Please give us a couple marks of dual wield pistols

would be so cool


For that matter, while we can’t get a hotshot lasgun because they require a back pack to function, we could got a hotshot las carbine instead which would be a unique weapon as well.


I hope they make Dual/paired weapon with a new cosmetic system, where not doing what the weapon customisation does, but at least separating the 2 weapons in their own tabs (So you would change either cosmetic on their own)

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Wait sorry I heard the words “Hotshot lasgun” and came over as quick as I could.




Day 724 of asking Fatshark for Helguns:

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Yess please. I don’t even care bro I just wanna look cool with them.

Give me a dual rapier and dagger. And a rapier and pistol.

Dual Stub pistols ftw!!!

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