I’m glad to see that you have completely and totally missed the point. Probably much like FatShark.
For one, the entire point was to NOT spend lots of time quelling on the staff. You may have missed that while you were gloating about damnation and implying our skill is too low.
Second, crafting is not good now. It is very slightly better. There’s a difference.
Oh time for a permanent ignore. I mean your first post was obvious enough, but your second post makes it even more obvious what kind of person you are. Go have fun in this magical amazing game you’re playing, that has no problems, and where a playstyle wasn’t just effectively deleted for no good reason.
The only one who has mention the game being too hard is you. Which tells me a lot.
It’s not about being too hard it’s about a playstyle variety being removed. I’ve always played Psyker with trauma and a DS or chainsword and I play very frontline melee heavy. The passive quelling allowed for a very fluid playstyle with bursts of staff usage while maintaining a very melee heavy playstyle. It’s still usable but with a good bit more forced down time, and much more clunky feeling than before.
It’s also very weirdly a noticeable nerf for gun Psyker, which is just a bit fat “WHY?” from me.
I presume we’ve interacted enough around here for you to know I’m not against sensible nerfs. If they wanted to bring down Psykers’ upper tier performance for whatever reason Purgatus and AB would be what they go after, not Duelling sword and guns. There are ways to increase difficulty without reducing build and playstyle variety but this change ain’t it.
Yes let me try… oh wait it is complete RNG in a series of relevant factors that are completely determined by RNG.
No. It just is not.
You know how most players will interact with the new option?
They will replace one blessing on the weapons they already use.
They will waste their dockets on store items with 95-97% of them going straight in the trash.
They will quality upgrade the 3-5% of store items that have acceptable modifiers, and brick all of them.
They will notice that the new features do not really change anything and then stop interacting with the system until the next update nerfs one of the blessings on their weapons (probably the one that is locked).
Based on your statements, apparently not.
I don’t know, I’ve never had an issue with peril management and I mainly use active quelling. Psyker has a lot of issues, but I can’t say this one stuck out to me.
It’s a massive shift for a playstyle many enjoyed. It’s not that you can’t still play Psyker fine it’s that a whole playstyle was made vastly more clunky overnight for no discernible (or provided) reason.
And I play psyker with a non-force sword’s passive quelling so when I’m on high peril I can cast axe and still be useful to the team instead of having to hide or dodge around for a few seconds. Now they’ve removed that option.
You can’t make an argument for why passive quelling was superior to active quelling in the same sentence as saying they took away the ‘option’.
If it was actually better it was unbalanced. Active quelling should always be the fastest way to lose peril.
You had a choice to active quell, which was slightly faster, or switch to a non-force sword melee and still beat up things and quelled passively. WIth this “fix” they reduced it by 75%.
I use a force sword and frequently use the passive quelling on that when we’re getting overrun and switching to melee is the better option.
Again, I don’t really see the issue, but I guess I always played with a force sword and am used to passive quelling being slow and situational.
I definitely don’t think you should be forced to run a mundane melee option to have the best peril management.
But then I’m one of those people who generally think peril comes and goes way too quickly. I’d prefer if it was a real pain to get rid of, but the abilities were way more powerful.
Maybe if you gloat enough about how much better you are at the game than everybody else you’ll be able to…
F*ck it.
So … all melee weapons should have active quelling then.
Maybe in a year or two …
It always was the fastest way to lose peril.
Sure, why not.
It’s more an issue of continuously removing viable/fun gameplay choices from a class that already has pretty serious synergy issues from both the class perks and weapon selection.
I’ll 100% give you that. Psyker as a class is kind of poorly designed and lacks good synergy between its class kit and its weapons.
It’s just that it never made sense that the force sword is the least useful melee pick for someone who wants to go heavy into psy power use. It isn’t like it’s more powerful than the other weapons in any other way, and they nerfed the crap out of it by removing the ability to block ranged while reviving.
Yeah, the Force Sword has it’s own history of problems. The special attack is pretty high damage, but has the issues of rooting you in place unable to defend and barely interacts with any of the pskyer’s kit (warp charge on sword brain burst please), the deflection nerf, (for me) the move set is a bit underwhelming.
I know I usually advocate for fixing bugs so that balancing can be done on a solid foundation, but with the massive time gap between fixing bugs and (hopefully) balance changes and the seemingly lack of understanding on how and why certain things interacted even from a dev viewpoint, I’m not having much confidence on whether psyker will be in a better place anytime soon.
Another force melee specced more into damage rather than defence would help. We have self-defence guns in the form of the Recon Lasguns and Autopistol that could pair nicely with such a weapon. (It would pair A LOT BETTER if they were to revert the passive quell nerf, but that’s besides the point.)
Yes I agree force sword is lacklustre but in this case I genuinely think a buff to force sword was the correct move not a nerf to everything else. I liked the intrinsic difference built into force sword vs non force weapons and it fit with the playstyles. It also gave gun Psyker at least some kind of nice edge. Ideally FS is strong at the cost of being a little clunky and requiring more peril management than non force weapons. That makes perfect sense to me personally.
This change feels like they’re trying to push us towards being staff bots that just spam staff and manual quell non stop because passive quell is too slow to be a valid alternative now unless you want to completely gimp your staff uptime (pssssst, you don’t want to do that).
Edit: Courtesy of Psyker Discord
Ayyy, my meme!