Psyker needs a Blaze Force Dagger

… Or that any bleed stack is converted to Soulblaze.

I love the Soulblaze centric melee Psyker, it’s even encouraged by the right side of the tree. But there’s no fast melee option for this, like Zealot’s knife bleed synergy.

Plus Psyker being a glass cannon would make total sense for some Sacrificial Dagger. Also fits W40K lore completely.


Alternatively, they could rework the existing knives to have cool force specials and swap the bleed blessings for soulblaze. I would love more weapons to act differently in the hands of a psyker. Because space magic.


Yeah a force backstab would be pretty cool :slight_smile:


I will always stick to Two-Handeds like the Blaze Force Greatswords. However, I know for a fact that a lot of my friends would go absolutely rabid over these Blaze Force Daggers. They really would not be my thing, but my verdict is definitely that of wholehearted support.

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Strong agree, like how the Heavy Laspistols on Psyker have a Force Push instead of a standard one.

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Yeah 100% there should always be more custom psyker weapon animations/functions.


Force Daggers exist in the lore, so they might well get added at some point.

We might get Force Axes and Force Staves (Melee) first, though.