Force Sword - Change the special attack

The force sword special lasts like 2 seconds, causes basically a brain burst but doesnt build a warp charge and is slow to fire. Its boring.

It should be a permanent buff that adds X amount of warp damage to light attacks with a chance to cause soulblaze and triggers the brain burst instantly on charged heavy attacks that then consume the effect and creates a warp charge. The force sword is hilariously weak, sometimes taking 3-6(!) light attacks to kill a poxwalker when not hitting the head, its angle of attacks makes it fairly useless to attack multiple targets and the special takes ages to fire off while building lots of peril.


personally i think they should just let the Force sword add a warp charge, on its special kill, after all its special attack is called Warp Charged,


Good suggestion imho, atm for warp charge upkeep I am just running with Duelling Sword and Kinetic Flayer. This is Libra… Psykers signature weapon, so it should be as strong as the ones for other classes, in my view.

I like the idea of the Psyker swords gaining a boost to damage from light attacks, with a brain burst on a heavy. This makes sense to me, and covers for some of the weaknesses of the Psyker.

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In the Eisenhorn books the force sword is basically a powersword with warp power instead of whatever runs a powersword.

Would rather have a powersword with psyker push. And just leave it on, let the special be a parry or some such.

Also can we UNNERF the force sword push? It’s been nerfed to heck.

yes and no, warp based attacks are much more lethal to warp based entities so a psikic weapon is way more scary for deamons.

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I’d buy that on the demons. Mostly I remember Eisenhorn’s force sword that he was suppose to take home but ended up keeping. Used it in that dual with the guy who had the chainsword, Arnault Tantalid , Witch Hunter of the Ecclesiarchy.

Destroyed the chainsword. Kind of sad, chainsword was a relic. Force sword was named “Barbarisater” but ended up being altered. Need to hit that book again… but I have Gaunt’s Ghosts on the mind.

Even so, force sword ought to be a lot more impressive, even ones that aren’t master crafted.

I like the special on the force sword. The problem with it is not how it works, but that it doesn’t do enough damage on high difficulties to be worth going through all the trouble.

It’s just a simple case of: “If it doesn’t kill in one hit it’s not worth doing”.

I find the force sword boring to play, I would hope they would give the psyker alternative force weapons.
Also let us vent with any equipped weapons.

Bah, who am I kidding, current psyker is clunky and boring to play as whole.

Why exactly was the class completely neutered since closed beta is a mystery.

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I get having vent be a ‘force weapon’ only thing, or at a minimum just ‘improved significantly’ but the flip is there should be more options.

We had an amazing force weapon in Deathwing, and didn’t need to vent, we just had a set cooldown for abilities. Pity Deathwing didn’t get good lobby support or a lot of other things it needed, was a gorgeous game.

The force sword is indeed hot garbage. The only thing that makes it worth (sometimes) using is if you get one with the deflector trait. That’s it. The light attacks do very, very little damage on top of laughable pattern & cleave - and the special attack locks you into a very dangerous and very long animation, for not nearly enough damage.


How was it nerfed ? The push attack knocks down Maulers at the cost of 4% Peril… Even I, for all the love I’m lacking for the Psyker, have to recognize the stagger on this is impressive.
That being said, I agree it doesn’t feel great. I feel like the push/push attack’s angles or stagger cleave or something along those lines is a little low ; the effect on enemies doesn’t match the visual effects on my screen, it’s not as great at making space as I expect it to be.
Speaking of visual effects, the blocking ‘shield’ animation is nice but it also blocks a lot of vision.

They greatly nerfed the range and cone of the push attack, making it super short range single target, when it used to be a serious push.


Yeah that makes sense then.

The force sword special attack should last until you quell.
As it is, it’s basically useless. A bit like the psyker in the current state for endgame.

Current force sword special gives you stagger and heavy damage on single target in melee. That’s exactly what psyker lacks in sooo… It’s good as it is.

Could give warp charge. That’s all the changes it needs IMO. Very useful on heresy+

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Careful what you wish for everyone. The last time around people complained about the push costing too much peril and they eliminate the big AoE push, and the weapon lost a lot of utility.

Currently - I LOVE the force sword special attack.

Sure, it could generate a warp charge, but regardless the special attack is amazing for doing damage through armor, you can catch dogs with it mid leap. It will one shot Mutants (you can dodge and stab them as they run past you). It’s incredible for killing elites and specials in close combat. I don’t know what you all are complaining about. It’s is one of the best pieces of the psykers kit currently.

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There was literally a thread complaining the force sword is too op. I only just got one and it seems good to me. If you charge it then it does massive damage.

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Yeah, the charge damage is enormous. There are other things we could tweak about the force sword, but it’s special attack is not one of them IMHO. Great damage and super thematic too and in-line with the table top game.

Force sword also has unlimited dodge, which is also amazing.

Sure, it’s normal attack strength alone isnt huge, but you can take perks and get it to have 25%+ boost to attack damage. I have one with Slaughter on it (+7.5% damage for 2s on kill and stacks up to five times) and during a horde it turns into a blender.

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Mine can’t stagger a poxer unless I am close enough to kiss it.