What do you want from a potential Vermintide 3

I have made posts for what you may want for vermintide 2 (2024) and a lot of you have say lot of realy good idea. But now, i want to ask, what do you want for a vermintide 3 ?

Better graphics and new tech like dlss is like “basics”.

I want some of darktide things in a potential vermintide 3.
You create your character (even if i prefer vermintide voice lines) having the choice of your classe and no limitations of how many of a classe you can pick is so good.

No grim and tomes at every run in classics maps like darktide with sometimes affix that spawn them feels good.

New potions, i really like the potions of chaos wastes and hope for something similar for normal games instead of the basics purple/yellow/blue pots.

Winds affix, The winds affix of the weaves are looking so cool and i hope they made similar affix for the normal game at random like affix on darktide.

Ubersreik 5 !! Having them (not playable) but sometimes on maps as NPC or helping you in some games would looks so cool and do a good easter egg for players of V1&2 !

New enemis like goblins/orcs could be cool !

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Tbh, I would prefer to have fantasy games to be with a casts, the U5 are better than the Reject 21.

The problem is that while Skaven and Chaos (+Beastmen) did ally up, Greenskins don’t ally up with the Skaven or Chaos for the most part.

If we get a VT3 (Which I’m against tbh, I’d rather see Greentide/Lizardtide/Dreadtide, but with a cast still), and there would be a new added Faction that is allied to the Rotblood Alliance, one that could work lorewise is the Vampire Count.

As during the ET, while most joined Undeath under the banner of Nagash, there is Nameless (Not Drachenfels™) who betray Nagash, join force with a Nurgle warcamp and use Isabella Von Carstein as a vessel for a Great Unclean one.

But if we see new tide games, I’d rather see it completely separate from the VT1/2, and centre on a new faction, with a new cast.

Either with links to Vermintide, with a Dreadfleet based tide game with playable Hedda Bardinsdottir; or without, with a Lizardmen tide game.

or even set in AoS, as it’s a good setting, and could be great if we get to explore multiple of the Realms.


Skaven are a problem for every race. It would be nice to see a new alliance we havent seen before. Instead of human, wood elf, dwarf which is what we always see in every fantasy every made.
I’d love to instead see a vampire/undead/tomb king, lizard and dark elves. Hell maybe even a greenskin mercenary that just follows the group for a good scrappin. But no ogres, i aint teaming up with an ugly bastard.

Im just sick of always seeing the same old lord of the rings team for the 1000th time.


Vampires would be lore accurate, see Carstein and Empire Alliance in the Endtimes against Chaos. After all there’s nothing to suckle for a Vampy boi, when the humans are dead.

Incidentally we even have some dialogue referencing a Vampire Count hero in VT2. AND a skin for Sienna.
Unfortunately the idea of undead might have been “used up” a little with her (kinda weird) necromancer inclusion.
The idea of further elf groups is also kind of used up by Kerilian changing her race (as weird as that sounds) with her careers. She’s a Wood Elf / High Elf / Dark Elf depending on your pick.
Bretonian would also be a good idea from lore perspective, but again it’s used up by that one Career from Kruber.

Fatshark underutilized a lot of great ideas by doing these career changes with very slight changes to gameplay. The factions offer quite a lot, but the way the game currently plays these grand ideas are condensed into extremely minor effects.

“Get a potion instead of more attack speed when you do THIS as the mercenary human”. It feels like a design flaw almost.


It’s more religion than race tbf.

While at the same time, it most likely was this, or never used.

But tbf, they could have done most of the things they wanted without those strange changes:
Handmaiden → Eternal Guard
Shade → Shadowdancer
Grail Knight → Knight of the Blazing Sun (Getting quests by Myrmidia ?)
Necromancer → Elementalist

But at the same time, if a new tide game happen, I don’t think it will have any bearing for what character they end up picking, heck my predilection cast for a Vampire Coast tide game would have you play as Bardin’s daughter


Just because they gave the uber5 the careers that doesnt mean they cant make actual characters that are dark/high elves and stuff. The only thing that is actually canon is the base career of the 5 and then the 4th dlc career. Every other one is just there for the gameplay.


I think for VT3 it would be cool to keep the Ubersreik 5 cast, but they’ve once again increased in power.

If you played VT1, you know that the U5 heroes in VT2 are a lot more powerful, mostly thanks to talents + career skills, and the hero power system. VT2 has significantly more enemies, and those enemies are stronger, than in the first game.

So I’d like to see this trend continue: In VT3, the heroes have “leveled up” some more, have stronger abilities, and have now attracted the attention of more deadly foes! This could be implemented with bigger hordes + new enemy types from the existing races, and/or new races entirely. (I like the idea of new races, but if it’s going to be VERMINtide 3, it has to include the Skaven, right?)

I’m thinking something like Space Marine 2, if you’ve played that. Not in terms of the gameplay, but in terms of the power level of you as the character, and how many foes you can fight at once.


Fighting Lizards in Lustria would be my hope, part of Markus Wolfharts Mercs!

Bringing the U5 to either shepard the missions or be over arcing characters while introducing the new Darktide create your own character to the fight, so we can have 4 Dwarfs, or elfs, etc.etc.

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I’d really like to see more of the “Asian” side of Warhammer, actually. For example, a Tide game set in Cathay where you fend off against Skaven, Beastmen, Greenskins, etc.

You could play as a Jade Warrior from Cathay, a Monkey Warrior from the Mountains of Heaven, a Samurai from Nippon, a Wizard from Ind… the possibilities are limitless!

1 cathayian is fine, but all of the heroes being from there? Just nah.
And every other “asian” land other then cathay is barebones from what i’ve heard (lore wise).
Dont think going into uncharted lands would be a smart move.
If CA didnt touch them, i extremely doubt any other company ever will. Especially since warhammer fantasy has moved on and just server wiped the world. (from what i understand)

Though the game actually happening in cathay would be interesting.

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Nonono, I just meant that the setting of Cathay would be cool. I’d like a cast of people from both different nations and walks of life just like what we saw in the U5.

Yeah, most people tend to go for the Medieval Europe thingamajig in Fantasy. It’s not a huge surprise, but it’s definitely a little bit disappointing.

Yeah, that’s what I meant! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Turn the tables. Let us play as Chaos in "vermin"tide 3.

Human enemies and the Ubersreik5 as bosses. After all, these are the end times, and we know who wins in the end.

I would love to see that.

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But no.

Let me kill Lizardmen, those Frog have cause Chaos to take hold, they must pay for it.

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New cast of 5 WHFB characters, that are voiced with the same or higher quality!

Graphics that are more stylized than realistic, allowing for more varied and vivid colors, better visual clarity in combat. And better frames/optimization. (DRG as an example)

Maybe a new engine (like Unreal Engine), if they’re willing to put in the work to optimize & tweak.

Difficulty dynamically scales for how many players are in the team, remove bots.

New melee mechanics and interactions with enemies, maybe glory kills.

Different enemies: undead, greenskins, chaos dwarves, ogres.

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Nothing, i want v2 being enhanced.


Vermintide 2 is so good I’d happily just see that expanded. An extra career for each character, some extra weapons, new maps, and possibly some overhauls to some of the less popular content (Weekly Expeditions are great, does anybody even play Weekly Events though? Weaves have so much potential if only they weren’t crafting-gated and had better way to matchmake into them). New enemies and bosses would also definitely be welcome. The game isn’t really lacking in any of these departments, but more is always nice. Expand on what we know and love rather than make something brand new. That’d be the way to go for me.

Which is pretty much what I’d want from Vermintide 3 if that were to be a thing. More careers, more talent slots (not even more columns, just replacing the samey lvl 5 and lvl 15 stuff with something unique), more weapons, more races to fight. Goblins and Orks would fit nicely. Gobbos for the trash mobs, Orks for Elites and specials. Undead would also work. Vamps or Tomb Kings.


Vermintide 3? Count me in.

I’ve but one request.

Whatever you do, whenever you do, keep the original voice acting in the next game.
U5 characters are just the half of the game’s setting for me.

I stopped playing Vermintide 2 as the game ran its course for me, I did basically everything worth doing and finished every hard mode. Same as my mates. But even after all this time, when we play something else somebody can drop a random “MUZKAZDUMI, MUZKAZDUMI!” in the middle of the game and it hits just perfect.


Ogre mercenary

Agree, my sister just got the game and we’ve been playing the Weaves mode duo. It’s been a lot of fun and some of the environments are amazingly beautiful. Would love to see FS breathe new life into this mode.

This topic has come up a lot, but I think Fatshark is probably swamped with Darktide and Vermintide 2. I bet they have something else in the pipeline, but I don’t know if it’s a Warhammer game.

I think Vermintide 2 is a good spot to leave the End Times behind, and revive the Old World. I’d like something where we get to see and explore more places in the Warhammer universe. More different kinds of hordes: greenskins, undead, lizardmen, and other chaos themed factions based on the 4 chaos gods, skaven too. A greater number of races to choose from based on Warhammer lore with male and female options. A more broad skill tree. I’d even like a co-op open world experience if they could pull that off. I’d love to see how a co-op horde game translates to open world gameplay if you could enter zones where there’s invasions and hordes to complete quests, and then peaceful areas with other random encounters, loot, and shops, non-linear progression.

I don’t like how Darktide feels more like a button masher, and how cheap enemies and death feel, since the higher difficulties are essentially nasty mission modifiers while throwing so many enemies at you it feels like a modded Vermintide 2 champion difficult. They made OP weapon blessings in Darktide and then just keep dumping more enemies in the mission till it loses all believably as 4 human convicts have to slaughter 20,000 enemies. My last wish is not have the next Vermintide game be exactly like Darktide. Take the good and leave the bad.

They should have quite a bit of feedback, but at times, I feel like they ignore it for long periods of time, and then come around on thing or another. I’m not huge into Deep Rock, but man, those devs really respond to feedback quick and adjust the game quick, though it’s also a much more simple looking game with toony graphics.