General PS4 stability

Still getting occassional crashes and disconnects, todays lovely joy… weave 79, final arena and doing really well, most likely going to complete it… game F***ing disconnects everyone but host >:( weave failed as the bots are useless and we can’t rejoin in time.

No need to guess how P***ed off we all are

EDIT - and now the game is crashing every time we fail an attempt at weave 79… ffs I just want thi s*** over with


Oh shoot Weaves too?

I was assuming this was a problem plaguing Chaos Wastes and Adventure mode missions because of the Khorne skull event

What the heck happened?

Do your crashes end with this code?

It seems almost all of us PS players are having constant crash issues, but I don’t mind anymore, I gave up on the game until they release a hotfix.