Change to pistols

so from personal experience except for the ADS revolver (not the fan the hammer one) i find there to be not a single reason to run a las pistol heavy las pistol shredder auto pistol bolt pistol or the fan the hammer revolver.

they have great mobility but so does my melee weapon which is generally more useful and swapping to a full sized range weapon is fast enough.

what about allowing certain melee weapons to be utilised in the offhand with these underwhelming pistols? you’d have your regular old left click to shoot right click to aim or gangsta point and pretend you’re aiming and then your special key instead of being a silly little whack gives you access to the light attack combo of your melee weapon which you are holding in your off hand.

That would require it being a full new weapon. And being able to pair every Pistol with every “1h” weapons would require a lot of work, as in many cases the weapons actually do use the 2nd hand for certain strikes.

While paired weapons should happen. It’s not Skyrim and they can’t be paired willy nilly.

As for the current pistols, they often fall in the spot of “Fast and flexible Ranged weapon for mostly melee users”


Accatran Las Pistol is absolutely amazing. Immune to suppression, good finesse modifier, good damage, incredibly high mobility, good accuracy at surprising ranges, and a fast equip time. While useful on Zealot, Veteran and Psyker can absoloutely shred with it and the right builds. The buff to close range has just made it better, it doesn’t need anything more.

Zarona in general is probably still better, but its really damn close. While its bad against Crushers it has much better sustain against groups of spread out enemies, paired with amazing boss damage on certain builds.


Kinda enjoy exe stance on laspistol Vet just for the insane almost pin point accuracy with hip fire. Kinda wild how accurate that hipfire is. Surprisingly potent with MF as well due to the insane finesse mods (downside being that non crit body shots may as well be hitting them with a water pistol).

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I don’t know, different playstyles? Some great mobility, easy gap closers, some great options for crit/finesse builds, better sustain than Zarona, some pretty good monster killers etc. Not everything have to have Zarona silly cleave, pen values. Also the whole mini-maxing approach just leads to why do you play with anything which isn’t Columnus or plasma argument. No thanks.

I love my little fan the hammer revolvers. Especially on psyker and zealot. I haven’t used las pistols for a while, but I bet crit combos still do work on them.

Shredder is a bit of a meme since Patch 13 changes, and even before that it was mainly used with some really specific builds / blessing interactions. Bolt pistol has been just added, so I would not be judging it just yet. It works fairly well on zealot in my experience.

The best thing any player can do for themselves and their enjoyment of the game is to NOT get themselves limited by the “meta”. A lot of “off-meta” weapons have some decent talent / blessing interactions and can serve a purpose. Just have some fun by coming up with these by yourself, or at least trying them out.


I would be shocked if they don’t eventually add paired pistols and melee weapons. Just a matter of when and which ones.

Most likely candidates are chainsword and dueling sword though.

Laz Pistols have higher innate crit Chance, have crit focused blessings, and Vet has a “laz crits are free” talent. Fan Revolver can be built to absolutely delete bosses + has good, quick stopping power for ragers / armor. All pistols have high mobility and swap that can offset a heavy melee weapon choice. This matters a lot depending on difficulty.

I can’t speak to Bolt & Shredder. Haven’t played them enough. I do note Bolt has bleed and a bigger ammo clip than revolver. I think Shredder eats maniacs’ lunches and can stagger like crazy.

Special attacks seem fine. An emergency push is ok for me. (Sidenote: dyk that the laz pistol push on psyker is unique and has a little warp shove?)
I don’t expect every weapon special to rock my socks if they’re committing to giving every weapon one.

Pistols seem fine to me outside of Zarona, which I’d like to see scaled back a bit.

It will probably happen, it did in VT2, but the big difference being single shot black powder gun with no ammo system, where here we would have something different from single shot weapons, and maybe need an ammo system to properly work.

If it’s in the melee slot it’s easy, just replace the special for either the ability to shoot or ADS (then using action 1 to shoot)

Imo I’d still like the Agrip Revolver to at least pen 1 Poxwalker, same as throwing knives.

But in general that Revolver is not for me, even if it is very strong. I would’ve preferred it to be a more run and gun type Revolver instead of stand still and fan the hammer but that’s a personal opinion.

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this strain of thought was born mainly from the new bolt pistol which feels like its the revolver but it doesnt over pen multiple things so it feels like it has no place except for inside the shadows of the revolver

i dont really care much about meta and all the main thing going trough my head is that it would be kinda fun to have a chainsword melee on special attack that smacks pox walkers while i can plonk at far away enemies with the bolt pistol

thats my main driving factor : it would be pretty fun i merely tried to wrap it in a blanked of more understandable motives rather than something as vague as my brain would enjoy it

Can’t speak to other classes using it, but focus sharpshooter veterans have utterly absurd critical headshot damage with the laspistol, especially against flak armour.

The heavy laspistol shoots too slowly and doesn’t deal enough damage to make up for that, I don’t like it.

The bolt pistol is pretty good but has very bad ergonomics, jumpy ADS recoil (just like the bolter) and terrible iron sights.

The zarona needs no introduction.

The agripinaa quick loading revolver would be okay if it could pierce single targets the same way the zarona can, otherwise it’s pretty mediocre.

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i bet they were meant for a secondary weapon slot that was never implemented along with 40% of the rest of the content

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That’s wrong, they always had planned melee/ranged slot.

We could see a branch that has a weapon on either the blitz or ability, but it’s not the same thing as having 3 weapon slots

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I kinda like it for one head shotting shooters without high MF stacks but yeah I think overall it’s objectively less consistent and generally worse than just spamming the light variant. Personally I just kind of vibe with the slower heavier hitting feel of the heavy variant more.

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It feels amazing to shoot, I think a little more juice could make it a lot more competitive.

Unfortunately I doubt it will ever get to the same boss damage as the normal one, but if it was able to preform better in other aspects that might be enough.

It is fun using it on Zealot with Inexorable Judgement to have it shoot as fast as the Accatran variant.

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So I’m not the only one with that idea.

It certainly would have made more sense. One slot that can fit anything and either a second that can fit most things (aka no T-hammers/ Bolt gun/ etc) or two extra slots for “light” sidearms like pistols, tactical axes, etc. Easier to balance too since you wouldn’t have to make a combat knife as effective as a two-handed weaponized chainsaw fitted with the mother of all timber sports engines and teeth to make Jaws envious. Being able to pack a second ranged/ melee with different abilities and still be capable at the other would have been a big enough boon for most.

But as you said it likely never got implemented. Either someone admitted that they couldn’t code it or it was deemed too “difficult for players to understand” so it got axed.

Or simply it was never planned.

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I’ve been running it exclusively on a ghost, deadshot, duck n dive, Exe, MF Vet build, got it out again last night for the first time since the MF buff and honestly it feels great to me. Still topped boss damage and the mission decided to disproportionately spam us with shooters and ranged elites for the whole map, which is admittedly its strongest use case, but one shotting gunners and shotgunners left and right while they have no recourse to fire back feels incredible.

Don’t mind anyone saying it’s the weaker variant as long as nobody tries to tell me it’s a weak gun generally :rofl:

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That’s interesting. Would love to see what gun you have for it.

Imo if you have to build a super ranged focused build for a gun to be good I don’t think its good. That’s one of the reasons I still despise the Achyls on Ogryn.

I wouldn’t call it “bad.” Just incredibly mediocre compared to how good the Accatran is.

It’s honestly not even a good roll, I have achieved zen with subpar weapons if it means interacting with crafting less.

With 10 MF stacks up it comfortably one crit headshots both shotgunners as well as scab gunners, with Exe up as well does that without a crit, can’t quite one shot dreg gunners either way, though an unarmoured roll would fix that. Would love to have dum dum instead of speedload, though the occassional lightning fast reload does happen because of it and is kinda nice when it happens. Can surprisingly also one crit headshot flak ragers with both MF and Exe up.

Yeah not a good generalist gun, but such excellent synergy with finesse bonuses and crits, as well as being a las weapon so benefitting from shock trooper, makes it ones of the better guns for left tree Vet IMO. Like there’s no world currently where I’d use an inf las over it, as far as I can tell the heavy las pistol beats those out in basically every way. Great mobility is a nice bonus. But yes not as good as the rather lovely accatran variant, nor as usable across classes and builds. Should work decent on right tree Psyker too though I see ammo being a real issue without survivalist + shock trooper (I still manage to run low on Vet with how many shooters + ranged elites there can be to shoot at some maps. Last map I was probably shooting for over 50% of the mission).

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