Where's my Hotshot Lasgun, Fatshark?

There are enemies who have the backpack lasgun also known as the Hotshot Lasgun.

This man gets it, why cant i have it? I would also like Imperium based heretic cosmetics. Basically meaning non heretic variants of their gear. i just wanna turn my veteran into a lmg wielding, heavy armor wearing, beast of a man. Is that too much to ask for?

I had honestly thought about it for awhile, for the hotshot i was thinking it would cause an overall reduction in movement speed. As you are lugging around a big piece of lastech, maybe 10% reduction or something idk. it would also be neat if it took up the backpack slot, as it is in all actuality a big backpack powered lasgun.

This is all i think about while playing the game, and until i have it there is no gun id rather have.


i susspect that they had a heavy weapon version of the veteran in mind, but gut delayed, maybe it will be part of the upcomming sub-skilltrees, would atleast make sense if they wanted to have the release version veteran to be more of a jack of all trades ranged class rather than a specialized heavy trooper

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May happen with the 3rd Vet Class, as the ability.

I don’t think it would appear as a normal weapon, as it’s just a better Lasgun (Unless it act as the Braced Lasgun)

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This is a volleygun, maybe a hotshot volleygun.
Hotshot las is las with +armor pen. It can pierce ceramite.
Volley guns to Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
We want both, as 2 different weapons. So we get more cool las.

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