Add a second set of weeklies

It would be cool to have a second set of weeklies after the first is completed to give us a little extra grind fun. Perhaps make them more challenging with a higher bonus reward. Thanks for all the fixes! Looking forward to new content.


They changed them so that people could complete them and not feel punished for casual levels of play. I would totally be supportive of the ability to buy new contracts with IG currency. Then you are earning money to make money and casual players are not any worse off for it.

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They probably wanna cap the special currency per week, so i dont see this happening.
It is a good idea and they could easily add a similar contract board to run parallell that adds crafting materials, a weapon/curio drop or dockets as a reward.

Could even have small buffs as a reward.
Maybe a consumable buff that gives you +10%dmg/health/toughness/etc on next mission, or a small servo-skull that follows you around and marks/spots crafting or items for you for one mission.
Or a skull that instant revives once on nwxt mission.

Seems like there are a lot of smaller consumbles that can be rewarded and added to make slight changes and a smaller contract board would be a good way to reward it.