Recon Lasgun Problems / Stamina, Crit chance, Ammo Pool; Deadshot

SO i aready posted one but i found more things to cover.
Heres my original Post

If you want a fully ranged Class with Recon which i dearly love, there is only so much you can do. Its fine with MGXII, from what im about to say. That Las has way more dmg potential than Recon and doesnt rely on half of the skills you need for recon.

Now that we have to go left side. Crit Chance since Ammo Pool is reduced and we get the new really cool Skills for countering that. There is couple things that need to be looked at.
To make this Build viable with Recon you need to have Deadshot. Otherwise you run out ammo instantly with that firerate and ammo consumption. Also you need to have the node on the right to make it possible (5%) critchance. You hopp from one side to the other.

No Keystones for Vet means we need to have what i have suggest on Top. Or we need to have this as Passive again.
*Ammo 15% at the very least
*5 Crit Cance Passive
*Stamina Regen/ Delay (0,25 regen delay & 15-25% stamina regen)
Must have for all Ranged Weapons in Vet Career. Is on the very bottom and should have a Passive already and a SKill node on top for even more Ammo.

*Uses way too much Stamina. For Recon you burn through instantly. MGXII is totally fine, youre not struggling as much on the emptied Stamina since the Firerate is slow.
This is a must have for getting your crits up. Its not like you hit Weakspot or in general a 100% all the time. YOu always miss some shots so.
The Stamina on just Aiming needs to go. At least that!
I suggest that maybe you could do 6%- 8% percent for getting your aim up. Flat reduction of stamina no more lost stamina for just aiming. Then 2-4% lost stamina per shot. This way its still realistic somewhat.

Stamina Regen delay
*Should come with 15-25% Stamina regen. This will counteract the Deadshot even more. There is only 2 Nodes and they are at the very bottom both. Sounds a lot at first, but from what regen we have already, its still the slowest.
I wanted to go 25% regen, with regen delay together, but since we should have passive skills like i mentioned 15% regen and 0,25 regen delay togther as one skill should be good.

With this in mind you still loose stamina per shot and cant hold up Deashot indefinetly.
I run 24% Stamina Regen on my Curios, but its not helping as it is now. Its still freakin slow to get Deadshot up! Regen Delay helps but the regen of Stamina still sucks.

You could leave the nodes where there are now, to counteract the whole propostion i just mentioned!

Veteran should be a “Ranged” only still, if you want it so iMHO. I was not a huge Fan of Ranged in the beginning, but i came to love my Vet as much as i love my Ogryn of course!

Dont forget we cant get any Toughness back without Ranged attacks, melee is not reliable a Vet !

Have you looked at Duck & Dive and Reciprocity (right side of the tree, after Infiltrate)? 30% stamina and 5% crit per stack (up to 5 stacks) when you dodge. There’s also Opening Salvo, right before Executioner’s Stance, which you probably already have. For the stamina cost, Deadshot seems like a risky choice unless you fire in bursts (although Duck and Dive would help offset the cost while firing, or refill your stamina when you’ve run out)

Also, recon lasguns crit as a burst, so a single crit proc will result in multiple shots dealing critical damage (3 shots for the Mk VIIa, 4 shots for the Mk II, I don’t have the 3rd one to test with), all of which will stack fire from Infernus.

The continued cost is a balancing factor for slower weapons. High ROF weapons are less impacted by that because 8% stamina per second is no big deal when you can fire 10 shots in a second? On the other hand, low ROF weapons less impacted by the cost per shot because 4% per shot is nothing if you only fire 2 shots per second?

If you’re referring to the initial cost (which was a thing, IIRC), that appears to be gone if the tooltip is to be believed.

Tl;dr, apologies in advance, but my Recon Laser VIIa is awesome on a run and gun build

I spec Voice (vanilla), max melee (this also means Voice now gets +30% close damage for 10 seconds), and needless to say, Duck and Dive talent and have Stripped Down on the laser. Frag grenades, rending fire

Auric Damnation

The reason you use VIIa (the slowest firing one) is for burstier more mobile dps, and accuracy. is fine with rending carapace

Asking for buffs for one of the stronger builds you can run currently phew. You absolutely do not need deadshot, head hunter blessing should be plenty since recon has a strong crit string that gives it a much better effective crit chance than advertised. Chuck a +crit chance perk on it as well if you like. Heck I’m even messing around with forgoing the +ammo talent cause survivalist + no ammo on Las crit goes plenty far.

The only way you’re seriously having ammo issues with this is if you’re using it to shoot hordes which is just not something you should do with 95% of weapons. On higher difficulties you are simply expected to have some basic melee competency (raw hordes aren’t an issue for a Vet even with 0 melee talents if you’ve already shot most of the nearby elites and specials). And regarding toughness take the advice above, run exhilarating over deadshot, you could probably even splurge for confirmed kill but I’ll need to check the tree again to see how feasible that is.


The headhunter blessing is bugged. It starts stacking after the shot that triggered the crit salvo, even though the rest of the salvo were crits. This means that after a 5 crit salvo hits the head, you already have 4 stacks of headhunter for the next salvo, when realistically it should reset to 0. It’s balanced on recons by virtue of their shittier version, but for the vraks 3… that’s 40% crit AFTER a salvo. Completely busted.

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Low RoF are less impacted. You shoot way longer with the Buff active. This Skill Favours Slow Firing Weapons more than any other. Especially Singleshot Weapons.

High Rate of fire like i said deletes the Stamina instantly. You get less Dmg per Bullet and can lead to lower DPS. I can 2-3 Shot Crushers, Reapers with revolver with this. Yes, its not the perfect Argument since Recon is not ment to Penetrate as much, but still. Important is the BUff is useable or not. If it is reliably useable. Importnant for the Build.
Recon needs all the Crit & Weakspot you can get for a solid Build

Which is nothing new; certain talents are better suited for certain weapons - I’m just explaining that the 2 costs exist to provide some degree of balance between high and low ROF weapons. The game is presenting you with a strong buff at a cost (as well as providing some ways to offset the cost) - getting the most out of the buff requires effective management of the cost.

Considering that a crit with the Recon Las results in 3-5 shots dealing critical hits, you end up spending stamina on shots that don’t get any benefit from +25% crit. If I’m not mistaken, at 20 - 33% crit chance (depending on Mk), you’re looking at an effective crit rate of roughly 50%.

Taking the fastest firing Recon Las at 20% crit - 1 in 5 shots rolls a critical (on average), the next 4 shots are guaranteed to crit, so 5 out of 9 shots will be critical hits. You’re probably already somewhere between 20% and 40% with Headhunter (plus Veteran’s innate crit chance and other nodes on the tree). With the behaviour castkeyboard described, you’re very likely on the high side of that (approx 6 shots out of 9 being crits).

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