Hello. Awhile back I made posts or responded to posts about changes that could be made with the Veteran. I decided to combine them all in to one post and share some new ideas or thoughts
To understand what I am about to post… I need to talk about the numbers first. I did some Google Searching prior to this post to see if the core numbers have changed. I am not seeing anything to indicate they did
Veteran is a 1.25 second stamina regeneration delay. Ogryn is 1. Zealot is .75. And Psyker is .50. Base Crit chance did change over time going down to a 5% (from a 10%). There are certain passives to get that number up but they require your alt fire or reloading
One other thing I wish to cover before getting in to it is the “Veteran is fine” comments. If there is a specific reason you think that then post it. Saying just that doesn’t give me a lot to work with
Even then it will take a good reason because I disagree that the Veteran is fine for long term game play. I think it is fine for an introduction in to how this class will play once you start reaching the specialties or sub classes. That is what I will get in to now
Hot Shot Las Gun, Marksman variant. Comes with optical camo, movement speed, higher ranged crit chances and weak spot damage
One of the annoying things is that one enemy that will just randomly spawn behind you and run over to you. Back in the day the Veteran did have optical camo for sitting still… Reducing your threat. It didn’t completely remove this annoyance but it did reduce it… Giving you more time to try and focus on supporting your team
One of the issues with the Veteran is not being able to penetrate armor as efficiently. I think that a Hot Shot variant can fill that role. The older Las Guns can be a more versatile choice. Their Near % damage numbers can be bumped up as part of that
Heavy Weapons:
Backpack based weaponry like the Plasma Gun and Hot Shot Las Gun, Volley variant. The focus is damage and lots of it at any time
For this particular specialty it can choose to specialize in to the Volley or Plasma gun. Each with their own unique choices. For example the Plasma specialty consumes less ammo and has a faster charge time. The Volley gets better suppression values
Shotguns, Pistols, and Melee weapon specialty. The focus is mobility, stamina regeneration, and a reduction in stamina regeneration delay
For specialty choices it can focus on the Tactical Axe, Power/Claw Sword, or Chain weaponry. If it chooses the Tactical axe it gains finesse and crit chance bonuses. If it goes with Power/Claw, it gets better group damage. Chain weapons will get the ability to stack bleed or do more bleed damage
Side Note:
I did consider the Bolt Gun and its various ammunition types for the Heavy Weapon specialty. I decided it was best to leave that for the Zealot. I think there could be a fire specialty or sub class using its Inferno Rounds
That is all I can think of at this time. I am hoping that I am providing a better approach than previous attempts