Psyka needs some more force weapons

Force Spear/Force Glaive, with animations from Vermintide.
Force Axe is another obvious, yet kinda boring, yet kinda easy addition.
But I’d really like them to think outside the box.
What about Force Butterfly Swords?

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What if it would be some melee flying dagger/short sword that psyker controls with psy powers, attacks would be like some fancy gestures and weapon flying and spinning slashing enemies

edit: oh, and some nice special attack that will make weapon act like circular saw or something :stuck_out_tongue:


It would be nice, but I would prefer if they made the present force swords less scuffed to use also. Actual force special attacks on 2 out of 3 force swords are virtually pointless.


Agreed its kinda mid at best

What up my psyka


Just like power swords, would be better if both power swords were “powered up for a set duration”, the actual damage buffs they recieved could be reworked so they’re balanced

There is something in lore called Kine Blades. They are physical blades, specifically made to be handled by psykers. I imagine you would get two of them, and that you would have reach and attack speed on your side, but lack in armor piercing, but have good single target damage on one mark, and horde clear on another. Maybe the specials could reflect that as well, the area aoe buzz saw you mentioned, and then a long range stab with the two knives.


I want force knife. If this exists.

Lorewise it would exist, model/stat wise it doesn’t. There is the Psykana Mercy Blade (which is supposed to be used to kill oneself in risk of possession) which could be used as basis for one I suppose.

Tbh, I’m more interested in different melee weapon than just more Force.

Biomantic (1h) Swords: Taking Sienna’s Firesword but making it set around Hammerhand and Bio-lightning instead of fire.

Aetheric Sword: Not sure how it would be best portrayed.

What is a Butterfly sword ?

This ?

Would it be Dual Force Swords ? If so, would there need for new models ? Instead of just pairing the current one with itself.

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For me its not limited to knife, but i cant refuse myself in using knifes due to its great mobility and dodge distance.

And if there is possibility to have knife with forse (illisi like) special - it would be great.

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There’s also a power in the telekinetic school that allows the psyker to project a blade of pure force that can cut through anything. The main drawback with that is that you have to concentrate on projecting it, and you can’t use that blade defensively to block or parry (although you can attempt to disarm). It’ll certainly be a unique weapon.

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Force sword needs a total overhaul…the lack of mobility makes no sense for a Psyker exclusive now that they poached Dueling Sword. I don’t care about infinite dodges but they shouldn’t be in the Thunderhammer range.

And yeah some level of staff would be appreciated, like with totally different moves because the old cane routine and staff bolt is done to death…


Sure, the problem is that force swords actually have a resource you have to manage, peril. Power swords do not, and I can already see the rage post if Fatshark has introduce one to manage. Sadly Warhammer lore doesnt translate here well.

I doubt any of our reject operatives would get access to such rare weaponry, but then its a 40k game, so we “gotta have it”.

Again, reject we may have been, but we’re also members of an Inquisitorial Warband and they are giving us access to what they can find, make or steal, reject or not.

FS special attack should as it is always instakill an ogryn crusher.
It should also do large dmg in all ticks so you dont have to wait for the last tick.
All weapons should work like this, as even if you can dodge out of chain/fs they are still weak compared to just … you know … ONE SHOTING the enemy with dueling sword or knife

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