Now, we all know about the incoming weapons, so heres a few ideas that i would like added

1-stub pistol

much like the stub revolver, the stub pistol fires normal bullets. it also looks exactly like a 1911 because GW thought it’d be a good idea to add it under a different name (i agree with them completely) and i don’t know much else about it.

now onto how i think it should act in the game

i personally think that it should hold 7 bullets in a mag and that it should have 8 spare mags worth of ammo, it should be able to 1 shot stalkers, bruisers, and any pox walkers or groaners, anything else should take 2 or more shots. it should also be accurate up to mid range and had a fast reload. i believe that it should be on vet and psyker

2-sword and shield

its basically exactly what it says on the tin, its a sword and shield, the shield holds the sword.

now for the workings

i think it should have a fast draw time, low stamina, along with you being slow when you run with it, it should also be high damage and a fast swing along with be able to block real good, it should also have 3 variants, a sword, an axe, and a hammer. the sword is the one i was talking about above, the axe has a faster swing but lower damage, the hammer has lower speed but higher damage. the special for this idea is a gun, specifically, a derringer that holds 3 shots and has 12 spare bullets, it is break action with the chambers all in a triangle pattern. the derringer is meant for when you run out of ammo in your actual gun and either don’t have more and can’t reload. the derringer also has a need for ammo, it can get ammo from the ammo boxes and bags like any other gun, the boxes giving 3 the bags giving 6. its just a close range pistol with low damage and a fast reload, nothing else really.

3-heavy bolter

ogryns deserve a bolt gun too

fast firing explosive gun that takes a long time to reload and has no second ammo box

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Isn’t the ripper a kind of ogryn bolter though?

Edit: admittedly it’s not a heavy bolter…so yeah that would be cool.

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Ripper are full auto Shotguns.

I do want a Ripper variant that is a Ripper Saw, Chainsaw bayonetted full auto shotgun

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Are they?! I live and learn :joy:

I want a goofy dual wielding stub pistol set up too. Cowboy shooting is cool but we need that gangster style double dumping. I’d give it around 200 damage per bullet and like 360 RPM click rate.

Ogryn missile launcher is a given for me, since they have so many Commando-esque accessories already. Less single target damage but higher AP and splash than gauntlet, 28 ammo and 2 magazine. Also a heavy auto cannon. 40 round magazine, 4 mags total, 400 RPM, 360 start damage, 8.0 shot cleave 1.5x damage to armors. Basically a heavier AP rippergun, but slower to equip and handle.

Melta gun, I think should have a 0.75s charge time before firing a ray cast 12m long and 5m wide that persists for like 1s. Enemies inside take heavy stagger, 200 flat damage and have 20 burn stacks applied. Enough ammo to fire the weapon 25 times. Can we try some version of old flamethrower that is satisfying again too?

Chainsword + las pistol pairing, instead of the last variant of either of those lol. Pressing special in neutral stance quick swaps between melee/gun mode. Can aim and fire. Heavy charged attacks engage the motor for rev moves, with horde focused lights. Can fire out of block with special as well.

so it has one ammo box and no reload? lol

Missile launcher sounds epic!

Having a simple 7-shot stub pistol sounds neat. Wouldn’t be too far off from the quickloading revolver. It would have to be pretty powerful to be worth using over other weapons though, unless they give us the ability to carry a sidearm in all loadouts.

i personally believe that the chainsword + laspistol pairing should also have a chainsword + bolt pistol pairing but thats just me, all of these are great idea.

There’s some lore reason that ogryn use heavy stubbers instead of bolters and heavy bolters; something about them being too complicated for ogryn to reliably use properly, but I don’t super care about that, and it’s not like this game has to adhere to the lore ultra hard considering it’s about taking down massive hordes of heretics including chaos ogryn, daemonhosts, beasts of nurgle, chaos spawn, etc with a squad of four bozos who are only six points per model.

So yeah, stub pistols and heavy bolters. I’m happy Ogryn are finally getting some two handed smashing stuff. Crushers get those sidewalk-squares-on-sticks, I want one too.

Speaking of stuff the heretics get, I want a hellgun for the Veteran. Scab gunners have them, so we know they’ve got some on Atoma. I’d give it a huge amount of ammo, a giant magazine size, high suppression, and damage per shot similar to a regular infantry lasgun, but its accuracy is pretty awful even when braced, so it’s almost useless for getting headshots.

I’d also really like a new Plasmagun that functions exactly like the one from Space Marine, and it should definitely be the Graia Pattern, because Space Marine takes place on Graia.

oh and a new hammer that’s a straight port of vermintide’s reckoner.

Another idea was adding one or two more supporty force staves, kinda in line with that one Kerillian got that just stuns people. Staves that cast other psyker powers, basically. Poking around old rulebooks and 40k wikis, there’s stuff like “Enfeeble,” that could be like a slow and damage debuff, “Terrifying Visions” that could be area suppression, “Mental Fortitude” cast toughness regeneration and/or suppression immunity on allies, “Nightshroud” reduce accuracy on enemies and reduce threat on allies? Like Kerillian’s staff, the left click would still be some kind of simple attack. I feel like there’s a lot of potential for psykers to be something of a support class, given that they’ve got smite and telekine shield.

The problem with a laspistol + chainsword or whatever pairing is that we have two kinds of chainsword and two kinds of laspistol, and also three kinds of combat axe and two power swords and three daggers etcetc and if they try to make a pairing for every possible combination they’ll need to make like over a hundred new weapons, but if they only make like two or three combinations then everybody will rightly be all like hey if I can hold a laspistol and a chainsword at the same time why can’t I hold a laspistol and an axe at the same time? or why can’t I hold a bolt pistol and a power sword at the same time? or why can’t I hold the other laspistol and a chainsword at the same time?

So I had this idea of a loadout system where instead of having a melee weapon and a ranged weapon, you have two loadouts, each loadout has a Main Hand slot and an Off Hand slot. Weapons all have a Size: One Handed, Main Hand Only, or Two Handed, and you can mix and match however you like. Laspistol and dagger, two laspistols, revolver and chainsword, sword and dagger, two daggers, two chainswords, whatever.

Well not sure about two chainswords, those things might be Main Hand Only. Maybe the zealot could have a special skill that lets them wield Main Hand Only weapons in their Off Hands so they can run around with two chain axes if they really want.

All the non-two hand guns are One Handed, none of them are Main Hand Only, even the bolt pistols and revolvers. I imagine power swords, chain swords, chain axes, combat axes, and force swords would be Main Hand Only, while daggers, swords, and tactical axes can also be held in the off hand.

The control scheme would work like this:
Basically, whatever is in the Main Hand gets the usual controls. If it’s a gun, then left click is shoot, and right click is aim. If it’s melee, then left click is swing, and right click is block. The Special Action button then becomes the Off Hand. If the Off Hand weapon is a gun, you fire it. If the Off Hand weapon is melee, you do a quick strike with it.

But, Blocking and Aiming/Bracing happen together. If you have one gun and one melee weapon, right click will block with the melee weapon and aim the gun at the same time, regardless of which is in the main hand and which is in the off hand.

If you have two guns, right click will aim both of them, or brace both of them, depending on what the Main Hand is. IE, if you have a laspistol in your main hand and an autopistol in your off hand, you’ll aim down sights when you hold right click, but if you have an autopistol in your main hand and a laspistol in your off hand, you’ll brace the autopistol with your laspistol. If you have two guns, you fire them both by mashing the left click and the special action button at the same time.

Dual melee weapons wouldn’t work like in Vermintide though. You would still mostly be using your main hand. Mashing left and special would still be quite fast though, and possibly faster than swinging just your main weapon. The point of a melee weapon in your off hand is to have something really fast and disruptive.

This system would have some drawbacks of course. Using your off hand weapon takes the place of any special action either weapon would usually have. That means no quick gut punches with the dagger, or alternate strikes with the axe, and most importantly no revving chain weapons or lighting up power swords or force swords.

Blocking wouldn’t change, but dual wielding means heavy attacks are one handed, so they would be less powerful than if you were using only the melee weapon by itself, even if you have two melee weapons. Additionally, you would probably also attack slightly slower with a second weapon in your off hand.

Guns would have some pretty significant penalties though. They would take a hit to accuracy, moreso if in the off hand. They would also take longer to reload, and probably also have significantly reduced ammo capacity.

Being able to carry a second gun would allow for a lot more tactical flexibility (sure would be nice if I could carry a flamer AND a revolver to kill snipers with), but it would do so at the expense of your melee capabilities, so it wouldn’t be obviously a better idea to always pack a sidearm.

Ogryn are unfortunately getting the short end of the stick with this system, since literally all their guns are two handed. But, on the bright side, they would have the shield, and would be able to mix and match basically any melee weapon they want with it.

Oh wait I forgot about the grenade gauntlet, that’s one handed. Shield and grenade gauntlet, that’d kick ass.

While they would reuse models, there is nothing said that they should use the same move pattern. It’s not Skyrim, doing that would either have to have as many variants/weapons as permutation or would just change the models (to not be unsustainable)

Twin Axes and Sword&Maul in VT2 are one of my favourite weapons because they show that Dual weapons are better done in that system, rather than doing them as Skyrim does.
Having their own line up of move sets and being treated as their own weapons instead of Frankenstein system

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okay so, i have some thoughts that i think could improve this idea just a tad.

1-the idea of combining weapons is great but it does seem a tad off, i feel like if you could only combine two of the same ranged weapon, (I.E. two laz pistols, two auto pistols, two revolvers) it’d be much more balanced and easier to implement than doing the saltzpyer deluxe treatment where you can hold a sword in one hand and a gun in the other only to have the gun be mostly unused.

2-i feel like it’d be better if the melee was just in a 3rd slot and was stuck as a knife or a sword until we unlocked one or two other options by leveling up and completing penances and we had a stub pistol in the 2nd and we had to unlock the 1st by getting to a certain level and after getting the first then and only then could we actually use the weapon combo system and it’d only be for certain ones (because it’d be too much to program individual combo’s and how they work) however you could also forgo the 3rd slot system and have the balls to go one gun one melee like how it is now, just giving you complete freedom over your melee weapons but taking your backup gun.

3-nothing, i just wanted to say that you’re a wonderful person and i hope that you have a wonderful day, love you bro, don’t let yourself fall into depression.

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why thank you

True, keeping dual guns confined to two of the same type makes a lot of sense from a design perspective.

Oh but here’s another idea you just gave me: Dual melee could be its own move set that stays the same regardless of what two weapons you pick, distinct from other melee weapons, and which two weapons you’ve got just determines the stats. That way it would feel more like Vermintide’s dual weapons, and you would get to keep the Special Action button available for stuff like revving chainswords.

There is another issue that I just thought of: what happens to perks and blessings when you’re using two weapons at once? First thing that comes to mind is just halving all perk values, IE if your sword has +2 stamina and your pistol has +1 stamina, when both are equipped you get +1.5 stamina. If the two weapons have different perks on them, then you just get half of all four. Another possible drawback to keep in mind when choosing whether or not to dual wield.

Blessings are more complicated though. Maybe the off hand weapon’s blessings just get disabled.

Okay so,
yknow what I think I’m just going to put all this in its own thread brb

For me, I want dual chain-axes for zeolot.

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