - Is made no more relevant by this change. The feat simply doesn’t offer a worthwhile enough effect for trading in all your warp charges, especially when compared to ascendant blaze which it is in direct competition with. Also unlike AB it offers no extra method of gaining charges to offset spending them so often. Nothing is practically changed here by this bug fix. A good quell speed staff is still a much better choice for dumping peril than Quicken.
Exorcist - Force Sword was unchanged so nothing is really changed here. It presupposes you’re using force sword in the first place. Now if this blessing was made available to non force melee weapons it would factor into the discussion of how this bug fix has affected Psykers who prefer to run non force weapons. Well I guess it affects FS + gun… So yes I guess in that specific instance it makes exorcist somewhat more relevant. So (spoiler alert) out of this entire list the only noticeable change relates to FS + Gun and it’s a nerf (encouraged to trade a good damage blessing on FS for Exorcist) for that already questionable loadout. Hooray?
Inner Tranquillity - I already ran it before the bug fix since it allows more consecutive casts before quelling/swapping to melee. It didn’t need to be made more desirable it has always been a strong option. More casts (both staff and BB) before stopping to deal with peril is self evidently good regardless of passive venting rate.
Psykinetic Aura? - questionable but arguably relevant since it potentially allows more Ult casts thus allowing more venting by way of Ult. Was already a strongly desirable pick before this change as KB and AB are both very strong and getting to use them more often is also self evidently good. Plus there’s the team support factor too. In no way needed the passive vent change and its place in the meta is unchanged by it. It’s a very good feat.
Transfer Peril - Was and still is considered BiS exclusively for void, since void is the only staff that can practically make much use of it. Once again its relevance is unchanged. Being able to fire massively more blasts without interruption is, once again, self evidently good. Literally nobody is rerolling their void staff because of passive vent change. They already had this blessing on there or were already aiming to slap it on.
I legitimately can’t think of any others, please do go over any I forgot. Regardless I think I’ve been fairly thorough explaining my point. Fix or no it shifts no metas, it just makes one way to play Psyker more clunky. Unless I can be convinced this loadout choice needed to be brought in line, and furthermore that it needed a reduction this large, I intend to continue to call this fix out as a bad choice and push for at least a partial reversion.