Yeah but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about just popping into existence. There’s a few reasons for this, like sometimes a whole patrol just ‘poof’ appears.
There’s a difference between a weird spawn that has a logical reason and a totally unexplained cheat spawn. Now, there is a problem telling which is which because they usually happen beind you, so you don’t see them, and of the ones that someone sees, most aren’t recorded for later… but some are.
I have some examples, and you’ll have to forgive they are old. I’m pretty sure there’s some more recent, but these I can provide more quickly.
Like, this one where people get out of the elevator and a whole patrol just appears is one example,
And this where a bruiser just spawns right behind someone is another: Notice it’s not there, and then is there in the dark, then the light lights it up again.
Logical spawns that are maybe badly managed relative to gameplay and spawns with no logic at all are similar, but not the same issue.