SO i aready posted one but i found more things to cover.
Heres my original Post
If you want a fully ranged Class with Recon which i dearly love, there is only so much you can do. Its fine with MGXII, from what im about to say. That Las has way more dmg potential than Recon and doesnt rely on half of the skills you need for recon.
Now that we have to go left side. Crit Chance since Ammo Pool is reduced and we get the new really cool Skills for countering that. There is couple things that need to be looked at.
To make this Build viable with Recon you need to have Deadshot. Otherwise you run out ammo instantly with that firerate and ammo consumption. Also you need to have the node on the right to make it possible (5%) critchance. You hopp from one side to the other.
No Keystones for Vet means we need to have what i have suggest on Top. Or we need to have this as Passive again.
*Ammo 15% at the very least
*5 Crit Cance Passive
*Stamina Regen/ Delay (0,25 regen delay & 15-25% stamina regen)
Must have for all Ranged Weapons in Vet Career. Is on the very bottom and should have a Passive already and a SKill node on top for even more Ammo.
*Uses way too much Stamina. For Recon you burn through instantly. MGXII is totally fine, youre not struggling as much on the emptied Stamina since the Firerate is slow.
This is a must have for getting your crits up. Its not like you hit Weakspot or in general a 100% all the time. YOu always miss some shots so.
The Stamina on just Aiming needs to go. At least that!
I suggest that maybe you could do 6%- 8% percent for getting your aim up. Flat reduction of stamina no more lost stamina for just aiming. Then 2-4% lost stamina per shot. This way its still realistic somewhat.
Stamina Regen delay
*Should come with 15-25% Stamina regen. This will counteract the Deadshot even more. There is only 2 Nodes and they are at the very bottom both. Sounds a lot at first, but from what regen we have already, its still the slowest.
I wanted to go 25% regen, with regen delay together, but since we should have passive skills like i mentioned 15% regen and 0,25 regen delay togther as one skill should be good.
With this in mind you still loose stamina per shot and cant hold up Deashot indefinetly.
I run 24% Stamina Regen on my Curios, but its not helping as it is now. Its still freakin slow to get Deadshot up! Regen Delay helps but the regen of Stamina still sucks.
You could leave the nodes where there are now, to counteract the whole propostion i just mentioned!
Veteran should be a “Ranged” only still, if you want it so iMHO. I was not a huge Fan of Ranged in the beginning, but i came to love my Vet as much as i love my Ogryn of course!
Dont forget we cant get any Toughness back without Ranged attacks, melee is not reliable a Vet !