Dear Farshark, who thought that a weekly challenge of completing 25 missions is a good idea. Do you realize that it is roughly 12 hours of gameplay not counting disconnects or failed runs? Then you can add to it ppl who play several classes you may start seeing an issue I have with this. I could understand if difficulty is reflected directly in this (Malice counts as 3 for example) but the way it is now is not sustainable and rather anti-fun.
Tencent is really showing their ugly faces on this one.
so like, I agree that it’s a lot. But I don’t really agree that it’s a bad thing.
Some weeklies are way harder to do - they also pay out far more. So I don’t see the problem with adding weeklies that require more effort and have a higher payout - especially since you can just reroll those. Don’t have the time? Reroll. Pretty obvious to me (and this is coming from someone who also doesn’t have the time to do 25 missions in a week)
The ones that are terrible are the ones that are gate-kept behind the RNG and time-gated nature of the map select.
This is a bad thing because if you had the mission on all 4 of your characters, that is roughly 48 hours of game play each week. It is literally more time than a full time job, its completely unreasonable. The same reward should be had for doing 6 missions, not 25
Tencent just want to see the money flowing, shows FS inexperience with live services in this regard.
Should also point out that that does not include failed missions, which will add considerable time depending on the difficulties/modifiers you play.
Should be simple stuff like VT2, kill 10 elites, 5 monstrosities, get 6 scriptures and thats it. Stuff that you know you can completed without much of a hassle.
Fatshark don’t make the game fall into a job meeting quota give an actual reason behind to log into your game, taking this strat will just build resentment over the game.
I rolled both the weekly for 25 missions, and a weekly for kill 1000 scab with ranged
I did 1 malice mission, I’m 1/25, 224/1000.
The 1000 Scab kills with ranged pays out about 540, while the 25 missions pays out about 430 (give or take 10 of the currency, I don’t remember the specifics). It’s not even worth the time investment, every other mission you can finish well before you get to 15/25 missions completed.
I honestly wouldn’t mind the complete 25 missions weekly if there wasn’t a bonus for completing all 5 weeklies, and that there’s a limit to rerolling, I did my rerolls til the cost shows 7500, and now I can’t reroll anymore because I wanted to get rid of the secondary objective missions first. I’m stuck with it even though I don’t want it, and on both my characters I rolled it too.
Edit with screenshots:
I am mainly pointing out required time investment. With the rest you can at least steer towards completion, whether by loadouts, picking up grim/script missions etc. As I said, if this is the only game you play in a week and on one character, it may be good for you, I do not plan to spend all my free time on one weekly for one char.
Another approach could be like destiny 2 weeklies , hard content just required to complete once to receive rewards and the casual content 3 times.
But would require to adapt for darktide, point stand for current form not optimal at all.
All characters need a shared inventory. 25 missions is still bonkers, since it will result in you just running level 1 missions just got this over with.
Imagine we get new classes. Not only will we need to level each to 30, not having a shared inventory essentially means you will be forced to main one, maybe two classes. That’s not a good thing.
Agree, especially when you work 48 hours a week, having 3 days off, which you try and sort the stuff you need to do when off, 25 missions is a bit of taking the micky, and especially for anyone who wants to do weekies on their other characters would be a bit of a burn out, maybe reducing down to 15 would be nicer, for an incomplete game with bugs and crashes, and ESPECIALLY when your quests not updating, reducing would be nice