Weeklys for Casual Players

Could there be a chance that on the weekly refresh a player has an option to continue on their track if they didnt finish the previous week?

It would put them a week behind, but since the majory of the the rewards come not from individual task but reather the 5/5 completion reward feels real bad since its all or nothing. 15 missions completed can be hard to do for casual players who only play once or twice a week. Its the difference between being a week behind their friends on those rewards and litterally never being able to get any of them ever.

I just cant imagine who a change like this hurts.


I am loath to admit it, but I am a filthy casual. I know, shun me, for I am deserving.

But seriously, I only get to play once or twice a week. As it stands, I literally don’t even try to complete the weeklies because I know I’ll never complete them.

It’s frustrating not being able to participate in one of the main components of the loot grind, simply because I can’t devote 10 hours a week to the game.

I would LOVE a features that gives you “x” amount of currency per mission completed, capping out at 15 missions with maybe a big completion bonus. That would reward everyone!

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I wouldn’t describe myself as a casual, I have about 200 hours on the game so far. In the span of a week, I barely managed to finish two sets of weeklies on two characters. I had to do 25 missions completed on both characters too. It is a struggle.


Seems like a reasonable request, technical stuff withstanding.
Would prompt the user to keep on going with current contracts on first login after reset or something like that.

Still not just a button to push and there are a lot of priorities right now.

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I wouldn’t call myself a casual, not in the slightest. I play quite a lot. By just having a full time job I’m capable of finishing the weeklies on one character only. And that is only if I lucky with reroll of the more annoying missions. I have stopped bothering with the contracts by now altogether since I swap between characters often enough.

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Holy crap!

I did some quick math because I’m a nerd:

1 mission is ~25min.

so 15 missions is about 375min, or roughly 6.2 hours of playtime. And that’s not accounting for queue times, gearing up, and the occasional DC.

25 missions would be about 10.5 hours of game time.

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I have 233 hours with open beta.
Play way too much with the new toy.

I managed 4 characters full contracts last week but it is a bit of a struggle, definitely way too much playing.
Switching to easier contracts would make it easier (no 25 mission no 25 scriptures or 12 grims). Other contracts can be done very fast for a bit less rewards.


Yeah I’ve stopped taking the 25 mission contracts, just because its limited my ability to actually pursue levelling another character.

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It is too much but is optional.
There should probably be like 3 free re rolls to make it more casual friendly.
And a better warning / explanation or expected play time to completion if that helps.

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The problem is not that the weeklies are hard, but the 1000 space bucks bonus that puts a hard divide between players casual enough to not get the weekly bonus and those who can.

Just remove that bonus and give credit proportional to what players finished during the week.

Don’t we have enough FoMo mechanics in the game?


I’d also really like a feature where an item in the store or Melk’s emporium can get “locked in”, maybe even for a price increase, which would then make the offer never go away so you can take longer to gather the required rupees (or whatever they’re called).

In the end of the second week a really well rolled version of my favorite weapon was on offer from Melk, but because I literally mathematically couldn’t farm the cash to buy it in time the offer disappeared. I hadn’t even spent a single coin before; I just hadn’t no-lifed the weeklies up until then. I’m still really annoyed by that. I’d have gladly farmed together double the price for it, if I’d been given the time.

You know, just like the contracts board in Vermintide 1…


I’d prefer if all contracts and tiers were available, that way you could get rewarded for doing the easy missions if you play casually without having to “re-roll”.

I personally HATE script/grim missions with a passion. Nothing says fun like a pointless scavenger hunt.


Assuming you win all of them.

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Guh, yeah, good point. Jeepers. I hadn’t considered my loss rate.

It is weird that the weekly system HIGH encourages you to run level 1 missions…

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Honestly, I don’t see why not to have that option. It’s not harming anyone and at the same time it’s pretty much a benefit to everyone. With this in place we have:

Casual players: Actually completing weekly tasks and enjoying the grand reward, even if only every few weeks instead of every single one. Still better than probably never even coming close.

Dedicated players: Still can earn their rewards every single week as previously, and can now also take things slower if life demands it.

It’s a healthy win win.


Plus take into account the players that prefer a higher challenge. Missions can take 40 mins-1hr. This doesn’t include the loading into hub and into game which is only 2-3 mins, but x25 and you can see where the number begin to get absurd.

Along with this time commitment, sometimes if we want to complete scriptures, we don’t even have the option to play a map with that secondary objective. Its the first game where my buddy and I would sit and wait 6 minutes for 3 maps to refresh, hoping we could get scriptures.

I hope we have a change to the current weeklies.


I just don’t bother anymore it’s easier to forget that the weeklies exist and just play the game how I want to.
I have been leveling SS and on my zealot I did 3 out of 5 naturally just playing the game for fun.
It was
5 monstrosity kills
750 scab kills.
And 3 missions with 0 deaths.
25 scrips. Did like 3
25 missions. Did 8
All done on heresy.

I know if I wanted to I could have just ran diff 1 20 times in a row in half the time but why would I even try when I got limited time to play and the reward kinda just sucks.

Remove the big bonus and give us way more weeklies that are rewards for playing harder difficulties not mindlessly grind lower difficulties.
I can’t imagine how boring doing evey weekly on 4 characters would be.

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I’d prefer more easily digestible 5-6 dailies and you can pick 1-3 to do.

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The space bucks is actually incentivizing players to rush through a mission, in fear of FoMo. Which was one of the biggest gripes about V2, players running ahead.

Now they actually have a legitimate reason, FoMo weeklies, especially since the weeklies reset during the weekends of all times.

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It took me about 18 hours of game time to complete 25 missions, what with all the progress misses and everything. This is a ridiculous amount of time for most adults to spend on a single game.