Weave 95 crashes after the third minotaur spawns, probably because it can’t spawn trash enemies.
GUID: 58b2cd39-d6a1-49e2-9576-c2a2cc622b6b
Changing host did not fix it.
Well that kinda sucks
Playtested btw
We got the same thing, not much to do about this error. They have to fix it with patch.
No, what i mean with ‘playtested btw’ is that fatshark says they play tested every weave, seems like they missed one.
Ah I see, btw there is also steam “Mr Hawk” is playing whatever on that W95 loading screen, that’s also kinda hilarious
Oh look, the devs ignoring a real game breaking issue where you cant even progress. I feel sorry for anyone who is at or close to weave 95.
They should finally get a group of testers who test this stuff. It’s embarrassing that nobody actually tested the weave once.
They could easily get a group of ppl who would test the stuff for free.
Maybe it was in the beta already, but i didnt really wanted to play them twice.
Any word from fatshark about this? Can we expect a hotfix?
Yes just got to this weave yesterday on Xbox, crashes every time within seconds of spawning into the arena Temple
We’re working on this - apologies for the inconvenience.
I play on Xbox and the patch on 1/27 has fixed this issue, thanks!!
Still no fix? wth…
What did you expect, like hot-fix on Monday ?
I expect them not to be incompetent but it seems thats asking too much.
It’s W94 Wars Season now Still waiting for someone to beat us !
It would of kinda been cool to be fixed in weekends so everyone can play again, but ofcourse the sooner the better.
You mean playing the same Weave twice?