Hopes and musings on future weapon additions and customization

I rarely visit the forums, but had to get these off my chest, especially with whatever future patches may bring.
After putting over 100h into the game so far I’ve had some thoughts, or rather hopes and speculations, that I’d like to present your here.
Basis for these weapons are for the most part the few novels I’ve read as well as content from the Fantasy Flight (and Cubicle7) ttrpgs (such as Only War and Dark Heresy 1e/2e).

The details on each weapon are summarised behind the spoilers and more or less based on the existing options following this format:

  • Available to classes
  • Specialisations
  • Percentile Stats
  • Light attack chain / primary action summary
  • Heavy attack chain / secondary action summary
  • Special summary
  • Notes on stats
  • Possible Blessing based on existing ones
  • New blessing idea

Melee Weapons

Force Dagger (alternatively Psykana Mercy Blade)
A small force weapon often in the possession of Astropath, either for self defense or to take out oneself or a fellow psyker succumbing to the perils of their work


Classes: Psyker

  • Force Weapon + Assassin
  • Damage, Finesse, First Target, Mobility, Warp Resistance
    1. Assassin/Strikedown
    1. Relentless
  • S. Warp Charged
    Stats: overall like Catachan Mk III Combat Blade
    Blessings: Blazing Spirit, Bloodthirsty, Executor, Exorcist, Deflector, Haymaker, Lacerate, Mercy Killer, Precognition, Riposte, Ruthless Backstab, Shred

Kineblades (Melee Variant)
A set of hiltless and overall sharp blades made to be used by a telekine psyker, though a techpriest with a ferric lure implant may be able to crudely utilize them
Proposed as melee weapon, but could equally work as ranged weapon (short/medium range), number of blades equal to Special Action ammo


Class: Psyker

  • Flurry + Force Weapon/Multi Purpose
  • Damage, Finesse, First Target, Mobility, Stopping Power
    1. Assassin
    1. Vanguard
  • S. Throw Blade (Projectile)
  • Thrown Blade could return immediately, on active reload or after a few seconds, other attacks suffer reduced damage until returned
    Stats: like Catachan Mk III Combat Blade, only slightly reduced dodge limit and sprint speed
  • May only cause Peril on special attack, base Peril can’t fall below 10%
    Blessings: Bloodthirsty, Executor, Flesh Tearer, Deflector, Lacerate, Mercy Killer, Precognition, Riposte, Shred, Smackdown, Unstable Power

A proper punch of an Ogryn can knock a Grox out, so why not augment their destructive force with a little protection for their fists and to smite heretic into their deserved end


Class: Ogryn (, Preacher)

  • Flurry + Strikedown
  • Critical Bonus, Damage, Finesse, Defense, Mobility
    1. Assassin/Relentless
    1. Strikedown
  • S. Punch/Slap (Vanguard)
    Stats: high number of dodges, dodge distance and sprint speed, also low sprint stamina cost for an Ogryn
    Blessings: Confident Strike, Hammerblow, Haymaker, Skullcrusher, Take a Swing, Tenderizer, Thrust, Unstoppable Force
  • Fisticuffs - Shortens Heavy Melee Attack charge time by 5% with successful heavy attacks (Stacks 5 times)

Power Maul & Shield
Weapons fit for an enforcer, with a protective riot shield and an armor and bone crushing maul (based on Kruber/Bardin’s Hammer and Shield from Vermintide 2).
A Shock Maul may be a good stand in, temporarily causing the effect of the Surge Force Staff


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • Defensive + Power Weapon
  • Damage, Crowd Control, Defenses, Penetration, Power Output
    1. Strikedown
    1. Relentless
  • S. Activate
    Stats: low dodges and dodge limits, high stamina and sprint cost
    Blessings: Brutal Momentum, Confident Strike, Skullcrusher, Thunderstrike, Hammerblow, Trauma, Power Cycler, Deflector
  • Truesilver Gilding - Lasfire, Infested and Boss (warp-weapon) damage reduction on block

Shock Whip
Electricity surges as multiple metallic lashes of this whip hit flesh and clothing, leaving foes temporarily stunned if not resulting in their expiration


Class: Preacher

  • Crowd Control + Versatile
  • Crowd Control, Damage, Finesse, Mobility, Power Output
    1. Assassin
    1. Vanguard
    1. Activate - Causes the next normal or charged attack to cause the stun condition to enemies akin to surge force staff charge attack
      Stats: average dodge and sprint, low stamina since it’ll be hard to block with just this
      Blessings: All or Nothing, Decimator, Lacerate, Power Cycler, Riposte, Ruthless Backstab, Sunder, Supercharge

Slab Sword
A hunk of serrated metal beaten into a sword like shape and fit for an Ogryn who just wants to cleave through the enemies of the Imperium (based on Kruber/Salzpyre’s 2 handed Swords from Vermintide 2)


Class: Ogryn

  • Cleaving Strike + Strikedown
  • Cleave Damage, Damage, First Target, Defenses, First Target
    1. Strikedown
    1. Vanguard
    1. Special Melee Attack - wide range Relentless attack
      Stats: better mobility and dodge stats than the Battle Maul and Slab Shield, but worse defensive stats than the Cleaver
      Blessings: Brutal Momentum, Devastating Strike, Flesh Tearer, Headtaker, Lacerate, Perfect Strike, Rampage, Savage Sweep, Taunting Blow, Wrath

Sword & Shield
More commonly found on feudal worlds, but a mono upgrade to the sword lets it slice through flesh and bone with ease whilst never loosing its edge (based on Kruber’s Sword and Shield from Vermintide 2)
Could alternatively be set up as Powersword and Shield


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • Defensive + Versatile
  • Damage, Crowd Control, Defenses, Cleave Damage, Finesse
    1. Assassin/Vanguard
    1. Relentless
  • S. Special Melee Attack (Shieldbash - strong Stagger)
    Stats: low dodges and dodge limits, high stamina and sprint cost
    Blessings: Brutal Momentum, Confident Strike, Devastating Strike, Wrath, Savage Sweep, Deflector
  • Truesilver Gilding - Lasfire, Infested and Boss (warp-weapon) damage reduction on block

Ranged Weapons

Autopistol & Shield
A ceremonial, storm or riot shield in combination with a type of autopistol, to have a little cover where there is none


Class: Preacher, Veteran

  • Close Combat + Torrent
  • Ammo, Collateral, Damage, Defense, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire - Fully Automatic
  • 2./M2. Defensive Brace - raising the shield and bracing the gun on it
  • S. Special Melee Attack/Push
    Stats: reduced dodged and limit, increased stamina and sprint cost compared to the original
    Blessings: Blaze Away, Cavalcade, Inspiring Barrage, Pinning Fire, Powderburn, Raking Fire, Sustained Fire, Terrifying Barrage, Hit & Run
  • Truesilver Gilding - Lasfire, Infested and Boss (warp-weapon) damage reduction on block

Dual wielded Autopistol
More guns means more bullets, especially when its two Autopistols, the only downsides are the extended reload time and lack of accuracy


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • Rapid Fire + Torrent
  • Ammo, Collateral, Damage, Mobility, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire Fully Automatic
  • 2./M2. Dual Wielded Fully Automatic (minor bracing/aim zoom)
  • S. Torch / Kick
    Stats: like the normal Shredder Autopistol, longer reload speed, little less dodge distance and sprint speed
    Blessings: Blaze Away, Cavalcade, Charmed Reload, Inspiring Barrage, Pinning Fire, Powderburn, Raking Fire, Sustained Fire, Terrifying Barrage

Dual wielded Stub Revolver
Whilst less accurate and harder to reload, pairing two revolvers is just perfect for the aspiring gunslinger (based on Salzpyre pistols in Vermintide 2)


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • High Damage + Mobile
  • Critical Bonus, Damage, Mobility, Penetration, Reload Speed
    1. Hip Fire Semi-Automatic
  • 2./M2. Dual Wielded Semi-automatic (minor bracing/aim zoom)
  • S. Bash
    Stats: like the regular stub revolver, worse general aim, longer reload speed, little less dodge distance and sprint speed
    Blessings: Crucian Roulette (calculated for each revolver separately ?), Gloryhunter, Hand-Cannon, Point Blank, Run’n’Gun, Surgical, Sustained Fire, Terrifying Barrage, Trickshooter

Hand Cannon -or- Bolt Pistol
The heaviest and most destructive option still considered to be a pistol, the recoil is hard to bear even when used in two hands


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • Piercing Shots + Precise/High Damage
  • Damage, Mobility, Reload Speed, Stability, Penetration
    1. Hip Fire Projectile
  • 2./M2. ADS (Aim Down Sights) - Semi-automatic
  • S. Bash/Torch
    Stats: slightly less dodges and higher sprint cost than stub revolver)
    Blessings: Crucian Roulette, Gloryhunter, Hand-cannon, Point Blank, Run’n’Gun, Surgical, Terrifying Barrage, Shattering Impact

Heavy Laspistol & Shield
A ceremonial, storm or roit shield in combination with a type of laspistol, sometimes even employed in combination with a lasgun in the hands of law enforcement or the countless battlefields, to have a little cover where there is none


Class: Preacher, Veteran

  • Versatile/Close Combat + High Capacity
  • Ammo, Damage, Defense, Stability, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire - Semi-Automatic
  • 2./M2. Defensive Brace/ADS (Aim Down Sights) - raising the shield and bracing the gun on it
  • S. Special Melee Attack/Push
    Stats: reduced dodged and limit, increased stamina and sprint cost than original
    Blessings: Between the Eyes, Dumdum, Ghost, Infernus, Raking Fire, Reassuringly Accurate, Hit & Run
  • Truesilver Gilding - Lasfire, Infested and Boss (warp-weapon) damage reduction on block

Kineblades (Ranged variant)
A set of hiltless and overall sharp blades made to be used by a telekine psyker, though a techpriest with a ferric lure implant may be able to crudely utilize them
Proposed as melee weapon, but could equally work as ranged weapon (short/medium range), number of blades equal to Special Action ammo


Class: Psyker

  • Precise + Force Weapon/Multi Purpose
  • Critical Bonus, Damage, Mobility, Quell Speed, Warp Resistance
    1. Blade Throw (Projectile)
  • 2./M2. Blade Fan (Multiple Projectiles)
  • S. Special Melee Attack - Slash (Assassin)
  • Thrown blades could return after a while and one blade should always remain for the special melee attack
    Stats: like Catachan Mk III Combat Blade, high dodge distance and dodge amount unlike other ranged weapons
    Blessings: Flesh Tearer, Focused Channeling, Lacerate, Run’n’Gun, Terrifying Barrage, Transfer Peril, Warp Nexus

Las Carbine
A light cross between the heavy laspistol and the infantry lasgun options, fit for combat in an urban sprawl or tight corridors


Class: Preacher, Psyker, Veteran

  • Burst Fire + High Capacity
  • Ammo, Damage, Mobility, Stability, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire Semi-Automatic
  • 2./M2. ADS (Aim Down Sights) - Semi-Automatic
  • S. Torch
    Stats: in between the heavy laspistol and the infantry lasgun
    Blessings: Between the Eyes, Deadly Accurate, Dumdum, Efficiency, Ghost, Infernus, Headhunter, Raking Fire, Reassuringly Accurate, Run’n’Gun

Whilst lighter and possessing less physical stopping power than its solid projectile counterpart, a multi-laser is just as devastating and accurate as a squad of lasguns.


Class: Ogryn, Veteran

  • High Capacity + Torrent
  • Ammo, Collateral, Damage, Stability, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire Fully Automatic
  • 2./M2. Braced - Fully Automatic
  • S. Bash/Push
    Stats: similar to the twin-linked heavy stubber, slightly less damage, projectiles like the other lasguns
    Blessings: Blaze Away, Ceaseless Barrage, Charmed Reload, Deathsplitter, Falter, Infernus, Inspiring Barrage, Overwhelming Fire, Roaring Advance

Purgatus Crossbow
A combi-weapon favored by the Ordo Hereticus, offering the close combat capabilities of a shotgun and the range of an crossbow.


Class: Preacher, Psyker

  • Close Combat + Multi Purpose
  • Ammo, Damage, Mobility, Stability, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire - Shotgun
  • 2./M2. ADS (Aim Down Sight) - Shotgun
  • S. Reload Crossbow Bolt / Push / Fire Crossbow Bolt during ADS
    Stats: general mobility slightly worse than the lawbringer shotgun, due to the added weight
    Blessings: Deathsplitter, Fire Frenzy, Flechette, Full Bore, Hit & Run, Man-Stopper, No Respite, Pierce, Scattershot, Telescopic Sight
  • Explosive Bolt - Special causes 1-4 Brittle (or Rending) on target and nearby enemies

Sawed-Off Shotgun
While the mechanicus condemn the mutilation of sacred weaponry, they resentfully allow it for the collateral force this weapon offers


Class: Preacher, Veteran

  • Close Combat + Spreadshot
  • Ammo, Damage, Mobility, Stability, Stopping Power
    1. Hip Fire - Shotgun
  • 2./M2. Braced - Semi-Automatic Shotgun
  • S. Bash/Punch
    Stats: compared to lawbringer combat shotgun, increased dodge distance, lower ammo and stamina
    Blessings: Deathsplitter, Fire Frenzy, Flechette, Gun’n’Run, Hit & Run, Man-Stopper, No Respite, Scattershot, Speedload, Terrifying Barrage

Sun Stream Staff
Sending forth a devastating Molten Beam that burns through flesh an ceramite alike, is is only limited by its range and the growing insanity of its user (based on Sienna Beam Staff from Vermintide 2)


Class: Psyker

  • Force Weapon + Precise/Charge Attack
  • Beam Strength/Range (reduced damage fall off at range), Charge Rate, Damage, Quell Speed, Warp Resistance
    1. Staff-Bound Coruscation - Semi-automatic (see Purgatos Force Staff)
  • 2./M2. Staff-Bound Beam
  • S. Strike
    Stats: like the other staffs, bonus damage to any armored targets
    Blessings: Blaze Away, Blazing Spirit, Focused Channeling, Warp Flurry, Warp Nexus

Voidshard Staff
Sending forth bursts of icicles or shards of condensed warp or sending forth a seemingly unending barrage of them is what this staff excels at (based on Kerillian’s Deepwood Staff base attack)


Class: Psyker

  • Force Weapon + Torrent/Charge Attack
  • Charge Rate, Collateral, Damage, Quell Speed, Warp Resistance
    1. Staff-Bound Blaze Bolts - 3 Projectiles
  • 2./M2. Staff-Bound Blaze Bolts - Projectile Barrage (akin to the torrent of a twin-linked heavy stubber)
  • S. Strike
    Stats: like the other staffs
    Blessings: Blaze Away, Focused Channeling, Overwhelming Fire, Roaring Advance, Surge, Sustained Fire, Terrifying Barrage, Warp Flurry, Warp Nexus

Other possible options:
A variety of weapons I don’t want to rule out, but where we either have something similar already or where we are lacking an ingame/story reason to have access to them.

  • Chain Blade/Knife - the special of most/all chain weapons would counteract with a knife’s general mobility.
  • Dual wielded Heavy Lasgun - lack of impact with high accuracy that can’t be properly used and high ammo count.
  • Exotic Weapons (Needler, Graviton, …) - Not very likely for now, but possible as the overall campaign continues.
  • Flails and other medieval weaponry - Not unlikely for melee options, but their effectiveness may vary wildly even with mono, power or other upgrades.
  • Force Staff (for melee) - already used as ranged option for psykers, otherwise it could be an interesting melee option.
  • Other varieties of Force Weapons
  • Power Fist - possible but also a status symbol for commissars or high ranking officer in the Militarum.
  • Other varieties of Power Weapons
  • Twin-Linked Weapons - Rare as of itself and often heavy to the detriment of a strike team.
  • Xenos Weapons (Pulse, Shuriken, Splinter, …) - Not very likely for now, unless more ‘radical’ elements of the inquisition partake in the campaign.

Unlikely to appear weapons:
Weapons I don’t expect to see due to their rarety, possible difficulty to implement or for bein specialist gear unfit for our rejects.

  • Callidus Assassins C’tan Phase Sword - Just too specialized and rare.
  • Combi-Weapons - Full fledged Combi-Weapons would generally feel “too expensive” for mere rejects, not to mention mode switching and independent ammo count may also be problematic to implement.
  • Force Hammer - These are already very rarely seen based on existing lore.
  • Long Las / Sniper rifle - Long or extreme range weapons seem unlikely to appear due to the horde gameplay and generally tight areas.
  • Melta Weapons - These are a little too powerful for our rejects, even considering their general short range and low ammo capacity.

Further weapon customization options
Replaceable Sights:
I’m not sure if irreplaceable sights for the weapons are anything but an aesthetic choice for each weapon, so some options would be great

  • Back of the gun (no sight) - As seen on some of the hellbore lasguns.
  • Iron Sights Variants - As seen on the braced/infantry autoguns, recon lasguns or lawbringer shotgun.
  • Holographic Sight Variants - As seen on the heavy laspistol.
  • Photo Sight - A night vision sight or scope to pierce possible darkness.
  • Preysense Sight - A thermal sight, showing enemy outlines without improving light levels.
  • Red-Dot Sight Variants - As seen on the variety of lasguns.
  • Telescopic Sight - A simple scope.
  • Summary

    (Omni-Sight - Not fit for the game as it combines the red-dot, telescopic, photo and preysense sight.)

Alternative/Replaceable Special Actions:
I’m sure there are balance reasons for the specific special actions on each gun, but in a variety of cases they could be swapable to different options.

  • Auxiliary Grenade Launcher (Frag) - Single grenade launcher, lesser version of Lorenz MK VI Rumbler, takes large percentage of general ammo.
  • Auxiliary Grenade Launcher (Stumm) - Single grenade launcher, lesser version of Lorenz MK VI Rumbler, takes large percentage of general ammo.
  • Bayonet - Allows stabbing akin to the Lucius Helbor Lasguns.
  • Bayonet Axe - For sturdier/braced weapons, allows a strikedown attack.
  • Chain Bayonet - Rev followed by a swing, replicating the Assault Chainswords attack after activating.
  • Exterminator - Short flamer burst or stream, reloads slowly over time.
  • Punch / Kick - Simple melee attack with limited effect.
  • Torch - Let there be light.
  • Underslung Shotgun - Single sawed-off shotgun blast, reloads as additional special action, takes percentage of general ammo.
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I remember an extract some when Eisenhorne got jumped by some twists and thought how mutants would make an interesting faction of foes for our heroes, but would like to see some weapon variety along these lines:

A massive, spiked weapon sailed through the space our
heads had just been occupying and connected with nothing
but air.
The runt who had waylaid us uttered quite the most
obscene series of curses I have ever, ever heard and dived
on me. He had a double-headed dagger with a nurled hand-
> guard.
I caught his upflung wrist as he made to gouge at me,
broke his elbow and kicked him through a nearby fence
while he was still screaming in pain.
‘Boss! Move!’ I heard Nayl sing out and I rolled hard aside
in the mud as the spiked weapon slammed down into the
> mire.
> It was a thick length of timber with dozens of nails and
> knife blades hammered through it.
The friendly end of it was held by two amazingly large
paws. The paws belonged to a hulk, a two hundred kilo
monster covered with blistered fish-scales and bony scutes.
It wore only a pair of ragged blue trousers held in place
around its midriff, almost comically, by a pair of red braces.
It swung the spike-post at me again, and I had to dive and
shoulder-roll to escape it.
Nayl was going toe-to-toe with two others: a snouted
female in black leather whose mouth and nose were
hideously combined into one drooling, snarling organ, and
a tall, thin male with a face peculiarly distorted by bone
and gristle.
The female had a reaping sickle in each hand, and the tall
male was armed with a mace made out of a reinforced strut
> toothed with the rusting blades of two wood saws.
Nayl had drawn his serrated shortsword and duelling knife
and was fending off thrusts and strikes from both of them.
A power sword, a boltgun, a lascarbine… they would all
have finished this unnecessary encounter fast enough.

That’s a little off topic since I’m only talking/writing about weapons for the player characters, but i can definetly see mutants of varying kind as addition to the Dreg roster or as a general or a mission Boss with regeneration instead of a shield.

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